Finding gravitron rotational frequency

In summary, the rotational frequency at which the amusement park ride is safe is in the range of rpm.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In an old-fashioned amusement park ride, passengers stand inside a 3.0-m-tall, 5.0-m-diameter hollow steel cylinder with their backs against the wall. The cylinder begins to rotate about a vertical axis. Then the floor on which the passengers are standing suddenly drops away! If all goes well, the passengers will “stick” to the wall and not slide. Clothing has a static coefficient of friction against steel in the range 0.60 to 1.0 and a kinetic coefficient in the range 0.40 to 0.70. What is the minimum rotational frequency, in rpm, for which the ride is safe?

Homework Equations

I'm not even certain which equations would be relevant here. Starting with a free body diagram, I can see that the weight force would point down, and the opposing force would have to be static friction so that would point up, and the centripetal acceleration would be due to the normal force from the walls. So N = mv^2/r

(But I don't have a given mass; should I be able to find mass from the given coefficients of friction since friction counters weight in this situation?)

Force of static friction = u * N

(But I don't know how to find N-- is it still opposing mg if it is in the horizontal direction? If so, I still don't know how to find m…)

v= 2π r/T

Also, v = wr, and then I can convert to rpm… Is this even relevant here, given that I don't have a time period to work with anyway?

Are my thoughts so far on the right track or am I way out in left field? Any nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
G4e8cko said:
But I don't know how to find N

What was wrong with the following?

G4e8cko said:
So N = mv^2/r

The friction coefficient relates a maximal force in the tangential direction of a surface to the normal force. N is still the normal force.
  • #3
Okay... then I guess I'm stuck as to where to go from there. I don't know how'd I'd go about finding normal force without being given mass. I admit that my understanding of friction is not what it needs to be; I can visualize what you're saying, but I can't quite figure out how to relate it back to these formulas. But thank you for the quick reply!
  • #4
But you have the normal force already as a function of the mass. Do not care about what it is at the moment, leave it in the formulas and see what you get when you impose some relevant condition for the people not falling down. This should clearly not depend on the mass or the safety of the attraction would depend on how fat the visitors are.
  • #5
Oh. You're right, they wouldn't want to exclude visitors based on mass!

After reviewing friction a bit more, I have:

Friction opposes gravity here, so Friction = mg

Friction also = m(a sub c)u

So I can substitute one of these friction equations into the other-- divide mass out of both sides so it won't matter, as we discussed-- and solve for v. I think I've got it from there. Thank you so much for your help!

FAQ: Finding gravitron rotational frequency

What is the gravitron rotational frequency?

The gravitron rotational frequency is the rate at which the gravitron, a theoretical particle responsible for the force of gravity, spins on its own axis. This frequency is not yet known or confirmed by scientific evidence.

How is the gravitron rotational frequency calculated?

Currently, there is no known formula or method for calculating the gravitron rotational frequency. It is a subject of ongoing research and is yet to be fully understood.

Why is finding the gravitron rotational frequency important?

Understanding the gravitron rotational frequency could provide insights into the fundamental workings of gravity and the universe. It could also potentially lead to advancements in technology and space exploration.

What are some proposed methods for finding the gravitron rotational frequency?

Some scientists are exploring the possibility of using high-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, to create and study gravitrons. Others are studying the effects of gravity on quantum particles to gather clues about the gravitron's behavior.

When do scientists expect to find the gravitron rotational frequency?

There is currently no definitive timeline for when the gravitron rotational frequency will be discovered. It is a complex and challenging topic, and it may take many years of research and experimentation to fully understand it.

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