Finding operators (and, possibly, exponents) in a system

In summary, The speaker is asking for advice on how to find the operands and possibly exponents that would make a system of equations valid. They are familiar with linear algebra but do not know the operands and exponents in this case. They are wondering if there is a mathematical algorithm or fashion for finding this information, or if the only solution is to trial and error by plugging in different operators and exponents. They also mention that more data would be needed to make accurate guesses.
  • #1
Hi, I have an algorithm that I have to test, and it gives me certain variables at different stages of time. I also have a "result" (I guess you can call it that), that these variables are supposed to amount to, in some mathematical fashion, at those equal points in time.

This gives me a system of equations:

Var a   Var b  Var c    r (result)
1          3          2           1
2          2          2           0
0          4          2           0

I realize how to solve this, if this were a system of linear equations (I.e. "linear" algebra). But, the thing is, I DON'T know the OPERANDS. And, it could also be a non-linear system, but I don't know the exponents either.

I.e., the operands could be "+" or "-", but they could also be "%" (mod), "/", division, etc. and the exponents could be 1, 5, or 365

Of course, the operands and exponents would have to be the same in each column of a respective row, i.e. Var a, would always be, for example, "modded" (%), with Var b, and, Var b, could always be, say multiplied (x) with Var C, to get result "r".

So, again, row reduction for linear algebra wouldn't be that great of a deal, I've done it plenty of times before and even have algorithms for it, BUT, this is a different case, trying to find the operands (and possibly exponents, if they are not 1, which I do assume, but DON'T KNOW) for each column (IF ANY), that make this system of equations valid, I guess.

Is there some kind of mathematical fashion/algorithm for finding this out? Or is the only solution I have "plug 'n chug" (i.e. plug in operators and exponents into the columns, and see what I get)??

Thanks! C:)
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  • #2
You have to guess there, and see how well those guesses fit. If you know something about the "result", this can help to make better guesses.
Oh, and you need much more data. 3 Rows are not sufficient, as there are so many possible algorithms.
  • #3
yap, that was only a sample output. I guess there is no other way but "Guessing", oh my ^^

FAQ: Finding operators (and, possibly, exponents) in a system

1. How do I identify operators in a system?

Operators in a system are typically symbols or words that indicate a mathematical operation, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), or division (/). They can also be more complex functions, such as sine (sin) or square root (sqrt). To identify operators in a system, look for these symbols or keywords in the equations or expressions being used.

2. What is the purpose of operators in a system?

Operators are used in a system to perform mathematical operations on numbers or variables. They allow us to manipulate and solve equations, perform calculations, and analyze data in various fields of science, engineering, and mathematics.

3. Are there different types of operators in a system?

Yes, there are several types of operators in a system. Arithmetic operators (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) are used for basic mathematical operations. Comparison operators (such as <, >, <=, >=, ==) are used to compare values and determine if they are equal, greater than, or less than. Logical operators (such as &&, ||, !) are used to combine and manipulate boolean expressions.

4. How do I find the order of operations for operators in a system?

The order of operations for operators in a system follows the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction). This means that operations inside parentheses should be performed first, followed by exponents, then multiplication and division from left to right, and finally addition and subtraction from left to right.

5. Can I use exponents as operators in a system?

Yes, exponents can be used as operators in a system. An exponent indicates that a number should be multiplied by itself a certain number of times. It is denoted by a superscript number to the right of the base number. For example, 2^3 means 2 multiplied by itself 3 times, resulting in 8.

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