Finding maxima of a function without prefix

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the value of x that maximizes a function in section 2. The function involves variables z, m, and c, and x is always greater than c. The Wolfram-Alpha links provided were used in attempts to find the maximum, but no analytic solution was found. It is suggested to simplify the problem by ignoring the constant prefactor and substituting variables, and to analyze numerically by squaring the expression.
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Homework Statement

I have been trying to find the value of x that maximizes the function is section 2.

z is a variable distributed using a standard normal distribution i.e. can vary between -∞ and ∞, but generally is between -4 and 4. m varies between 0 and 1. c varies the same way as z.

x is always greater than c (so the function is always real).

Homework Equations .

Alternate Wolfram-Alpha link:*(erf(z/sqrt(2))-erf(x/sqrt(2)))

The Attempt at a Solution

I basically attempted to differentiate it (which is fine), and it gives me a really complicated solution. I set this to zero (to find the turning point), and am having trouble solving that equation. I was able to find specific values of this maxima by setting the other variables: z, m, c to specific values. For example,*(erf(0.5/sqrt(2))-erf(x/sqrt(2))),+maxima

Sorry, this isn't exactly homework, but for a research project I'm working on in college. Any help/guidance will be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
If it is not homework, there is no guarantee that there is a nice, analytic solution.

You can simplify the problem a bit: Ignore the constant prefactor of sqrt(pi/2), substitute x/sqrt(2) by another variable and do the same for z, c and m.

This should lead to something like
$$y'=\sqrt{\frac{x'-c'}{m'}} \left( erf(z') - erf(x') \right)$$

A maximum of y is a maximum of y^2 as well, so you can square the whole expression and look for a maximum of this. Even if there is no analytic solution, it could be easier to analyze numerically.

Related to Finding maxima of a function without prefix

1. What is a maxima of a function?

A maxima of a function is the highest point on the graph of a function, also known as the peak or crest. It is where the function stops increasing and starts to decrease.

2. How do you find the maxima of a function algebraically?

To find the maxima of a function algebraically, you need to take the derivative of the function and set it equal to 0. Then, solve for the variable to find the x-coordinate of the maxima. Next, plug the x-coordinate into the original function to find the corresponding y-coordinate.

3. Can a function have more than one maxima?

Yes, a function can have multiple maxima if it has multiple peaks or crests. These are known as local maxima. However, a function can only have one global maxima, which is the highest point on the entire function.

4. How do you find the maxima of a function graphically?

To find the maxima of a function graphically, you can plot the function on a graph and visually identify the highest point on the graph. You can also use technology such as a graphing calculator to find the maxima more accurately.

5. Why is finding maxima of a function important?

Finding maxima of a function is important because it can help us understand the behavior and properties of a function. It can also help us solve real-world problems such as finding the maximum profit or maximum efficiency in a system. Additionally, maxima can provide valuable information in fields such as economics, engineering, and physics.
