Finding line of intersection of two planes

In summary, the student attempted to find the parametric equations for a line of intersection between two planes, but failed to understand the cross product between the vectors. They ended up finding the equation using HallsofIvy's hint and replacing the cross product with the equation of the planes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find parametric equations for the line of intersection of the
planes x + y + z = 1 and
r = (1, 0, 0) + [itex]\lambda[/itex](2, 1, 0) + [itex]\mu[/itex](0, 1, 1) where [itex]\lambda[/itex], [itex]\mu[/itex] [itex]\in[/itex] R

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted to convert the 2nd plane equation to scalar form by finding the normal: (2, -1, 0) cross product with (0, 1, -1). That ended up being i + 2j + 2k, meaning that the plane had equation x + 2y + 2z = d, subbing in the point in the vector equation (1, 0, 0) gives d =1 therefore x + 2y + 2z = 1. I'm not sure what to do from here or if what I've done is either correct or necessary.

Help please?
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  • #2
the normal vector would be (-1,2,-2).
And Cartesian equation would be x-2y+2z=1
  • #3
The parametric equations for the second plane are saying that [itex]x= 1+ 2\lambda+ 0\mu[/itex], [itex]y= 0+ 1\lambda+ 1\mu[/itex], and [itex]z= 0+ 0\lambda+ 1\mu[/itex]. Putting those into the equation of the first plane, x+ y+ z= 1 gives [itex](1+ 2\lambda)+ (\lambda+ \mu)+ (\mu)= 1+ 3\lambda+ 2\mu= 1[/itex] or [itex]3\lambda+ 2\mu= 0[/itex]. Solve that for either [itex]\lambda[/itex] or [itex]\mu[/itex] in terms of the other and replace in the parametric equation, getting linar equations in a single parameter- a line.

I don't know if it was just a typo or copying mistake but the normal to the second plane is NOT the cross product of (2, -1, 0) and (0, 1, -1). I'm not sure where you got those vectors. Two vectors in the plane are (1, 0, 0)+ (2, 1, 0)= (3, 1, 0) (taking [itex]\lambda= 1[/itex] and [itex]\mu= 0[/itex] and another is (1, 0, 0)+ (0, 1, 1)= (1, 1, 1) (taking [itex]\lambda= 0[/itex] and [itex]\mu= 1[/itex]. The cross product of those vectors is normal to the plane.
  • #4
I don't think cross product of 3,1,0 and 1,1,1 would be normal to the 2nd plane
as the cross product of above is 1,-3,2 , but the normal vector should be 1,-2,2
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  • #5
Spacec0wboy said:

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted to convert the 2nd plane equation to scalar form by finding the normal: (2, -1, 0) cross product with (0, 1, -1).

(2,1,0) and (0,1,1) are vectors which lay in the plane. You mixed the signs a bit.

Kushan is right, (-1, 2,-2) is a normal vector of the plane.

  • #6
ehild would it be -1,2,-2 or 1,-2,2 ?
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
Two vectors [STRIKE]in the plane[/STRIKE] of the plane are (1, 0, 0)+ (2, 1, 0)= (3, 1, 0) (taking [itex]\lambda= 1[/itex] and [itex]\mu= 0[/itex] and another is (1, 0, 0)+ (0, 1, 1)= (1, 1, 1) (taking [itex]\lambda= 0[/itex] and [itex]\mu= 1[/itex]. The cross product of those vectors is normal to the plane.

The normal of a plane is the cross product of two vectors laying in the plane, your vectors are position vectors of two points in the plane.

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  • #8
kushan said:
ehild would it be -1,2,-2 or 1,-2,2 ?

They are parallel vectors, both normal to the plane, one is -1 times the other.

  • #9
Direction doesn't matter?
  • #10
kushan said:
Direction doesn't matter?

Not for normality: if a vector v is normal to the surface, then so is the vector -v.
  • #11
Ok I used to imagine like the one originating from center and piercing though the plane perpendicularly
So it is both way .
Thank Ehild and Bacle2
  • #12

maybe thinking of it this way would help: imagine you just have , say the vector

1,-2,2 on the plane. Now, give the plane a 180 turn,and you get the vector

-1,2,-2 --which is the same as 1,-2,2, but with opposite orientation.

Give 99% of the tanks to Ehild, he did most of the work.
  • #13
1/100 thanks Bacle
  • #14
Wow yep I can't even read the question properly, the normal is indeed (-1, 2,-2). So if I cross product (-1, 2, -2) with (1, 1, 1) I get 4i + 3j - 3k, which is the direction vector of the line. So that's half of what I need for the parametric equations, the other half is a point on the line, how do I get that?
  • #15
find the equation of line Spacec , using the equation of planes .
  • #16
Spacec0wboy said:
Wow yep I can't even read the question properly, the normal is indeed (-1, 2,-2). So if I cross product (-1, 2, -2) with (1, 1, 1) I get 4i + 3j - 3k, which is the direction vector of the line. So that's half of what I need for the parametric equations, the other half is a point on the line, how do I get that?

You do not need that cross product really. You need to give the parametric equation of the line. Follow HallsofIvy's hint.

  • #17
Ok so using HallsofIvy's method I get:

λ = -2/3*μ

x = 1 - 4/3*μ
y = 5/3*μ
z = -μ

Is this right? Thanks for helping me out and that method was pretty easy but I would still like to know how to do it using the direction vector of the line and finding a point on it, just so I know another way to do it.
  • #18
You mean other method for solving this?
  • #19
kushan said:
You mean other method for solving this?

Yea, by finding the vector equation of the line then putting it into parametric form. We got the direction vector of the line before from the cross product of the 2 plane normals. Now we need a point on the line but I'm not sure how to get that.
  • #20
put some x=0 in both plane then solve the two equation .
  • #21
Ok, but why do we put x = 0? Does that mean that both planes share a point with an x value of 0?
  • #22
Its like we are looking at the line , and assuming it passes through x=0 , and if it does what would be y ,z . In some cases putting x=0 would give two unsolvable equations .
And it is not necessary to put x=0 , you can try other things like y=0 or z=0 aswell.
  • #23
Ah ok. But I don't get how we can assume that the line goes through x = 0, I mean most questions like this are rigged but with 2 random planes the chances of that happening are quite low aren't they? Hypothetically, what if it doesn't go through x = 0 y = 0 or z = 0? What happens then? Unless I have the wrong idea of how this works..

EDIT: I just realized how this would work haha. The line extends forever in a give direction meaning that it has to cross an axis once, meaning at some point one of x, y, z will equal 0.
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  • #24
there is just one case when line is parallel to one of the axis , rest is taken care of .
  • #25
ehild said:
The normal of a plane is the cross product of two vectors laying in the plane, your vectors are position vectors of two points in the plane.

Ah! Thanks. I should have used <3, 1, 0>, and <1, 1, 1>.
  • #26
HallsofIvy said:
Ah! Thanks. I should have used <3, 1, 0>, and <1, 1, 1>.

You did use <3, 1, 0> and <1, 1, 1>, which are points of the plane but the vectors <3, 1, 0> and <1, 1, 1> are not in the plane. :smile:


Related to Finding line of intersection of two planes

1. What is the formula for finding the line of intersection of two planes?

The formula for finding the line of intersection of two planes is to first find the cross product of the normal vectors of the two planes. This cross product will give you the direction vector of the line. Then, choose a point on one of the planes and plug in its coordinates into the equation of the other plane to find the value of the variable. Use this value to find a specific point on the line. Finally, use the point and direction vector to write the parametric equation of the line of intersection.

2. Can there be more than one line of intersection between two planes?

Yes, it is possible for there to be more than one line of intersection between two planes. This occurs when the two planes are parallel to each other, meaning they have the same normal vector. In this case, the planes will never intersect and will have infinite solutions for the line of intersection.

3. How do I know if the two planes are parallel?

If the two planes have the same normal vector, they are parallel. This means that their equations will have the same coefficients for the x, y, and z variables. You can also determine if two planes are parallel by graphing them and seeing if they are parallel lines.

4. Is it possible for two planes to not have a line of intersection?

Yes, it is possible for two planes to not have a line of intersection. This occurs when the two planes are parallel and their equations are equivalent, meaning they represent the same plane. In this case, there is no unique solution for the line of intersection.

5. Can I find the line of intersection of two planes using only their equations?

Yes, it is possible to find the line of intersection of two planes using only their equations. However, it is recommended to also use a graph or visualization tool to better understand the solution and check for any errors. Additionally, using a graph can help you determine if the two planes are parallel or if there are multiple lines of intersection.

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