Finding Multipole Expansion for Azimuthally Symmetric Charge Distribution

In summary, the conversation discusses the task of finding the multipole expansion of a potential given a charge density function. Various formulas are mentioned, including one from Jackson's book and one from Griffith's book. The conversation also touches on the conditions under which Griffith's formula is valid and the simplification that occurs when the charge density is axially symmetric. The conversation ends with a question about the validity of an integral involving spherical harmonics.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I'm given a charge density rho ([itex]\rho (r) = r^2 \sin ^2 \theta e^{-r}[/itex]) and I'm asked to find the multipole expansion of the potential as well as writing explicitely all the non vanishing terms.

Homework Equations

Not sure and this is my problem.

The Attempt at a Solution

I notice that phi doesn't appear in the expression for rho, so that there's an azimuthal symmetry and I might be lucky.
I do not know what formula to use for the multipole expansion. In wikipedia I see tons of formulae, in Jackson's book I see [itex]\Phi (\vec x ) = \frac{1}{\varepsilon _0 } \sum _{l,m } \frac{1}{2l+1} \left [ \int Y^*_{lm (\theta ', \varphi ' ) r'^{l} \rho (\vec x ) d^3 x' \right ] \frac{Y_{lm} (\theta, \varphi)}}{r^{l+1}}[/itex].
While in Griffith's book (he does not mention when his formula is valid as far as I know, to me it looks like it's valid only in the case of azimuthal symmetry but I may be wrong. Any comment on his formula is welcome) I see [itex]V(\vec r ) = \frac{1}{4\pi \varepsilon _0 } \sum _{n=0}^{\infty } \frac{1}{r^{n+1 }} \int (r')^n P_ n (\cos \theta ' ) \rho (\vec r' )d \tau '[/itex].
Anyway I've followed a bit Jackson's formula and I reached for the integral to be evaluated:
[itex]\int Y^*_{lm} (\theta ' , \varphi ' ) r'^l r'^{l+4}e^ \sin ^3 \theta ' e^ {-r'} dr' d \theta ' d \varphi '[/itex]. (Hmm I do not see any latex error but this text won't compile for some reason.)
I realize that I almost have an integral of [itex]Y^*_{lm}[/itex] and [itex]Y_{2,-2}[/itex] over a sphere of radius 1. Would the integral be worth [itex]\int r' ^6 dr[/itex]?
If so, then I don't really understand the mathematical justification. It's like saying that [itex]\int gfh dV =\int h dr[/itex] because [itex]\int fg d \Omega=1[/itex] where g,f and h are functions (h is function of the variable r). That's not something obvious to me. Is that true?
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  • #2
fluidistic said:
I'm asked to find the multipole expansion of the potential

Okay, but where? Interior to the distribution? Exterior? Both? Along a certain axis?

While in Griffith's book (he does not mention when his formula is valid as far as I know, to me it looks like it's valid only in the case of azimuthal symmetry but I may be wrong. Any comment on his formula is welcome) I see [itex]V(\vec r ) = \frac{1}{4\pi \varepsilon _0 } \sum _{n=0}^{\infty } \frac{1}{r^{n+1 }} \int (r')^n P_ n (\cos \theta ' ) \rho (\vec r' )d \tau '[/itex].

If you take a look at the one page derivation of his formula, you'll see that he defines [itex]\theta'[/itex] as the angle between the source and field point vectors (not as the azimuthal or polar angle in spherical coordinates!), and that his formula is valid for all distributions. It is particularly useful (easy to calulate) when you are looking at problems where you can easily express the charge density in spherical coordinates with your field point on the polar axis, far outside the distribution. The expansion is valid interior to a distribution as well, but utterly useless since it is in powers of 1/r instead of powers of r.

Anyway I've followed a bit Jackson's formula and I reached for the integral to be evaluated:
[tex]\int Y^{*}_{lm} (\theta',\varphi') r^l' r^{l+4}'e^ \sin ^3 \theta ' e^ {-r'} dr' d \theta ' d \varphi '[/tex]. (Hmm I do not see any latex error but this text won't compile for some reason.)
I realize that I almost have an integral of [itex]Y^*_{lm}[/itex] and [itex]Y_{2,-2}[/itex] over a sphere of radius 1. Would the integral be worth [itex]\int r' ^6 dr[/itex]?
If so, then I don't really understand the mathematical justification. It's like saying that [itex]\int gfh dV =\int h dr[/itex] because [itex]\int fg d \Omega=1[/itex] where g,f and h are functions (h is function of the variable r). That's not something obvious to me. Is that true?

Not sure how you got here (sooooo hard to read!), but it can be readily shown that when the charge density is axially symmetric, all the [itex]m\neq 0[/itex] moments vanish and the expansion simplifies to the one in Griffiths' with [itex]\theta'[/itex] being equal to the polar angle. (At least, the exterior expansion anyway, the interior one also simplifies to something similar but in powers of r instead). See wiki page.
  • #3
First of all, nice to see you back.
Here come the fixed latex and typos: [tex]\Phi (\vec x ) = \frac{1}{\varepsilon _0 } \sum _{l,m } \frac{1}{2l+1} \left [ \int Y^*_{lm} (\theta ', \varphi ' ) r'^{l} \rho (\vec x ) d^3 x' \right ] \frac{Y_{lm} (\theta, \varphi)}{r^{l+1}} [/tex] and [tex]\int Y^*_{lm} (\theta ' , \varphi ' ) r'^{l+4} \sin ^3 \theta ' e^ {-r'} dr' d \theta ' d \varphi '[/tex].
They do not precise the region in which they want the multipole expansion.
Apart this, they also want me to write the potential as a finite expansion of Legendre polynomials for large distances and they want me to calculate the exact potential in all the space and more questions later. Basically I seek help here only for the very first part.

I realize that [itex]Y_ {2,-2} (\theta , \varphi ) =\frac{1}{4} \sqrt {\frac {15}{2\pi } } \sin ^2 \theta e^{-2i \varphi }[/itex] or maybe even better [itex]Y_{2,0}(\theta,\varphi)={1\over 4}\sqrt{5\over \pi}\, (2-3\sin^{2}\theta)[/itex].
So that I almost have [itex]\int Y^*_{l,m} Y_{2,0}r'^{l+4} e^{-r'} d\Omega ' dr'[/itex].
What I'm asking is that since [itex]\int Y^*_{l,m} Y_{2,0} d\Omega =1[/itex] when [itex]l=2[/itex] and m=0 or 0 otherwise, is [itex]\int Y^*_{l,m} Y_{2,0}r'^{l+4} e^{-r'} d\Omega ' dr' = \int r' ^{l+4}e^{-r'}dr'[/itex]? If so, then it's not obvious to me.
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  • #4
fluidistic said:
First of all, nice to see you back.

Thanks, I just took a little break from PF to focus on work (new career as a software developer) and family.

I realize that [itex]Y_ {2,-2} (\theta , \varphi ) =\frac{1}{4} \sqrt {\frac {15}{2\pi } } \sin ^2 \theta e^{-2i \varphi }[/itex] or maybe even better [itex]Y_{2,0}(\theta,\varphi)={1\over 4}\sqrt{5\over \pi}\, (2-3\sin^{2}\theta)[/itex].
So that I almost have [itex]\int Y^*_{l,m} Y_{2,0}r'^{l+4} e^{-r'} d\Omega ' dr'[/itex].
What I'm asking is that since [itex]\int Y^*_{l,m} Y_{2,0} d\Omega =1[/itex] when [itex]l=2[/itex] and m=0 or 0 otherwise, is [itex]\int Y^*_{l,m} Y_{2,0}r'^{l+4} e^{-r'} d\Omega ' dr' = \int r' ^{l+4}e^{-r'}dr'[/itex]? If so, then it's not obvious to me.


[tex]\int\int f(\Omega')g(r') d\Omega ' dr' = \left(\int f(\Omega')d\Omega '\right)\left(\int g(r')dr'\right)[/tex]

Provided the integral is over a surface where [itex]r'[/itex] and [itex]\Omega[/itex] are independent (a circular disk, or all space for example).

Thus you get [itex]\int r' ^{l+4}e^{-r'}dr'[/itex] for [itex]m=0[/itex] and 0 for [itex]m\neq 0[/itex].
  • #5
Ok thank you very much!
I get that the integral [itex]\int Y^*_{lm} (\theta ' , \varphi ' ) r'^{l+4} \sin ^3 \theta ' e^ {-r'} dr' d \theta ' d \varphi '= \int Y^*_{l,m} r'^{l+4} e^{-r'} \left [ \frac{2}{3} -\frac{4}{3} \sqrt {\frac{\pi}{5}} Y_{2,0} (\theta, \varphi ) \right ] d\Omega ' d r'[/itex]. So yes, the integral will split into 2 integrals in which one can be simplified a lot but at first glance the other one will still be horrible.

Related to Finding Multipole Expansion for Azimuthally Symmetric Charge Distribution

1. What is the multipole expansion in electromagnetic theory?

In electromagnetic theory, the multipole expansion is a mathematical technique used to describe the distribution of electric charge and current in a given system. It involves expanding the electric potential or field into a series of terms, each representing a different order of charge distribution. This allows for a more detailed and accurate analysis of the system's behavior.

2. How is the multipole expansion related to the concept of symmetry in electromagnetism?

The multipole expansion is closely related to the concept of symmetry in electromagnetism. In fact, it is often used to determine the symmetries present in a given system. This is because the terms in the expansion are directly related to the different types of symmetry that can exist, such as rotational, translational, or mirror symmetry.

3. Can the multipole expansion be applied to any system?

Yes, the multipole expansion can be applied to any system that has a distribution of electric charge or current. It is a very versatile tool and can be used to analyze systems of various shapes and sizes, as long as they have some degree of symmetry.

4. How is the multipole expansion used in practical applications?

The multipole expansion is used in many practical applications, including the design of electrical circuits, antennas, and other electronic devices. It is also used in fields such as optics, acoustics, and fluid dynamics for modeling the behavior of complex systems.

5. Are there any limitations to the multipole expansion?

While the multipole expansion is a powerful and useful tool, it does have some limitations. It is most accurate when applied to systems with well-defined symmetries and can become increasingly complex for systems with irregular or non-symmetric charge distributions. In addition, it is most accurate for systems with large distances between charges, and may not be as effective for systems with charges close together.

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