Finding Conserved Quantities for Analytical Mechanics Exam Questions

In summary, Joris found that the only conserved quantity in the first two Hamiltonians is the Hamiltonian itself, and the second Hamiltonian does not seem to make sense. He is unsure of what to do about it and may come back to it later.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am preparing for my "second chance exam" in analytical mechanics.
It is a graduate course i.e. based on geometry. (Our course notes are roughly based on Arnold's book).

I was able to find some old exam questions and one of those has me stumped, completely.
The question gives 3 general Hamiltonians, no details whatsoever and asks to find as many conserved quantities as possible.
*Warning* The second one really hurts my brain.

##\mathcal{H}_1 = \mathcal{H}_1\left( f_1(q^1,p_1), \ldots, f_N(q^N,p_N)\right)##
##\mathcal{H}_2 = g_N( g_{N-1}(\ldots g_2(g_1(q^1,p_1),q^2,p_2)\ldots ,q^{N-1},p_{N-1}),q^N,p_N)##
##\mathcal{H}_3 = \sum_{i=1}^N \left(\dot{q}^i(t)\right)^2+V\left( \sum_{i=1}^N \left(q^i(t)\right)^2\right)##

Hamiltonian (1) isn't terribly complicated at first sight, however without further information about the functions ##f_i## I'm not sure what I can deduce. As far as I can tell, I cannot claim anything to be conserved except the Hamiltonian itself. (Which is easy to see because there is no explicit time-dependence so ##dH_1/dt = \{H,H\} = 0##)

The second Hamiltonian, I don't even understand why the instructor would do such a thing to us. It is horrible and unless someone knows a neat trick or has some cool information about this, I suggest we all pretend that doesn't exist. My guess is that only the conservation of the Hamiltonian follows from this, once again.

Definition (3) seems like a nice expression. But there is a strange thing going on here, we have ##\dot{q}^i## in there but no generalized moments.
I could state that the moments are cyclic but that would be a trap I think.
This Hamiltonian hasn't been "fully transformed" from the Lagrangian.
I believe the "real" Hamiltonian might be invariant under rotations in the coordinates ##\vec{q}##.
My (very short and vague) motivation is that the positions appear squared only, no mixing either.

So does anybody have some general remarks/ideas/resources to help me with this kind of stuff?

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  • #2
So I made some 'progress', the first 2 are definitely based on the use of (time independent) Hamilton-Jacobi.
Even though this is not much to go by, I suppose it might help some people with the same problems.

I might come back to this later and go into some detail if I can find the time.
  • #3
JorisL said:
Hi all,

##\mathcal{H}_1 = \mathcal{H}_1\left( f_1(q^1,p_1), \ldots, f_N(q^N,p_N)\right)##

[tex]\dot{ f }_{ i } = \{ H , f_{ i } \} = \sum_{ n = 1 }^{ N } \left( \frac{ \partial H }{ \partial p^{ n } } \frac{ \partial f_{ i } }{ \partial q_{ n } } - \frac{ \partial H }{ \partial q_{ n } } \frac{ \partial f_{ i } }{ \partial p^{ n } } \right) .[/tex]
Then, use
[tex]\frac{ \partial f_{ i } }{ \partial q^{ n } } = \frac{ \partial f_{ i } }{ \partial p^{ n } } = 0 , \ \ \mbox{ for all } \ n \neq i .[/tex]

##\mathcal{H}_2 = g_N( g_{N-1}(\ldots g_2(g_1(q^1,p_1),q^2,p_2)\ldots ,q^{N-1},p_{N-1}),q^N,p_N)##

Try to calculate
[tex]\dot{ g }_{ 1 } = \{ H , g_{ 1 } \} .[/tex]

##\mathcal{H}_3 = \sum_{i=1}^N \left(\dot{q}^i(t)\right)^2+V\left( \sum_{i=1}^N \left(q^i(t)\right)^2\right)##

Nothing prevent you from setting [itex]\dot{ q }^{ i } = p^{ i }[/itex]. Then, you can show that the orbital angular momentum is conserved
[tex]\frac{ d L_{ i } }{ d t } = \{ H , \epsilon_{ i j k } q^{ j } p^{ k } \} = 0 .[/tex]

FAQ: Finding Conserved Quantities for Analytical Mechanics Exam Questions

What is analytical mechanics?

Analytical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of particles and systems of particles using mathematical methods, such as calculus and differential equations. It is based on principles of classical mechanics and is often used to describe the behavior of physical systems in a variety of fields, including engineering and astronomy.

Why is it important to find conserved quantities in analytical mechanics?

Conserved quantities are physical quantities that remain constant over time, even as a system undergoes changes or interactions. In analytical mechanics, finding these conserved quantities can help us better understand the behavior of a system and make predictions about its future motion. They also provide a useful tool for simplifying complex systems and solving difficult problems.

What are some examples of conserved quantities in analytical mechanics?

Some common examples of conserved quantities in analytical mechanics include energy, momentum, and angular momentum. These quantities are conserved because of the fundamental laws of physics, such as the law of conservation of energy and Newton's laws of motion. Other conserved quantities may depend on the specific system being studied, such as the total mass or charge of a system.

How do you determine the conserved quantities for a given system in analytical mechanics?

Determining the conserved quantities for a system in analytical mechanics involves using mathematical techniques, such as Lagrange's equations or Hamilton's equations, to analyze the system's motion and identify quantities that remain constant. This often involves setting up and solving differential equations to find these conserved quantities.

What are some real-life applications of using conserved quantities in analytical mechanics?

Conserved quantities in analytical mechanics have numerous applications in real-life situations. For example, they are used in engineering to design efficient and stable structures, in astronomy to study the motion of celestial bodies, and in physics research to understand the behavior of particles at a microscopic level. They also play a crucial role in the development of technologies such as satellites and spacecraft.

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