Finding Radius of planet from Transits

In summary, the planet has a radius of 1.17 Jupiter radii, calculated using the formula Rp=(L)^1/2 (Rs). However, this result differs from the radius of 1.30 Jupiter radii reported on Wikipedia, which could be due to different input values used in the calculation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

radius of the planet: During the transits,
the planet blocks 1.1% of the star's light star has a mass of1.17 solar mass and radius of 1.15solar radius

Homework Equations

Rp=(L)^1/2 (Rs)

The Attempt at a Solution

so I just want to make sure i did this righ, this is the formula u use right? ok so i did (.011)^1/2 (7.99e10) and i got 1.17Rj but checked on wiki and showed the planet to have 1.30 +-.005 Mj so not sure if i did it right or my numbers i was given are different from what they used thxs
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, you used the correct equation. The numbers you were given must be different from what was used to calculate the radius of the planet.

FAQ: Finding Radius of planet from Transits

1. How do transits help in finding the radius of a planet?

Transits refer to the phenomenon where a planet passes in front of its host star, causing a slight dip in the star's brightness. By measuring the depth and duration of these dips, scientists can calculate the size of the planet and thus determine its radius.

2. What data is needed to calculate the radius of a planet from transits?

In order to calculate the radius of a planet from transits, scientists need to measure the depth and duration of the dip in the star's brightness caused by the planet, as well as the size and brightness of the star itself. This data can be obtained through telescopes and special instruments such as photometers.

3. Can the radius of a planet be calculated from just one transit?

No, the radius of a planet cannot be accurately calculated from just one transit. This is because other factors, such as the inclination of the planet's orbit, can affect the measurement of the dip in the star's brightness. Multiple transits are needed to gather enough data and make more precise calculations.

4. Why is it important to know the radius of a planet?

Knowing the radius of a planet is important because it can give us valuable information about the planet's composition and structure. It can also help us determine if the planet is potentially habitable and if it belongs to a certain type of planet, such as a gas giant or a rocky planet.

5. Are there any limitations to using transits to find the radius of a planet?

Yes, there are limitations to using transits to find the radius of a planet. For example, transits can only be observed if the planet's orbit is aligned in such a way that it passes in front of its star from our vantage point. This means that not all planets can be studied using this method, and alternative methods may need to be used.

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