Finding local flat space of the Poincare half-disk

In summary, the conversation discusses finding a set of coordinates that will yield local flat space using a given metric. The process involves expanding the metric and then using a coordinate transformation to solve for the coefficients k and L. The book referenced in the conversation provides guidance on solving for these coefficients, but the exact method is not fully clear.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given the metric [itex] ds^2 = \frac{dx^2 + dy^2}{y^2} [/itex] find a set of coordinates which yield local flat space. i.e. ([itex] g_{\mu\nu} = \delta_{\mu\nu} [/itex] + second order terms).

My text outlined a process to go through to find the flat space coordinates, but the actual execution is slightly beyond me. I would really like to know how to complete this problem for my own understanding.. Let's dive into the math then:

Our given metric is [itex] g_{yy} = \frac{1}{y^2} , g_{xx}= \frac{1}{x^2}[/itex]. Then without any loss of generality we may expand this metric about the point [itex] (0,y_{*}) [/itex] the resulting expansion will leave us with new metric terms given as

[itex] g_{yy} = \frac{1}{y_{*}^2} - \frac{2}{y_*^3} (y-y_*) + \frac{6}{y^4_*} (y-y_*)^2, g_{xx} = \frac{1}{y_{*}^2} [/itex]

we might write this in the form [itex] g_{\mu\nu}(x) = g_{\mu\nu}(0) + A_{\mu\nu,\lambda} x^\lambda +B_{\mu\nu,\lambda \sigma} x^\lambda x^\sigma[/itex]

However we really don't need to worry about our second order coefficient, as our only aim right now is to take our constant term and turn it into the identity matrix, and to find a coordinate system which will remove our first order matrix coefficient A.

Then doing a coordinate transformation to [itex]x^{\mu} = k^\mu_\nu x^{'\nu} + L^\mu_{\nu\lambda} x^{\nu} x^{\lambda} + ...[/itex]

We are now ready to solve for [itex] k^\mu_\nu [/itex] and for reasons which aren't 100% clear to me (I believe it has to do with the definition of the metric tensor being the first order derivatives of x and the way it transforms) my book states that we wish to solve the equation [itex] g'_{\rho\sigma}(0) = k^\mu_\lambda k^\nu_\sigma g_{\mu\nu}(0)[/itex]. This seems logical to me and I can generally follow up to this point, I can solve that with ease(we want our primed 0th order term to be an identity matrix), but I did not know how to deduce the relationship we want to solve for [itex] L^\mu_{\nu\lambda} [/itex], furthermore my book made the cryptic statement that solving for k will change the resulting value of our coefficient L. Any help on solving for the with which we can L eliminate our coefficient A would be much appreciated
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  • #2
Any luck with the answer?

Sorry for bringing this old post back. I am going through the exact same problem. I was wondering if you figured out the answer and could help me understand it. And also shouldn't gxx=gyy=1/y2?
P.S. Which book were you referring to?

FAQ: Finding local flat space of the Poincare half-disk

1. What is the Poincare half-disk?

The Poincare half-disk is a mathematical model of hyperbolic geometry, which is a non-Euclidean geometry where the parallel postulate does not hold. It is represented as the upper half-plane in the complex plane, with the boundary being the real line.

2. Why is finding local flat space important?

Finding local flat space allows us to understand the curvature of a space in a small region, which is essential in many areas of physics and mathematics. It also helps us better visualize and comprehend non-Euclidean geometries like the Poincare half-disk.

3. What does "local flat space" mean?

Local flat space refers to a small region of a curved space that can be approximated as being flat. In other words, within this region, the curvature is negligible and the geometry can be described using Euclidean geometry.

4. How do you find local flat space in the Poincare half-disk?

To find local flat space in the Poincare half-disk, we use the concept of tangent spaces. By constructing tangent spaces at different points on the boundary, we can determine the curvature at those points and approximate the space as locally flat.

5. What are some applications of finding local flat space in the Poincare half-disk?

Local flat space in the Poincare half-disk has various applications in physics and mathematics, such as in the study of gravitational fields and black holes, as well as in the understanding of complex functions and their properties. It also has implications in computer graphics and visualization techniques.

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