Finding maximum height of an object with no acceleration or velocity provided

In summary: You may have missed a step somewhere.In summary, the problem involves finding the greatest height reached by a football kicked from ground level and its initial velocity. Using the equation xf=xi + (vx)i + 1/2Ax(t)^2 and the fact that the acceleration is -9.8m/s^2, two equations can be formed to solve for the unknowns. Another approach is to use the symmetry of the trip and the fact that the velocity at the midpoint is 0 m/s. Solving for the initial velocity yields 25.48 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A football is kicked straight into up into the air; it hits the ground 5.2s later.

What was the greatest height reached by the ball? Assume its kicked from ground level.

With what speed did it leave the kicker's foot?

Homework Equations

xf=xi + (vx)i + 1/2Ax(t)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to solve by using the above formula, but had nothing to plug in for velocity, I know that g=9.8m/s, and I believe that that -g would be the acceleration of the object, but I am unsure of how to progress in the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
You have two unknowns and one equation, so you need another equation. Hint: Energy is conserved.
  • #3
BioMan789 said:

Homework Statement

A football is kicked straight into up into the air; it hits the ground 5.2s later.

What was the greatest height reached by the ball? Assume its kicked from ground level.

With what speed did it leave the kicker's foot?

Homework Equations

xf=xi + (vx)i + 1/2Ax(t)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to solve by using the above formula, but had nothing to plug in for velocity, I know that g=9.8m/s, and I believe that that -g would be the acceleration of the object, but I am unsure of how to progress in the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome to Physics Forums, BioMan789.

You are correct that the acceleration is due only to gravity, so substitute -g. You have nothing to substitute for vxi because that is what you are looking for.

Do you see that you know both xf and xi? With those you have enough information to solve.

An alternate approach is to use the fact that the trip up and down are symmetrical and the velocity at the mid point is 0 m/s. If you can find the landing velocity, you also know the launch velocity.
  • #4
We went over something similar to this in class this week. It looks to me like you'r eon the correct track with -g. You know two of three parts of the v0+at equation (with a being -g), so find the unknown (v0) and continue from there...
  • #5
Fewmet said:
Welcome to Physics Forums, BioMan789.

You are correct that the acceleration is due only to gravity, so substitute -g. You have nothing to substitute for vxi because that is what you are looking for.

Do you see that you know both xf and xi? With those you have enough information to solve.

An alternate approach is to use the fact that the trip up and down are symmetrical and the velocity at the mid point is 0 m/s. If you can find the landing velocity, you also know the launch velocity.

When I try to solve for the velocity (Vx)i, I plug in 0 for xf (when the ball lands) and 0 for xi (assume the ball is kicked from ground level), and am left with 0=0 + (Vx)i*(5.2s) -1/2g(t^2) , then solving for x, I factored it to have -x(4.9x - 5.2)=0, and solved x, which is (Vx)i to be 1.06m/s. Apparently this is not the right answer (according to the provided answer by the physics question site). I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  • #6
BioMan789 said:
When I try to solve for the velocity (Vx)i, I plug in 0 for xf (when the ball lands) and 0 for xi (assume the ball is kicked from ground level), and am left with 0=0 + (Vx)i*(5.2s) -1/2g(t^2) , then solving for x, I factored it to have -x(4.9x - 5.2)=0, and solved x, which is (Vx)i to be 1.06m/s. Apparently this is not the right answer (according to the provided answer by the physics question site). I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

There is some algebra problem there that I cannot figure out. Could it be that you are treating the V and x in Vx as two variables? The symbol (Vx)i is the initial velocity in the x-direction.

You had 0=0 + (Vx)i*(5.2s) -1/2g(t2)

From that it follows that
0=(Vx)i*(5.2s) -1/2(9.8 m/s2)(5.2s2)

Solving for (Vx)i, I get 25.48 m/s.

FAQ: Finding maximum height of an object with no acceleration or velocity provided

What is the formula for finding the maximum height of an object with no acceleration or velocity provided?

The formula for finding the maximum height of an object with no acceleration or velocity provided is h = v0t + (1/2)gt2, where h is the maximum height, v0 is the initial velocity (which is 0 in this case), t is the time, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2).

How do I determine the time for an object to reach its maximum height?

To determine the time for an object to reach its maximum height, you can use the formula t = v0/g, where v0 is the initial velocity (which is 0 in this case) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2). This will give you the time it takes for the object to reach its maximum height.

What if the object is thrown at an angle instead of straight up?

If the object is thrown at an angle instead of straight up, you will need to use trigonometry to calculate the vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity. Then, you can use the formula h = (v0y)2/2g to find the maximum height, where v0y is the vertical component of the initial velocity.

Can the maximum height of an object ever be negative?

No, the maximum height of an object cannot be negative. The maximum height is the highest point that the object reaches, and it is always measured in a positive direction from the ground.

How does air resistance affect the maximum height of an object?

Air resistance can decrease the maximum height of an object by slowing it down as it moves upwards. This is because air resistance is a form of friction that acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion, causing it to lose energy and velocity. However, for objects with low velocities or in a vacuum, air resistance may have a negligible effect on the maximum height.
