Finding Combinations for Giving Bonuses to Employees

In summary, the conversation is discussing the ways in which a manager can distribute Rs.1000 among his five employees in such a way that each employee receives at least Rs.50 and the amount is given in integral amounts of rupees. The conversation also involves finding a formula for the number of possible combinations. One person suggests simplifying the problem by distributing 49 rupees to each employee and finding the number of combinations of 5 numbers greater than or equal to 1 that total 755. They also suggest searching the internet for a more general solution to the problem. However, the need to prove the formula given is still present.
  • #1
A manager has Rs.1000 from which he has to give a bonus to his five employees by following a condition that every employee must get atleast Rs.50 and every employee must be given integral amount of Rupees. in how many ways can he do it?
Since them manager has to give Rs.1000 to his employees, the amount last employee is fixed once the amount to other four are fixed. So it is the number of ways in which that amount can be given to the first four employees.
Now the four employees as a whole should get a minimum of Rs.200. in this case there is only one condition of distributing the amount among the four employees. If the total is Rs.201, then one of the employee gets Rs.51 and thus there are 4 conditions depending on to whom the extra amount is given. Thus the total of two conditions becomes 5. When the total becomes Rs.202, there can be 4 conditions with anyone of them getting Rs.52 and 6 conditions with any two of them getting Rs.51. thus the total becomes 15 if they have to be given utmost Rs.203.
Now I tried to find a relation between the numbers. I found that 1 in the first case is 4!/4!*0!. The 5 in next case is 5!/4!*1!. The fifteen in the next case is 6!/4!*2!. The next case also gives 35 which is again easy to verify and the formula also works as 7!/4!*3!. Thus they should be given utmost Rs.950 which happens to be the case 751st case and hence the answer should be 754!/4!*750!.
The need is to prove. So I have to support the formula given with statements. The first case is combination to four things taken all four at a time and the four objects are four sets of Rs.50. In the next case the fifth set is a set of Rs.51. And now since the sets of Rs.50 are considered as four different sets, the combination of which person should get Rs.51 also gets verified. Now in the third case there is a one more case of Rs.52. If any combination now contains Rs.51 as well as Rs.52, the set Rs.52 will become Rs.51 to make the total sum the same and thus the number of possible combinations will also not change. But when the total sum becomes Rs.950, the need is to prove that still the number of combinations will be same. Thus it is needed to prove that the combination of high amount will be adequately replaced by multiple usage of certain small amount sets. Can anybody help how to prove it?
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  • #2
ruppes is Indian currency. Rs is written before it as a standard shortcut.
  • #3
Possibly simplify?

I'm not exactly sure how to prove your results.
Since each employee must receive at least 50 ruppes,
could you start with the assumption that each has 50, and change the problem to one of the number of combinations of 5 integers greater than or equal to zero. Or, to avoid counting the case when people receive 0 extra ruppes, distribute 49 ruppes to each person, and find the number of combinations of 5 numbers >=1 which total 755?

After this simplification, you may be able to search the internet or textbooks for a more general solution which you can adapt.
  • #4
Your method is as same asmy mthod and has the same complications. the only difference is that allthe sets in my method is subtracted by 50.
i didn't understand what you meant by searching net?
does net provide such solutions? pls specify

FAQ: Finding Combinations for Giving Bonuses to Employees

1. How many combinations can be made from a set of elements?

The number of combinations that can be made from a set of elements is determined by the formula nCr = n! / r!(n-r)!, where n is the total number of elements and r is the number of elements chosen at a time. For example, if you have a set of 6 elements and you want to choose 3 at a time, the number of combinations would be 20.

2. How does the order of elements affect the number of combinations?

The order of elements does not affect the number of combinations. For example, choosing 3 elements from a set of 6 will result in the same number of combinations whether you choose them in a specific order or not.

3. Can the same element be used more than once in a combination?

Yes, the same element can be used more than once in a combination. This is known as repetition or replacement. The formula for combinations with repetition is (n+r-1)Cr, where n is the number of elements and r is the number of elements chosen at a time.

4. How many combinations can be made if there are duplicates in the set of elements?

If there are duplicates in the set of elements, the number of combinations can be found using the formula n! / (n1! * n2! * ... * nk!), where n is the total number of elements and n1, n2, etc. are the number of duplicates for each element. For example, if you have a set of 5 elements with 2 duplicates, the number of combinations would be 5! / (2! * 2!) = 30.

5. What is the difference between combinations and permutations?

Combinations are the different ways of selecting a group of elements from a larger set without considering the order of the elements. Permutations, on the other hand, take into account the order of the elements in the group. This means that the number of permutations will always be greater than or equal to the number of combinations for the same set of elements.

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