Finding fixed points non-algebraically

In summary: any different method for determining which point is attracting and repelling without explicitly finding the points?
  • #1

Homework Statement

let f = [itex]\mu[/itex]ex
let 0 < [itex]\mu[/itex] < 1/e

Show that f has two fixed points q and p with q < p

Homework Equations

a fixed point p is a point such that f(p) = p

The Attempt at a Solution

solving f(x) = x:
f(x) - x = 0
[itex]\mu[/itex]ex - x = 0

Now I want to take logarithms but ln(0) is undefined.

This is the 'normal', algebraic way of solving for fixed points. Is there another way to solve for fixed points? I tried looking at the derivatives based on a suggestion but f'(x) = f(x) which doesn't tell me very much, and I also tried iterating the function, but it just seems to get messy (ie f(f(x)) = [itex]\mu[/itex]e[itex]\mu[/itex]ex )

Any suggestions for finding fixed points would be helpful. I would prefer not to use the Newton-raphson method to find a root of g(x) = f(x) - x, so if there are any other strategies please let me know
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  • #2
Let g(x)=f(x)-x. A fixed point of f is a zero of g. Now try using the intermediate value theorem.
  • #3
If you solve ##\mu e^x = x## for ##\mu## you get ##\mu = xe^{-x}##. What are the min and max values of ##xe^{-x}## for ##x\ge 0##? And if you can conclude there is one fixed point and the slopes aren't equal there, the graphs of ##x## and ##xe^{-x}## must cross. Then maybe you can get the other crossing by a concavity argument. Your post doesn't say you must calculate the crossings, just show they exist.
  • #4
morphism and LCKurtz thanks for the replies.

Gonna try IVT in a few minutes then ill update, but for LCKurtz suggestion:

Im not really sure what you mean. I found the max of x*e^-x to be 1/e at x = 1 and the min to be 0 at x = 0 (which is what we would expect, given the statement 0<mu<1/e). I am not sure how this ties in with:

LCKurtz said:
And if you can conclude there is one fixed point and the slopes aren't equal there, the graphs of ##x## and ##xe^{-x}## must cross. Then maybe you can get the other crossing by a concavity argument.

the slopes of x and x*e^-x? So if I can find one fixed point of mu*e^x then I can use the fact that the slopes of mu = x*e^-x and x are not equal to conclude that the graphs will cross again and therefore there will be another fixed point? I am having trouble understanding because mu is the parameter and I thought we wanted to look at the original function mu*e^x for varying mu, not solving for mu explicitly, or does it not make a difference?

Thanks for the help
  • #5
Okay, I determined a solution using IVT, thanks for the tip morphism. There is another part of the question that asks which point is attracting and which is repelling, and to do this part I want to use a theorem that says if the value of the derivative at a fixed point is <1 then the point is attracting; if it is greater than 1 it is repelling. To do this I need to find the points explicitly.

How would I go about doing that as the IVT doesn't give me anything more than the existence of points, and any other method I can think of to do this would involve Newton method. Should I just use Newton method in this case?

edit: Okay I am stupid, just realized Newton method will approximate the answers for me, but I still need to find them explicitly if I want to use the theorem i quoted. Any ideas on how to find these fixed points? or better yet any different method for determining which point is attracting and repelling without explicitly finding the points? I can use a graphical argument but would prefer to have a mathematical one if possible
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  • #6
razmtaz said:
Okay, I determined a solution using IVT, thanks for the tip morphism. There is another part of the question that asks which point is attracting and which is repelling, and to do this part I want to use a theorem that says if the value of the derivative at a fixed point is <1 then the point is attracting; if it is greater than 1 it is repelling. To do this I need to find the points explicitly.

How would I go about doing that as the IVT doesn't give me anything more than the existence of points, and any other method I can think of to do this would involve Newton method. Should I just use Newton method in this case?

edit: Okay I am stupid, just realized Newton method will approximate the answers for me, but I still need to find them explicitly if I want to use the theorem i quoted. Any ideas on how to find these fixed points? or better yet any different method for determining which point is attracting and repelling without explicitly finding the points? I can use a graphical argument but would prefer to have a mathematical one if possible

Nah. I would look at it this way. The fixed points are where [itex]g(x)=\mu e^x - x=0[/itex]. g(x) has a negative minimum at [itex]x_0 = log(\frac{1}{\mu})[/itex] and approaches [itex]\mu[/itex] as x->0 and infinity as x->infinity. Sketch a graph. So there are two zeros. One is at an x value less than [itex]x_0[/itex] and one is greater. What's [itex]f'(x_0)[/itex]? What can you say about the derivatives at the two zeros?
  • #7
Thanks for the reply Dick.

So if I am understanding you we have a minimum between the two zeroes, at ln(1/mu), and the value of the derivative of mu*e^x at this point is 1; Since we have two values on either side of this point which are higher than it, we can say the following about the derivative:

For the fixed point to the left of the minimum the derivative will have negative slope (since the graph of f is higher/larger at this point). Similarly for the zero to the right it will have positive slope. And there is the answer without explicitly finding the points.

I think that's it, right? Thanks a ton!
  • #8
razmtaz said:
Thanks for the reply Dick.

So if I am understanding you we have a minimum between the two zeroes, at ln(1/mu), and the value of the derivative of mu*e^x at this point is 1; Since we have two values on either side of this point which are higher than it, we can say the following about the derivative:

For the fixed point to the left of the minimum the derivative will have negative slope (since the graph of f is higher/larger at this point). Similarly for the zero to the right it will have positive slope. And there is the answer without explicitly finding the points.

I think that's it, right? Thanks a ton!

No. That's not quite it. The slope is [itex]f'(x) = \mu e^x[/itex]. That's an increasing function and always positive since [itex]\mu > 0[/itex]. Please rethink that and try again.
  • #9
Oops, guess I was thinking about g(x) = mu*e^x - x.

I guess I want to say that for f(x) = mu*e^x there is some fixed point a < x_0 (x_0 is the minimum of g(x)) and some fixed point b > x_0

Since the function is positive and increasing, and at the point x_0 its derivative is equal to 1, then for all input values less than x_0 (including a) its derivative will be less than one, so a will be an attracting fixed point.

Similarly, its increasing, so for values greater than x_0 (including b) it will have slope greater than one -> repelling
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  • #10
razmtaz said:
Oops, guess I was thinking about g(x) = mu*e^x - x.

I guess I want to say that for f(x) = mu*e^x there is some fixed point a < x_0 (x_0 is the minimum of g(x)) and some fixed point b > x_0

Since the function is positive and increasing, and at the point x_0 its derivative is equal to 1, then for all input values less than x_0 (including a) its derivative will be less than one, so a will be an attracting fixed point.

Similarly, its increasing, so for values greater than x_0 (including b) it will have slope greater than one -> repelling

That's more like it.
  • #11
Awesome, thanks!

FAQ: Finding fixed points non-algebraically

1. How do you find fixed points non-algebraically?

Fixed points can be found non-algebraically using numerical methods such as iteration, bisection, or Newton's method. These methods involve repeatedly applying a function to an initial value until the value converges to a fixed point.

2. Why would you want to find fixed points non-algebraically?

Non-algebraic methods are useful when the function is too complex to be solved algebraically. They also allow for finding fixed points of functions that are not differentiable or continuous.

3. What are the limitations of finding fixed points non-algebraically?

Non-algebraic methods may not always converge to the true fixed point and may require a large number of iterations to do so. They also rely on having a good initial value to start the iteration process.

4. Can fixed points be found non-algebraically for any function?

No, not all functions have fixed points that can be found using non-algebraic methods. The function must be continuous and have a unique fixed point for these methods to work.

5. Are there any real-life applications of finding fixed points non-algebraically?

Yes, finding fixed points non-algebraically is commonly used in fields such as economics, engineering, and physics to solve complex systems of equations and model real-world scenarios. It is also used in optimization problems to find optimal solutions.
