Finding distribution by using mgf(moment generating function)

In summary: P.S. I am still unsure about the rest of the question.In summary, the mgf of a_i*X_i is exp[alpha_i*{exp(a_i*t)-1}].
  • #1
i have X_1,X_2,...X_n independant poisson-distributed variables with parameters: alfa_i and i=1,...k(unsure about this. however says so in the excercise)

i am supposed to find the distribution of
Y= SUM(from 1 to n) a_i*X_i where a_i>0

maybe one could use the "poisson paradigm" by thinking of each variable as a trial with p_i as the chance for success. so that

E[e^tX_i]=1+p_i(e^t - 1)


E[e^tX] is approximately
(product from i=1 to n) EXP{p_i(e^t - 1)

the problem is the a_i part. how do i find the mfg of Y?
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  • #2
I'll go with MathWorld notation.

[tex]P_\nu(n)=\nu^n e^{-\nu}/n![/tex]

MGF of Y is defined as [itex]m(t)=\sum_y e^{ty}f_Y(y)[/itex] where fY is the pdf of Y. It seems to me that you first need to derive fY with brute force then substitute it in the MGF formula.

In general, fY will not be a Poisson pdf.

P.S. For large [itex]\nu[/itex] (that's your alfa BTW), [itex]P_\nu[/itex] can be approximated as a normal pdf with mean = standard dev. = [itex]\nu[/itex]. If you use that approximation, then Y itself will be normal.
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  • #3
got some help and this is what i have so far.

m(t; X_i) = exp[alpha_i*(exp(t)-1)].

The mgf of a_i*X_i is

m(t; a_i*X_i) = m(t*a_i; X_i) = exp[alpha_i*{exp(a_i*t)-1}].

The mfg of Y is

m(t; Y) = PROD[m(t; a_i*X_i)] = exp[SUM{alpha_i*(exp(a_i*t)-1)}].

the problem is now to say what distribution Y is...
  • #4
Excuse me, why isn't m(t; Y) = PROD[m(t; a_i*X_i)] = exp[SUM{alpha_i*(exp(a_i*t)-1)}] the answer to the problem?
  • #5
EnumaElish said:
Excuse me, why isn't m(t; Y) = PROD[m(t; a_i*X_i)] = exp[SUM{alpha_i*(exp(a_i*t)-1)}] the answer to the problem?

i don't know. is the mgf also the distribution...?

the exercise asked us to find the distribution of Y, by finding the mgf of Y.
  • #6
[tex]E(e^{t\sum X_i})=\prod_{i}E(e^{t X_i})=e^{(e^t-1)(\lambda_1+..\lambda_n)}[/tex]
Hence the resultant distribution is poisson with poisson parameter
which is given by
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  • #7
You left the weights [itex]\alpha_i[/itex] out of the definition of Y.

P.S. Balakrishnan, you have labeled the Poisson parameter once [itex]\lambda[/itex] and once [itex]\alpha[/itex]. The [itex]\alpha[/itex] labels are prone to confusion as the OP used [itex]\alpha[/itex] for sum weights.
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  • #8
grimster said:
i don't know. is the mgf also the distribution...?

the exercise asked us to find the distribution of Y, by finding the mgf of Y.
Excuse me, you're right. MGF is definitely not the pdf.
  • #9
balakrishnan_v said:
[tex]E(e^{t\sum X_i})=\prod_{i}E(e^{t X_i})=e^{(e^t-1)(\lambda_1+..\lambda_n)}[/tex]
Hence the resultant distribution is poisson with poisson parameter
which is given by

[tex] $E(e^{tY})=\prod_{i}E(e^{ta_{i}X_{i}})=e^{\sum_{i}\left( e^{a_{i}t}-1\right) \left( \lambda _{i}\right) }$ [/tex]

this is what i found the the MGF of Y to be. how do i know what the distribution of Y is?
  • #10
As I have posted above, I would use "brute force" (in Arabic, al jabr) to derive Y's pdf. Then see whether or how it also can be obtained from the MGF by comparing the MGF and the pdf formulas.
  • #11
EnumaElish said:
As I have posted above, I would use "brute force" (in Arabic, al jabr) to derive Y's pdf. Then see whether or how it also can be obtained from the MGF by comparing the MGF and the pdf formulas.

ok, but how do i do that then? how do i find the pdf of x_i*a_i ?

FAQ: Finding distribution by using mgf(moment generating function)

What is a moment generating function (MGF)?

A moment generating function is a mathematical tool used to find the probability distribution of a random variable. It is defined as the expected value of e^tx, where t is a variable and x is the random variable.

How do you use MGF to find the distribution of a random variable?

To find the distribution of a random variable using MGF, you first need to find the MGF of the random variable. Then, you can use the properties of MGF to match it with known MGFs of common distributions, such as the normal or exponential distribution.

What are the assumptions when using MGF to find a distribution?

One of the main assumptions is that the MGF of the random variable must exist and be finite for all values of t. Additionally, the MGF must be defined in a neighborhood of t=0.

Can MGF be used for all distributions?

No, MGF can only be used for distributions that have a finite MGF. Some distributions, such as the Cauchy distribution, do not have a finite MGF and thus cannot be found using this method.

Why is MGF useful in finding distributions?

MGF allows for a systematic and efficient way to find the distribution of a random variable. It also has the advantage of being able to find the distribution of a sum of independent random variables, which is useful in many statistical applications.
