Finding Multiple Ways to Integrate

In summary: The part of your explanation I'm having trouble understanding is...0 \leq a < b we have \int_a^b \frac{1}{1 + e^x}\,dx = \int_a^b \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^ne^{nx}\,dx= b - a + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n} \left(\frac{e^{nb}}{n} - \frac{e^{na}}{n} \right).How exactly does the (b-a) come into play at the beginning of the right side of this equation?
  • #1
Comeback City
Hello everyone!

Today in my BC Calculus (calc 2) class, we spent time trying to find ways to integrate the same function (all methods we're fluent with, but are reviewing for the upcoming AP test)...
(I apologize in advance that I do not know how to use LaTex, but am trying to learn)

f(x) = 1/[(e^x)+1]

Overall, we were able to integrate using simple methods such as trigonometric substitution, u-substitution, partial fraction decomposition, and with another algebraic method.

Being me, I didn't think this was enough, and attempted to solve this using a series. Below is my work...


My question... Is there a way to continue this series and prove it is equivalent to the algebraic form found using the other integration methods? That is, besides just saying they come from the same integral.

Thank you in advance :woot:
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  • #2
Did you justify the change of the integral and the series?
  • #3
Comeback City said:
Hello everyone!

Today in my BC Calculus (calc 2) class, we spent time trying to find ways to integrate the same function (all methods we're fluent with, but are reviewing for the upcoming AP test)...
(I apologize in advance that I do not know how to use LaTex, but am trying to learn)

f(x) = 1/[(e^x)+1]

Overall, we were able to integrate using simple methods such as trigonometric substitution, u-substitution, partial fraction decomposition, and with another algebraic method.

Being me, I didn't think this was enough, and attempted to solve this using a series. Below is my work...

View attachment 240900

My question... Is there a way to continue this series and prove it is equivalent to the algebraic form found using the other integration methods? That is, besides just saying they come from the same integral.

Thank you in advance :woot:

Comparison of your answer with [tex]\ln(1 + y) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n+1}\frac yn[/tex] for [itex]|y| < 1[/itex] suggests a problem, and the problem is that you did not start with the correct series expansion of [itex]1/(1 + y)[/itex].

The binomial series expansion [tex](1 + y)^{-1} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^ny^n[/tex] converges absolutely when [itex]|y| < 1[/itex]. Now [itex]0 < e^x < 1[/itex] only for [itex]x > 0[/itex]; for [itex]x < 0[/itex] you will need to use a different expansion.

I leave you to show that:

(1) For [itex]0 \leq a < b[/itex] we have [tex]
\int_a^b \frac{1}{1 + e^x}\,dx = \int_a^b \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^ne^{nx}\,dx
= b - a + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n} \left(\frac{e^{nb}}{n} - \frac{e^{na}}{n} \right).
[/tex] (2) This last series converges absolutely (by, eg., the ratio test) and we are therefore justified in reordering the terms.
(3) By reordering the terms we can obtain [tex]b - a + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n} \left(\frac{e^{nb}}{n} - \frac{e^{na}}{n} \right) = b - a - \ln(e^b + 1) + \ln(e^a + 1) = \left[x - \ln(e^x + 1)\right]_a^b[/tex] as required.

I also leave you to handle the case [itex]a < b \leq 0[/itex] where this expansion of [itex]1/(1 + e^x)[/itex] does not converge.

(The case [itex]a < 0 < b[/itex] can be obtained from the above two since [itex]\int_a^b = \int_a^0 + \int_0^b[/itex].)
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  • #4
pasmith said:
Comparison of your answer with [tex]\ln(1 + y) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n+1}\frac yn[/tex] for [itex]|y| < 1[/itex] suggests a problem, and the problem is that you did not start with the correct series expansion of [itex]1/(1 + y)[/itex].

The binomial series expansion [tex](1 + y)^{-1} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^ny^n[/tex] converges absolutely when [itex]|y| < 1[/itex]. Now [itex]0 < e^x < 1[/itex] only for [itex]x > 0[/itex]; for [itex]x < 0[/itex] you will need to use a different expansion.

I leave you to show that:

(1) For [itex]0 \leq a < b[/itex] we have [tex]
\int_a^b \frac{1}{1 + e^x}\,dx = \int_a^b \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^ne^{nx}\,dx
= b - a + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n} \left(\frac{e^{nb}}{n} - \frac{e^{na}}{n} \right).
[/tex] (2) This last series converges absolutely (by, eg., the ratio test) and we are therefore justified in reordering the terms.
(3) By reordering the terms we can obtain [tex]b - a + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n} \left(\frac{e^{nb}}{n} - \frac{e^{na}}{n} \right) = b - a - \ln(e^b + 1) + \ln(e^a + 1) = \left[x - \ln(e^x + 1)\right]_a^b[/tex] as required.

I also leave you to handle the case [itex]a < b \leq 0[/itex] where this expansion of [itex]1/(1 + e^x)[/itex] does not converge.

(The case [itex]a < 0 < b[/itex] can be obtained from the above two since [itex]\int_a^b = \int_a^0 + \int_0^b[/itex].)
Dang, I figured I may have made a mistake early on in the problem... looks like the expansion I attempted to use was a cross between that of (1-x)^-1 and that of e^x itself... wrong in both cases:doh:

The part of your explanation I'm having trouble understanding is...

[itex]0 \leq a < b[/itex] we have [tex]
\int_a^b \frac{1}{1 + e^x}\,dx = \int_a^b \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^ne^{nx}\,dx
= b - a + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n} \left(\frac{e^{nb}}{n} - \frac{e^{na}}{n} \right).

How exactly does the (b-a) come into play at the beginning of the right side of this equation? If I were to take an educated guess, I'd say it has to do with the fact that n=0 must be changed to n=1 as the initial term of the series, along with the definite integral which, as you show, gives the (b-a).

Besides this part, your explanation makes complete sense, thank you!
  • #5
Math_QED said:
Did you justify the change of the integral and the series?
@pasmith found my error, which was simply that I used an incorrect expansion :headbang:
  • #6
I answered my own question... I see that you removed the n=0 term from the series before even taking the integral. Smart thinking. Everything else makes sense, so thank you for your help!

Edit: It looks like in your series expansion of ln(1+y), you forgot that y is raised to the "n" power within the series.
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Related to Finding Multiple Ways to Integrate

What is integration?

Integration is the process of combining or merging different elements or parts into a whole. In science, it refers to the incorporation of various research findings or theories to form a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon or concept.

Why is it important to find multiple ways to integrate?

Finding multiple ways to integrate allows for a more comprehensive and robust understanding of a topic. It also allows for the identification of patterns, connections, and discrepancies between different research findings, leading to a more nuanced understanding.

What are some strategies for finding multiple ways to integrate?

Some strategies for finding multiple ways to integrate include conducting literature reviews, synthesizing data from different studies, using interdisciplinary approaches, and engaging in collaborative research.

How can multiple ways of integration lead to better scientific discoveries?

By considering multiple perspectives and integrating various research findings, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of a topic and potentially uncover new insights or discoveries. This can also lead to the development of new theories or hypotheses.

What are some challenges in finding multiple ways to integrate?

Some challenges in finding multiple ways to integrate include conflicting research findings, limited access to information, and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration. Additionally, it can be time-consuming and require a significant amount of effort and resources.

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