Finding height of frictionless roller coaster

In summary: The key is to make sure all the energies are referenced to the same point. In summary, we are considering a frictionless roller coaster with an acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 ms-2. The passenger cars start at point A with zero initial speed and accelerate down to point B, then swing around a vertical circular loop B-C-B with a radius of 15m. At the top of the loop, point C, the passengers feel weightless. The question is asking for the height of point A above point B. By setting up the equation for conservation of energy, we can find that the height is 37.5m. The initial kinetic energy is canceled out since the cart starts at rest and the final potential
  • #1
Agent M27

Homework Statement

Consider a frictionless roller coaster. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 ms-2. Passenger cars start at point A with zero initial speed, accelerate as they go down to a point B, swing around the vertical circular loop B-C-B of radius 15m, then go on towards further adventures. When a car goes through the top of the loop, point C, the passengers feel weightless. What is the height of the starting point A above the loops bottom, point B?

Homework Equations




The Attempt at a Solution

Since the cart is at the top of the track and has zero initial speed the initial K.E. is canceled out. Also since the final location of the cart is the refrence point, the Ugf will be canceled out, so I am left with the following relationship:


V= 12.1244 m/s


This answer is clearly incorrect because the radius of the loop alone is 15m. Any clues as to where I am missing the mark? Thanks in advance.

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  • #2
Hello Joe,

Agent M27 said:

This answer is clearly incorrect because the radius of the loop alone is 15m.

Not necessarily incorrect. :smile: How did you define your variable 'h'? Take a closer look at how you set up your equations (which might be just fine the way they are, btw. [Although you left out the centripetal force part, but is how I assume you arrived at "v = 12.1244 m/s".]). Did you define 'h' with respect to the ground, or with respect to some other point? :cool:
  • #3
I thought I defined h with respect to the ground, which is why I assumed the final gravitational potential to equal 0. I also made the assumption my starting point had to be higher than the loop just based on intuition, but apparently it doesn't have to be? By the way you worded your reply I am thinking that maybe I found the distance between point C (the top of the loop) and the starting point, is that correct? Thanks again.

  • #4
Solved it, 37.5m! The issue was that I some how defined my reference point as point C... How did I make that mistake, which assumption was incorrect? Thanks again collinsmark.

  • #5
Hello Joe,
Agent M27 said:
Solved it, 37.5m! The issue was that I some how defined my reference point as point C... How did I make that mistake, which assumption was incorrect? Thanks again collinsmark.
The only incorrect assumption was your:
That defines 'h' as the distance from point A to point C (point C is where v is being measured).

If you wanted to define 'h' as the height with respect to point B, the bottom of the loop, the equation should be,

(Potential energy at point A) = (kinetic energy at point C) + (potential energy at point C)
which is,

mgh = 0.5mv2 + mg(30 m)

FAQ: Finding height of frictionless roller coaster

What is a frictionless roller coaster?

A frictionless roller coaster is a hypothetical roller coaster that is designed to have no resistance or friction between the track and the roller coaster cars. This means that the roller coaster would not experience any loss of energy or speed due to friction, allowing it to reach greater heights and speeds than a traditional roller coaster.

How is the height of a frictionless roller coaster determined?

The height of a frictionless roller coaster is determined by the conservation of energy principle, which states that the total energy of a system remains constant. In the case of a frictionless roller coaster, the initial potential energy at the highest point of the track is equal to the kinetic energy at the lowest point of the track. This allows for the calculation of the maximum height that the roller coaster can reach.

What factors affect the height of a frictionless roller coaster?

The height of a frictionless roller coaster is primarily affected by the initial potential energy at the highest point of the track, the mass of the roller coaster cars, and the gravitational acceleration. Other factors such as air resistance and track design may also play a role in determining the height of the roller coaster.

Why is a frictionless roller coaster not possible in reality?

A frictionless roller coaster is not possible in reality because it is not feasible to completely eliminate all forms of friction. Friction is a natural force that occurs whenever two surfaces come into contact with each other, and it cannot be completely eliminated. In addition, the forces of air resistance and track design limitations would make it difficult to create a truly frictionless roller coaster.

What are the advantages of a frictionless roller coaster?

The main advantage of a frictionless roller coaster is that it can reach greater heights and speeds than a traditional roller coaster. This allows for a more thrilling and exciting ride experience for riders. Additionally, a frictionless roller coaster would experience less wear and tear, resulting in lower maintenance costs for theme parks.

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