Finding Notation for Left Invariant Vector Fields on Lie Groups

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  • Thread starter topsquark
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In summary, Dan is trying to figure out why there is no differential operation on the right-hand side of the left invariant definition of a vector field. After some research, he finds that this is because the differential operation is diffeomorphism, and the vector field is left-invariant if it is related to the identity vector in the group.
  • #1
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I'm sure this is a trivial notation question. I just can't seem to find the notation in my texts.

Let \(\displaystyle L_a(g) = ag~\forall a, g \in G\) where a is fixed in G and G is a Lie group. (This defines the left action of G on itself.)

A vector field X on a Lie group G is left invariant if
\(\displaystyle (dL_g)(X(x)) = X(L_g(x)) = X(gx)\)

I know various differential operators d from Differential Geometry, and I know d acting on two vectors in an affine space, but I can't find any definition of d in Algebra. It's got to be simpler than this.


I just looked ahead in my notes. The next topic is a tangent space of G, so maybe d is a differential operation after all. In that case I don't know how to get \(\displaystyle (dL_g)(X(x)) = X(L_g(x))\).
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  • #2
Okay, I did finally find this and the d is a differential operator.

Here's my problem in detail. Let G be a Lie group. Define \(\displaystyle L_a(g): G \times G: g \mapsto a \cdot g,~\forall g \in G, \text{ for fixed } a \in G\).

Let G be embedded in a smooth manifold M. Then G inherits the differential structure of M. So we have a map \(\displaystyle dL_a: G \to TG\) using this differential structure. In general \(\displaystyle g \in G\) does not lie in TG (Unless perhaps we are taking the tangent space over the identity in G. Not sure on this point.)

Now, a vector field X over a Lie group G is left invariant if
\(\displaystyle (dL_g)X(x) = X(L_g(x)) = X(g \cdot x)\)

I would expect a relationship like \(\displaystyle (dL_g)X(x) = X(g \cdot dx)\). Why is there no differential operation on the RHS of the left invariant definition?

  • #3
topsquark said:
Okay, I did finally find this and the d is a differential operator.

Here's my problem in detail. Let G be a Lie group. Define \(\displaystyle L_a(g): G \times G: g \mapsto a \cdot g,~\forall g \in G, \text{ for fixed } a \in G\).

Let G be embedded in a smooth manifold M. Then G inherits the differential structure of M. So we have a map \(\displaystyle dL_a: G \to TG\) using this differential structure. In general \(\displaystyle g \in G\) does not lie in TG (Unless perhaps we are taking the tangent space over the identity in G. Not sure on this point.)

Now, a vector field X over a Lie group G is left invariant if
\(\displaystyle (dL_g)X(x) = X(L_g(x)) = X(g \cdot x)\)

I would expect a relationship like \(\displaystyle (dL_g)X(x) = X(g \cdot dx)\). Why is there no differential operation on the RHS of the left invariant definition?


Hi Dan,

I'm having some issues with the contents of your question. Why do you embed $G$ in a smooth manifold $M$? The group $G$ is itself a smooth manifold, so it also has a differentiable structure. Also, you're not viewing $d$ correctly. This $d$ is the exterior derivative. Let $f : M \to N$ be a differentiable map between smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$. Then for each $x\in M$, the differential of $f$ at $x$ is a map $df_x : T_x M \to T_{f(x)} N$ such that

\(\displaystyle df_x(\xi):= \frac{d}{dt}|_{t = 0} f(c(t))\)

whenever $\xi \in T_xM$ and $c : [0,1] \to M$ is a curve with $c(0) = x$ and $\dot{c}(0) = \xi$. The total differential of $f$ is a map $df : TM \to TN$ such that $df(x,\xi) := (f(x), df_x(\xi))$ for all $x\in M$ and for all $\xi\in T_xM$.

Since $G$ is a Lie group, the left translation maps $L_g : G \to G$ are diffeomorphisms. So given a vector field $X$ on $G$, the expressions $dL_g X$ makes sense as a vector fields on $G$. The field $X$ is left-invariant if $dL_g X = X$ for all $g\in G$. Let's make sense of this. Let $h\in G$. Then $X_h$ is a vector tangent to $h$ in $G$. Thus for fixed $g$, $dL_g(X_h)$ is a vector tangent to $L_g(h) = gh$ in $G$. So for the equation $dL_g X = X$ to make sense, we must have $dL_g(X_h) = X_{gh}$ for all $h\in G$. Another way of stating this is that $X$ is $L_g$-related to itself.

It's important to note that if $X$ is left-invariant on $G$, then $X$ is completely determined by $X_e$, where $e$ denotes the identity of $G$. For given $g\in G$,

\(\displaystyle X_g = X_{ge} = dL_g(X_e).\)

Conversely, given a vector $Y_e\in T_eG$, we can form a left-invariant vector field $X$ on $G$ by setting $X_g := dL_g(Y_e)$ for all $g\in G$. By the chain rule, we have

\(\displaystyle dL_g(X_h) = dL_g(dL_h(Y_e)) = d(L_g \circ L_h)(Y_e) = dL_{gh}(Y_e) = X_{gh}\)

for all $g, h\in G$. So indeed, $X$ is left-invariant. This gives a correspondence between the tangent space to the identity at $G$, $T_eG$, and the space of left-invariant vector fields on $G$, $L(G)$. This correspondence is actually an isomorphism of vector spaces.

Try as an exercise to find all left-invariant vector fields on $\Bbb R$.
  • #4
Euge said:
Let $h\in G$. Then $X_h$ is a vector tangent to $h$ in $G$. Thus for fixed $g$, $dL_g(X_h)$ is a vector tangent to $L_g(h) = gh$ in $G$. So for the equation $dL_g X = X$ to make sense, we must have $dL_g(X_h) = X_{gh}$ for all $h\in G$. Another way of stating this is that $X$ is $L_g$-related to itself.
In amongst the other material (which organized the facts much better than my stumbling attempts), this statement was exactly what I needed to understand what is going on in the definition. Thank you!

  • #5

Dear Dan,

Thank you for reaching out. It is understandable that you are having difficulty finding the notation for left invariant vector fields on Lie groups. This is a common issue, as notation can vary between different texts and authors.

In this case, the notation (dL_g)(X(x)) = X(L_g(x)) = X(gx) is used to represent the left action of a Lie group G on itself, where L_g is the left action map, X is a vector field, and x is a point in G. The notation (dL_g)(X(x)) represents the derivative of the left action map at the point x, and X(L_g(x)) and X(gx) represent the left invariant vector field at the points L_g(x) and gx, respectively.

As you mentioned, d can refer to a differential operation in Algebra, specifically the exterior derivative in Differential Geometry. In this context, the notation (dL_g)(X(x)) can be interpreted as the exterior derivative of the left action map L_g applied to the vector field X at the point x.

I hope this clarifies the notation for you. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your studies.


FAQ: Finding Notation for Left Invariant Vector Fields on Lie Groups

What is a Lie group?

A Lie group is a type of mathematical object that combines the notions of a group and a smooth manifold. It is a group that is also a differentiable manifold, meaning that it has both a group structure (a way to combine elements) and a smooth structure (a way to measure distances and angles).

What is a left invariant vector field?

A left invariant vector field is a type of vector field on a Lie group that is invariant under left translations. This means that the vector field remains unchanged when the group elements are multiplied on the left by any other element of the group.

Why is finding notation for left invariant vector fields important?

Finding notation for left invariant vector fields is important because it allows for a more concise and efficient way to express and manipulate these vector fields. It also helps in understanding the geometric properties and behavior of these vector fields on a Lie group.

How do you find notation for left invariant vector fields?

Finding notation for left invariant vector fields involves using the structure of the Lie group, such as its group operations and Lie algebra, to define a set of basis vector fields. These basis vector fields can then be used to express any left invariant vector field as a linear combination, allowing for a consistent and concise notation.

Can notation for left invariant vector fields be extended to other types of vector fields?

Yes, notation for left invariant vector fields can be extended to other types of vector fields on a Lie group, such as right invariant vector fields. By using a similar approach, a set of basis vector fields can be defined for these types of vector fields, allowing for a consistent and concise notation for all types of vector fields on a Lie group.

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