Finding Fun and Motivating Cardio Exercises

In summary: I'm going. In summary, to get into good shape, you need to find an activity you enjoy and commit to it, find a partner to do the activity with, and caloric intake should match the exercise.
  • #1
I am getting fat. Since I graduated college, I don't know what to do and I don't really know anyone to work out with. Here's the thing: I can't run or do elliptical machines. I just get so bored and I can never commit to it. I love racquetball, but I don't have anyone to play with.

Can you guys help me brainstorm some cardio exercises that are more...contained? The thing is I need to have a start and end point. Like biking around a particular path, or winning X number of games.

What are exercises that you guys can do by yourselves and stay motivated?
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  • #2
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  • #3
KingNothing said:
I am getting fat. Since I graduated college, I don't know what to do and I don't really know anyone to work out with. Here's the thing: I can't run or do elliptical machines. I just get so bored and I can never commit to it. I love racquetball, but I don't have anyone to play with.

Can you guys help me brainstorm some cardio exercises that are more...contained? The thing is I need to have a start and end point. Like biking around a particular path, or winning X number of games.

What are exercises that you guys can do by yourselves and stay motivated?

Take one some sort of heavy labor job for however many hours a week. This way you get the exercise, you have a goal, and make money while you're doing it. You could start by running a weed eater at my place for about ten hours, as payment for the advice. :biggrin:
  • #4
You just got to find something and do it. I dunno, I've been active my whole life, and the last few years I've slowed down a lot, friends aren't around for activities, I'm busy, <insert excuse here> but you just have to get out there. I like riding my bike. It's (very) low impact, it's fast when I want to go fast (I like going fast), and I actually get places on it (ie. 5-10-20km away) so I try to think about riding when I think about driving. I probably only get in an hour a week, max, but it's a great cardio workout. I also keep a dumbell in my room and try to do pushups, situps and a few arm curls and whatnot when I wake up in the morning, or while I'm watching a movie, or whatever.

I mean, for the most part, people just sit down and watch the tube. Catch yourself doing it, and do something active while you watch. Run on the spot! A calory burned is a calory burned. There's no secret to exercise, you either do it, or you don't do it.

You know one thing I do, is keep 3 juggling balls in my living room. I can't juggle very well but I can keep 3 going. I pick them up all the time and just juggle away. It's just something I can do without thinking too much about it, watching the news, up down up down up down, but I'm actually quite tired after a 1/2hr juggle, and my hand-eye coordination is pretty damn good now!
  • #5
Take up a martial art. It's much less repetitive and engages the brain while still exercising the body.
  • #6
KingNothing said:
I am getting fat. Since I graduated college, I don't know what to do and I don't really know anyone to work out with. Here's the thing: I can't run or do elliptical machines. I just get so bored and I can never commit to it. I love racquetball, but I don't have anyone to play with.

Can you guys help me brainstorm some cardio exercises that are more...contained? The thing is I need to have a start and end point. Like biking around a particular path, or winning X number of games.

What are exercises that you guys can do by yourselves and stay motivated?
Go walking (at least 20 minutes each day, and maybe one hr on Sat and/or Sun) or ride a bike on different routes each day. One can also do some limited weight training. Match caloric intake with exercise.

G01 said:
Take up a martial art. It's much less repetitive and engages the brain while still exercising the body.
That's also a good form of exercise - usually 3 days a week, with one hr of intensive exercise on each of three days.

In high school and college, I used to play soccer. One could find plenty of pick up games on a Sat or Sun. It would usually be 2 hrs of soccer on the weekends.

I got invited to join a pickup group, but I got too busy.

Now I walk about 45 min to 1 hr at lunch time, mostly for stress relief as well as exercise.
  • #7
I've never tried either of these but lots of people seem to like them (like kate middleton):


they've also got programs, a training guide, tests, etc


same thing, they've got programs & stuff too
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  • #8
Well I do mixed martial arts and I do hate the sport, it could work for but I should warn you that if you go to a good school, there might be traditions involved and make sure that they separate the fighting styles (most of the time) for learning. Also where I go the initial goal of the first few weeks is to get rid of the people who are there for the wrong reason, or no reason at all, and strain you both physically and mentally (Like instructors teaching the history of the sport while the same person might be setting up to break your arm, but you don't need to listen to them). I personally have a very, very deeply rooted reason for going (even though I study Buddhism), the people you meet there tend to be nice and know that the fighters on T.V. should not be related to the sport. So to recap it wouldn't be boring but you should have a personal reason for learning the art.

I'm sorry if I got off topic, just read the first six words and the last line if you want to know what its about!
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  • #9
Your motivation should be fueled by the fact you are gaining weight. If you really want to lose weight, it will most likely be difficult and tedious.
  • #10
I started playing hockey and soccer again to lose weight. It encouraged me to work out a little aside from the sports to get better at the sports. (I graduated high school @ 6' 150lb 30" waist, and after 1yr of college - being more active even - I was 220lb and gaining waist sizes quickly)

My wife used to do some martial arts to stay in shape, it had the same effect.
  • #11
Cut down and/or change what you eat and drink.
  • #12
Walk a mile, twice a day. Replace fattening foods with skinny foods.

I bicycle. Bad knees.
  • #13
You didn't mention if you've made any changes to your diet, but remember that exercising is only half the equation. Like the saying goes, abs are made in the kitchen. I might suggest a few general guidelines:

Eat smaller meals more frequently, i.e. 4-5 smaller meals/snacks instead of 3 big ones (keeps your metabolism up and hunger down). Eat most of your sugary/starchy carbs early in the day and fewer, more fibrous carbs at night. Eat more protein, its digestion requires much more energy than for carbs and it reduces muscle loss. Drinking 2-3 cups of green (not black) tea each day will increase your metabolism and can burn around 20-30% more calories. And of course, general common sense healthy eating should be practiced: more fiber, water, vitamins and natural foods, less sugar, alcohol, saturated fat, processed foods and calories in general.

If you're serious about losing weight, it's well worth the effort to do the research and make a plan for both your diet and exercising, something you can just follow without having to think about all the time. Calorie counting and such can be a pain, but do it for a couple months and you'll be much more intuitive about the food you eat from then on.

I do have one exercise suggestion. You might try exercising (cardio) first thing in the morning before you eat breakfast. After fasting for 8 hours, you'll use up your remaining sugar reserves after just a few minutes of exercise, and you'll hit "the wall" where your body switches to using fat reserves as fuel. It's not comfortable but it's effective!
  • #14
On the subject of eating, I would recommend recording the calories you eat even if it is only for a week. It can be enlightening.
  • #15
I am trying to get fat.

Most girls I know weigh more than me :cry:
  • #16
George Jones said:
Cut down and/or change what you eat and drink.

Most effective too. Running helps (morning) a lot. Swimming is better because you train every bit of your bdoy
  • #17
Find something active that you enjoy doing, and set a goal.

Take note of your total calorie intake. This probably the most important factor affecting your weight (eating far more calories than you realize you are eating).
  • #18
i lifted for years, but got burned out about january and haven't picked it up again yet. but... it is a continuously goal-oriented activity, if you want it to be. there is always a new lift you can try that you haven't tried before and make progress on. and there's a lot to learn for a couple of years with diet, anatomy, staying injury free, etc.

but there's a ton of things to do. you could say, find a large hill or mountain to climb. goal is time to the top. now, you've several factors to minimize the time. these include cardiovascular strength, muscle strength, endurance, fuel substrate, total bodyweight, mental attitude, stride efficiency, etc.

it's really up to you how boring it is.
  • #19
nauru said:
Find something active that you enjoy doing, and set a goal.

Good advice.

Take note of your total calorie intake. This probably the most important factor affecting your weight (eating far more calories than you realize you are eating).

Not so good advice. This is what scientists who're studying test subjects do. When test subjects do this they seem to wind up failing more often than not.

It's too close to home. Can't see the forest through the trees, that sort of thing.

What does work is A) exercising daily, something, anything that'll use most some major muscle groups while getting your hear rate up there for half an hour. What works better is if you vary what you do. Swimming one day, cycling the next. Walk fast the third. And B) staying away from bad foods and eating more or less what you want of good foods.

If one is overweight and exercising daily, it's just about impossible to maintain one's wait if you're eating vegetarian while staying away from fats and oils. But it's far better to balance things simply by eating a variety of "good" foods.

That way one doesn't have to count calories all the time.
  • #20
have you been watching CNN or something?
  • #21
Proton Soup said:
have you been watching CNN or something?

No. I've been riding my bicycle, swimming, and eating right - staying in great shape at 50+.

  • #22
DoggerDan said:
No. I've been riding my bicycle, swimming, and eating right - staying in great shape at 50+.


see above. kind of on hiatus at the moment. but Gupta was pimping a vegan diet that sounded a bit like that the other night.
  • #23
I'm pushing 30 and I have the misfortune of being gifted with the body shape of 1970's Burt Reynolds. I have virtually no detectable hip line, instead, I'm shaped like a barrel so when I gain weight it's noticeable. About 2 years ago someone commented on me gaining weight, I didn't really notice, but sure enough, I went from around 180 to 210!

I never really exercised, at all really. So I started swimming to build up some strength and trying to watch what I eat. I never counted a calorie, but I would make the choice to make a sandwich with hummus in the place of mayo and so on. Swimming was fun, but it eventually got too cold, so I started jogging, which wasn't as bad as it had been before swimming.

Now I run all over the place and I very recently started cycling. It has the added benefit of helping me get to sleep at night. I used to be up until a few hours before I had to wake up for work/school or whatever and it was miserable. I don't really eat any different than I used to. In fact, I likely eat more now, but I am down to about 190 or so which is ideal for my height.
  • #24
I think I took the first step today at the grocery store. I bought some boneless skinless chicken breasts, and beef jerky to snack on instead of cheez-its or oreos.

I'm going to check out a big rock climbing gym in the area. I'm still struggling to find a cardio exercise I can actually enjoy, other than competitive sports.
  • #25
For many years of my life I was in superb shape (abs and high vascularity) as I went to the gym 4 - 5 days a week of heavy duty workouts for ~8 years and did sports games (soccer etc) on the side.

I ate basically only pizza, burgers, you name it, and drank lots of coke.

Yes it maybe wasn't healthy but what I want to say is calories are calories no matter where they come from. Burn more than you eat and that's it.

Of course I then started studying and playing lots of computer games in my free time and my eating didn't change, but my activity dropped to near zero, so I went from sub 10% body fat to... well I'm not looking like Kevin James, but it shows.
  • #26
For many years of my life I was in superb shape (abs and high vascularity) as I went to the gym 4 - 5 days a week of heavy duty workouts for ~8 years and did sports games (soccer etc) on the side.

I ate basically only pizza, burgers, you name it, and drank lots of coke.

Yes it maybe wasn't healthy but what I want to say is calories are calories no matter where they come from. Burn more than you eat and that's it.

Of course I then started studying and playing lots of computer games in my free time and my eating didn't change, but my activity dropped to near zero, so I went from sub 10% body fat to... well I'm not looking like Kevin James, but it shows.
  • #27
SamirS said:
Yes it maybe wasn't healthy but what I want to say is calories are calories no matter where they come from. Burn more than you eat and that's it.

Partially true, but a diet like that will come back to haunt you eventually, no matter how much exercise you do.
  • #28
Do you have an xbox? Get a kinect for it with UFC trainer and some other active games. You'll be ripped if you follow the trainers program ;)
  • #29
KingNothing said:
I'm going to check out a big rock climbing gym in the area. I'm still struggling to find a cardio exercise I can actually enjoy, other than competitive sports.

Nice! I climb 4 times a week for about 3 hours each time and it is great. But, you will have to put in lots of effort to make it a cardio sport. For example, when I end my session I pick a relatively easy route and do it in quick succession as many times as I can, usually 3-5 times. This leaves me absolutely drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. If you do many easy routes in quick succession like this it becomes a cardio sport, but if not, then it is an endurance/skill sport. To compensate for this I would recommend pairing a better cardio sport with climbing (I pair it with biking) but don't completely dismiss climbing! It can be serious fun!
  • #30
Mororvia said:
Partially true, but a diet like that will come back to haunt you eventually, no matter how much exercise you do.

I honestly don't know. I'm pretty robust and my bloodwork looks great even now, though Diabetes is a possibility with the amount of coca cola I drink.

I always say: I hope I won't grow old enough that my sinner's life will catch up with me.

Related to Finding Fun and Motivating Cardio Exercises

1. What are some fun cardio exercises that I can do?

Some fun cardio exercises include dancing, kickboxing, cycling, swimming, and hiking. These activities not only get your heart rate up, but they also engage different muscle groups and can be done indoors or outdoors.

2. How can I stay motivated to do cardio exercises regularly?

One way to stay motivated is to set achievable goals for yourself and track your progress. You can also try mixing up your routine by trying new exercises or incorporating music or podcasts into your workout. Finding a workout buddy or joining a group fitness class can also help keep you accountable and motivated.

3. Can I still get a good cardio workout without going to the gym?

Absolutely! There are plenty of cardio exercises that can be done at home or outdoors, such as running, jump rope, or bodyweight exercises like burpees or mountain climbers. You can also use household items like stairs or cans of food for added resistance.

4. How long should I do cardio exercises for?

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. This can be broken down into 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week. However, the duration and intensity of your cardio workout can vary depending on your fitness level and goals.

5. Can I do cardio exercises if I have joint pain?

Yes, low-impact cardio exercises like swimming or cycling can be a great option for those with joint pain. It's important to listen to your body and modify exercises as needed. You can also consult with a doctor or physical therapist for personalized recommendations.

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