Finding EQ of Motion for Systems of Particles

  • Thread starter K.J.Healey
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In summary, the potential between two particles in particle physics is usually found through a multi-step process involving calculations in Born approximation and Fourier transforms. The type of force that is typically studied is mediated by gauge bosons, and the interaction between particles can be represented by a tree level Feynman diagram. To relate this to semi-classical mechanics, first-quantization is necessary.
  • #1
This is not homework; I'm currently in my first particle physics course (survey) and I had a question.
Suppose you have some Lagrangian describing a system. Let's say two electrons, with an interaction. How would you go about finding say, the "force" on either particle, or the potential. Even in approximation? What method should I even begin to learn about?

I guess my problem is I understand what's in these density equations, but how do we convert that to anything usable, for things as simple as two electrons? So I'm looking for more methods, than description of the system.
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  • #2
"force" is very little used in particle physics.
The "potential" between two particles is usually found by a circuitous route.
First the scattering amplitude is calculated in Born approximation.
Then the potential is taken to be the Fourier transform of the scattering amplitude.
For instance, the scattering amplitude for two electrons is A~e^2/q^2.
Its Fourier transform is V~e^2/r.
  • #3
For a good discussion, see the textbook by Zee. In any case, the type of force that you're thinking of is (usually) mediated through by gauge bosons (e.g. photon), and the two particles interact by exchange of such a boson. The tree level Feynman diagram (meaning, no loops) is essentially just the propagator of the photon, and this is, as pam said, [tex]\sim \tfrac{1}{q^2}[/tex] where [tex]q[/tex] is the momentum.

Also, as pam said, to relate this amplitude to semi-classical mechanics, you need to do some first-quantization. In ordinary quantum mechanics, you can solve scattering problems perturbatively using the Born approximation. There the first term in the amplitude is simply the Fourier transform of the intermediate propagator. If you don't mind some math, here is a quick derivation of the Born approximation: along with a scattering calculation for a Yukawa [tex]\tfrac{e^{-\mu r}}{r}[/tex] type potential . In the last example you'll see the "photon" propagator pop out at the end, at which point you can make contact with field theory.
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FAQ: Finding EQ of Motion for Systems of Particles

1. What is the equation of motion for a system of particles?

The equation of motion for a system of particles is Newton's second law, which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. This can be written as F=ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration.

2. How do you find the equation of motion for a system of particles?

To find the equation of motion for a system of particles, you need to first identify all the forces acting on the system. Then, use Newton's second law to write an equation for the net force acting on the system. Finally, solve for the acceleration to obtain the equation of motion.

3. Can the equation of motion be used for both linear and rotational motion?

Yes, the equation of motion can be used for both linear and rotational motion. For linear motion, the equation is F=ma, while for rotational motion, it is τ=Iα, where τ is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, and α is the angular acceleration.

4. How does the equation of motion change for a system of particles with varying masses?

If a system of particles has varying masses, the equation of motion can be written as F=∑miai, where ∑mi is the sum of the masses of all the particles in the system and ai is the acceleration of each particle. This takes into account the individual masses of each particle and their corresponding accelerations.

5. Can the equation of motion be used for systems with more than two particles?

Yes, the equation of motion can be used for systems with more than two particles. In this case, the equation would be F=∑mi∑ai, where ∑mi is the sum of the masses of all the particles in the system and ∑ai is the sum of the accelerations of each particle. This takes into account the motion of all particles in the system.

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