Finding Optimal Speed for Ring Wraiths Flying from Barad-Dur to Rivendell

  • Thread starter pattiecake
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In summary, a group of nine Ring Wraiths need to fly from Barad-Dur to Rivendell, which is located directly north of Barad-Dur. The wind is blowing from the west at 68 miles per hour, so the Wraiths decide to fly northwest in order to travel in a straight line. The question is then asked about the speed at which they should fly, but there is confusion about the given information. Some believe that the angle of their flight is given as northwest (315 degrees), while others argue that the distance between the two locations is needed to determine the speed. Additionally, there is a discussion about the use of pseudovectors in the problem and the relative positions of Barad-Dur and
  • #1
This is actually homework for calc. III,

The nine Ring Wraiths want to fly from Barad-Dur to Rivendell. Rivendell is directly north of Barad-Dur. The Dark Tower reports that the wind is coming from the west at 68 miles per hour. In order to travel in a straight line, the Ring Wraiths decide to head northwest. At what speed should they fly (omit units)?

Does anyone know how to attempt this problem when they don't give either the distance from Barad-Dur to Rivendell or the angle they are heading northwest?
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  • #2
The way I interpret the problem, they do give you the angle. When they say that the Wraiths are headed northwest, I think they mean that the airspeed of the Wraiths is directly northwest, i.e. at an azimuth of 315 degrees (0 degrees being north, 270 being west).
  • #3
the cross product of the two vector quantity is called phseduo vector can the product of two phseduo vector is phsedo vector if yes give example if no why?
  • #4
Barad-dur is more easterly of Rivendell than northerly..
  • #5
pattiecake said:
This is actually homework for calc. III

Then it should be in the Homework Forum.

FAQ: Finding Optimal Speed for Ring Wraiths Flying from Barad-Dur to Rivendell

1. What factors determine the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths flying from Barad-Dur to Rivendell?

The optimal speed for Ring Wraiths flying from Barad-Dur to Rivendell is determined by several factors, including the distance between the two locations, the flying capabilities of the Ring Wraiths, weather conditions, and potential obstacles along the way.

2. Can the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths flying from Barad-Dur to Rivendell be calculated?

Yes, the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths can be calculated by taking into account the factors mentioned above. A scientific approach, such as using mathematical equations and simulations, can be used to determine the most efficient speed for the Ring Wraiths to reach their destination.

3. How does the distance between Barad-Dur and Rivendell affect the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths?

The shorter the distance between Barad-Dur and Rivendell, the faster the Ring Wraiths can fly without getting too exhausted. However, if the distance is too short, the Ring Wraiths may not have enough time to reach their full flying speed, resulting in a suboptimal speed for their journey.

4. Are there any limitations to the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths?

Yes, there are limitations to the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths. These limitations can include the physical capabilities of the Ring Wraiths, as well as external factors such as strong winds, storms, and other obstacles that may slow them down or hinder their flight.

5. Can the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths be improved or modified?

Yes, the optimal speed for Ring Wraiths can be improved or modified by considering different variables and factors. For example, if the Ring Wraiths are given more powerful flying mounts or if they have a more favorable wind direction, their optimal speed can be increased. Additionally, advancements in technology or magical abilities can also affect the optimal speed for the Ring Wraiths.

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