Finding marginal demand if given demand and marginal price

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Imnotamathwiz94
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In summary: Yes, I do.Now, what would you do if you wanted to find the slope of your function?I would use the derivative test to determine if the slope is positive or negative.In summary, the annual demand for wine from a vineyard satisfies the equation qe0.03p = 4000. If the price increases at a rate of $/1.20 per year, the demand rate changes by $/1.20 per year.
  • #1
The annual demand q for bottles of wine from a vineyard when the bottles are priced at p dollars each satisfies the equation
qe0.03p = 4000.
The price is currently \$12 per bottle. Find the rate at which demand changes (with respect to time) if the price increases at a rate of \$1.20 per year.
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  • #2
i don't understand what you mean
  • #3
Hello and welcome to MHB, Imnotamathwiz94! :D

I split this post off of the topic in which it was originally posted. I also deleted the duplicate topic as it is not needed, but I know you must have realized it would be better to create your own topic, and did not know I was moving the post here.

Before we address the problem, I want to mention a few things about our forums here.

When using the dollar sign, you need to place a backslash directly in front of it, otherwise it parses as a $\LaTeX$ delimiter and will cause your post not to look like you intend. That's how I fixed your post above.

When you created the separate topic, you used a title which did not tell us anything we did not already know. Since you posted in the Calculus sub-forum, this already implies you want help with a calculus problem. Topic titles should indicate the nature of the problem being asked. This makes the forums more useful to everyone who browses them so they can see at a glance what type of problem is being discussed within each topic.

When you post a problem, we require you to show what you have already tried, or what your thoughts are on how to begin, such as relevant theorems. This way our helpers know where you are stuck or what you have done wrong, and can offer the best help possible.

Okay, you have stated a relationship between demand $q$ and price $p$. I am guessing that you omitted the exponentiation character, the caret "^". Is the relationship:

\(\displaystyle qe^{0.03p}=4000\) ?

What is the problem asking you to find, in mathematical terms? What have you been given?
  • #4
ok thank you for that. I am new to this. the question is( Find the rate at which demand changes (with respect to time) if the price increases at a rate of $/1.20 per year. bottles/year
  • #5
Hey, no worries, I just wanted to advise you so you would know and be able to post more effectively. :D

Okay, we are asked to find:

"the rate at which demand changes (with respect to time)"

How can we express this mathematically? How do we express rates of change?
  • #6
im not sure on what you mean
  • #7
For example, if I wish to write a term that represents the rate of change of the area $A$ of a circle with respect to its radius $r$, I would write:

\(\displaystyle \frac{dA}{dr}\)

So, what would represent the rate of change of demand $q$ with respect to time $t$?
  • #8
  • #9
Imnotamathwiz94 said:
\(\displaystyle \frac{dq}{dt}\)
Good (Yes)
So what does that mean? What should you do? write your function as q. So how does your function looks like?
  • #10
Imnotamathwiz94 said:

You should not capitalize the first differential, but you have the right idea.

Take your equation involving $q$, and differentiate with respect to $t$. Do you know how to do this?

FAQ: Finding marginal demand if given demand and marginal price

1. What is marginal demand?

Marginal demand refers to the change in demand for a product or service as a result of a change in its price. It measures the responsiveness of consumers to changes in price, and is calculated by dividing the change in quantity demanded by the change in price.

2. How is marginal demand related to demand and marginal price?

Marginal demand is directly related to both demand and marginal price. It is calculated by dividing the change in demand by the change in price, which means that it is influenced by both the initial level of demand and the change in price.

3. How do you find marginal demand if given demand and marginal price?

To find marginal demand if given demand and marginal price, you can use the formula: Marginal Demand = Change in Demand / Change in Price. Simply plug in the values for change in demand and change in price, and solve for marginal demand.

4. What does a high marginal demand indicate?

A high marginal demand indicates that consumers are highly responsive to changes in price. This means that a small change in price can result in a significant change in demand. It also suggests that the product or service is price-sensitive, and small changes in price can greatly impact sales.

5. How can understanding marginal demand be useful for businesses?

Understanding marginal demand can be useful for businesses in making pricing decisions. By knowing how responsive consumers are to changes in price, businesses can adjust their prices accordingly to maximize profits. It can also help businesses identify which products or services are more price-sensitive and require more careful pricing strategies.
