Finding Initial Velocity from Launcher Trajectory

In summary, the problem is to find the launch velocity from the launcher, given the angle, height, and average distance traveled. The equation provided may not be correct and it is suggested to derive it yourself. Two unknowns are present, the initial velocity and the time elapsed, so two equations are needed. One approach is to solve for the initial velocity first, or the time elapsed first. A hint is given to use the fact that at the top of the trajectory, the time elapsed is half of the total time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find out the launch velocity from the launcher (the absolute starting point aka x=0)

Angle (degrees) Height(cm) Average Distance Traveld(cm)
0 99.0 220.73
30 104.3 307.8
45 106.6 380.4
60 108.5 319.2

Homework Equations

We were given a equation on the board, but I think I copied it incorrectly:


The Attempt at a Solution

I get a very wrong solution with said equation, because I know that the velocity should change.
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  • #2
Instead of wondering whether you copied the equation wrongly or not, why not attempt to derive it yourself? It's basic 2-d kinematics, and deriving the relation yourself will help you get a better understanding of what is going on than plugging and chugging values into some random equation.
  • #3
Have you taken any physics or calculus courses? If you have, then look up basic kinematic equations and start from there. You have two unknowns... one is the time elapsed for each angle theta and each distance traveled, and the second unknown is the initial velocity. That means you need two equations. So you either need to solve for initial velocity first, or the time first because those are our only two options. The problem IS to find the initial velocity, so that leaves us with solving for the time elapsed.

Hint: At the top of the trajectory, the time elapsed is t/2. Use this fact to form one of the two equations you need.

FAQ: Finding Initial Velocity from Launcher Trajectory

1. What is launcher initial velocity?

Launcher initial velocity is the speed at which an object is launched from a launcher or catapult. It is the velocity of the object at the moment it leaves the launcher.

2. How is launcher initial velocity calculated?

Launcher initial velocity is calculated using the equation v = √(2gh), where v is the initial velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height from which the object is launched.

3. Why is launcher initial velocity important?

Launcher initial velocity is important because it determines the range and trajectory of the launched object. It also affects the force and impact of the object upon landing.

4. What factors can affect launcher initial velocity?

The factors that can affect launcher initial velocity include the angle of launch, the mass of the object, the strength of the launcher, and external forces such as wind resistance.

5. How can launcher initial velocity be increased?

Launcher initial velocity can be increased by increasing the height from which the object is launched, increasing the force and strength of the launcher, and reducing the mass of the object being launched.
