Finding Reeb Vector Fields Associated with Contact Forms

In summary: Rw)=1 guarantee non-degeneracy of ω restricted to the contact plane? In summary, The conversation discusses finding the Reeb field associated with a contact form in ℝ3 or a 3-manifold M. The two methods discussed involve using the definition of the Reeb field and the fact that the Lie derivative of the form about the Reeb field is zero. However, the conversation also mentions difficulties encountered with these methods. Other suggestions involve considering the representation of the form as a quadratic form, and the condition that the Reeb field should satisfy ω(Rw)=1. Non-uniqueness of the solution is also mentioned.
  • #1
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Gold Member
Hi, All:

Let w be a contact form , say in ℝ3, or in some 3-manifold M i.e., a smooth, nowhere-integrable 2-plane subbundle of TM. I'm trying to see how to find the Reeb field Rw associated with w.

My ideas are:

i) Using the actual definition of the Reeb field associated with a contact form w:

Finding Rw as the zero set of dw(Rw, .) , i.e.,

Rw should kill every other vector field in this expression

ii) Using the fact that LRw w =0 ,

i.e., the Lie derivative of w about the Reeb field is zero.

But I have not gotten far using these methods. Anyone have other ideas?

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  • #2
WWGD said:
i) Using the actual definition of the Reeb field associated with a contact form w:

Finding Rw as the zero set of dw(Rw, .) , i.e.,

Rw should kill every other vector field in this expression

This is essentially what you do. It should just be a linear algebra problem. Where do you get stuck?

As an example, maybe try the canonical contact form in R^3,

[tex]\omega = x \, dy + dz[/tex]
  • #3
Well, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but what I'm doing does not get me any useful form for the fields, at least not one that I can recognize as useful; I was trying with the form in ℝ3 (r,θ,z) given by ω:=dz+ r2

Then dω=2rdθdr ; then we want to find a Reeb field Rw=R1∂/∂θ+
R2∂/∂r , where R1(r,θ,z) , R2(r,θ,z) are C , and let V= V1∂/∂θ+ V2∂/∂r be any vector field .

Then I get, setting :
2rdθdr(Rw, V.)==0 ,

2rdθdr(R1∂/∂θ + R2∂/∂r, V1∂/∂θ+ V2∂/∂r )==

2r( dr (Rw )dθ(V) -dr(V)dθ(Rw) ) =2r(R1)V2-V1R2 ):==0

Then R1 , R2 are so that R1V2-R2V1=0

What does that tell me about R1 , R2 ?

With the standard form in μ=dz+xdy in ℝ3 , I get:

(Sorry for not being more concise; I'm having trouble working with all these Latex symbols; I'm used to a different version of Latex)

dμ=dydx ; set Rμ=R1∂x+R2∂y, and

Then dydx(Rμ,V)= dy(Rμ )dx(V)-dy(V)dx(Rμ)=


How does that help me figure out R1, R2? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong somewhere?
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  • #4
Also, I was wondering if you, or anyone else, had a suggestion for showing that

for contact w, w/\dw≠ 0 iff dw|Kerw≠0 , i.e., dw restricted to the contact planes is
nowhere zero, so that dw is a symplectic form ( dw, clearly closed, and also non-degenerate).

I have been just cranking out and expanding a generic 1-form w , wedging with dw, and trying to figure out what I need for w/\dw to not be zero, and getting nowhere useful.

  • #5
I wonder if this too, would work: given a contact form w, we know that the representation of dw as a quadratic form will be odd-dimensional, i.e., as an nxn matrix, where n is odd. The matrix will then be antisymmetric and odd-dimensional, so that its determinant will be zero. Then the representing form Q(a,b) is degenerate, and we then will have some vector v with Q(v,.)=0. But, how do we choose the actual Reeb field from this?
  • #6
WWGD said:
Well, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but what I'm doing does not get me any useful form for the fields, at least not one that I can recognize as useful; I was trying with the form in ℝ3 (r,θ,z) given by ω:=dz+ r2

Then dω=2rdθdr ; then we want to find a Reeb field Rw=R1∂/∂θ+
R2∂/∂r , where R1(r,θ,z) , R2(r,θ,z) are C , and let V= V1∂/∂θ+ V2∂/∂r be any vector field .

You aren't considering the most general possible Reeb field. Try

$$ R = R_r \partial_r + R_\theta \partial_\theta + R_z \partial_z,$$

with a similar expression for the general ##V##.
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  • #7
fzero said:
You aren't considering the most general possible Reeb field. Try

$$ R = R_r \partial_r + R_\theta \partial_\theta + R_z \partial_z,$$

with a similar expression for the general ##V##.

Thanks, both for your comments, but my form 2rdθdr does not contain a dz-component, so including a z-component would not

change anything, would it? dθdr( Rz∂z)=0 , right?
  • #8
WWGD said:
Thanks, both for your comments, but my form 2rdθdr does not contain a dz-component, so including a z-component would not

change anything, would it? dθdr( Rz∂z)=0 , right?

Isn't that exactly what you're trying to find?
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  • #9
Ben Niehoff said:
Isn't that exactly what you're trying to find?

Ah, I see, right. But how about the other results with R1,R2 , and A1R2-A2R1=0 ? How does that help me figure out what R1, R2 are?
  • #10
1. The solution is not necessarily unique.

2. Your posts would be way easier to read if you used Latex.
  • #11
WWGD said:
Ah, I see, right. But how about the other results with R1,R2 , and A1R2-A2R1=0 ? How does that help me figure out what R1, R2 are?

Can you write down the equations that you get from applying ##\omega(R)=1## and ##d\omega(R,V)=0##? I find that they have a unique solution in this case.
  • #12
Thanks all for your feedback.


Do you refer to the Reeb field on (R,θ,z) associated with ω=dz+r2dθ , or the one associated to (x,y,z) , given by ω=xdy+dz ?

Please give me some time to learn Latex; I've been using the 'Quick Symbols' drop box in the meantime, how that makes things a bit easier to read.

To All:
Please give me some temporary leeway to ramble-on to see if (where, actually) my knowledge has gaps.

I guess the non-uniqueness is also given by linear algebra, i.e., if we represent dω in some basis (**) as a quadratic form Q(x,y), then Q is odd-dimensional ( since contact forms are only defined for odd-dimensions) and antisymmetric, so that Q(v,. )=0 has non-zero solutions, i.e., Q is degenerate in this case. Right? Still, I'm not sure of why dω ~Q(x,y) is antisymmetric here.

Does the other condition, i.e., ω(Rw)=1 guarantee uniqueness (at least uniqueness up to "something nice") of Rω ? If not, is there some additional condition that would give me uniqueness --up to "something nice (e.g., scalar multiplication)"?

** But then we have the nightmare of deciding if this result depends on the choice of basis.
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  • #13
WWGD said:
Does the other condition, i.e., ω(Rw)=1 guarantee uniqueness (at least uniqueness up to "something nice") of Rω ? If not, is there some additional condition that would give me uniqueness --up to "something nice (e.g., scalar multiplication)"

I believe so. Consider: We are in ##2n + 1## dimensional space. ##d \omega (R, \cdot ) = 0## gives ##2n## equations, and ##\omega(R) = 1## gives 1 equation. So there are exactly enough equations. The condition ##\omega \wedge d\omega \neq 0## guarantees that these ##2n## equations are linearly-independent.

Right-click on anybody's Latex to see the code written.
  • #14
WWGD said:
Thanks all for your feedback.


Do you refer to the Reeb field on (R,θ,z) associated with ω=dz+r2dθ , or the one associated to (x,y,z) , given by ω=xdy+dz ?

I computed it for your choice of ##\omega##, but it turns out to be the same for the other choice.

Does the other condition, i.e., ω(Rw)=1 guarantee uniqueness (at least uniqueness up to "something nice") of Rω ? If not, is there some additional condition that would give me uniqueness --up to "something nice (e.g., scalar multiplication)"?

** But then we have the nightmare of deciding if this result depends on the choice of basis.

I am not familiar with specific uniqueness results. The Reeb field obviously depends on the choice of ##\omega##. The condition ##\omega(R)=1## generally fixes ##R## up to scalar multiplication of ##\omega##, so a scalar multiple of ##R## would not be Reeb without rescaling ##\omega##. Also, since ##\omega## must be completely non-integrable, ##d\omega(R,\cdot)=0## means that most of the coefficients in the expansion of ##R## have to vanish. It seems likely that ##d\omega(R,\cdot)=0## leads to a one-parameter family and ##\omega(R)=1## fixes the parameter.

As I was posting, I see that Ben has given a more refined version of the latter argument.
  • #15
Ah, actually I think a light bulb went on: I think the condition ##\omega(R)=1 ## is just saying that ##\omega(R)## is never zero, so that we can normalize it to be 1. And ##\omega## just kills all the points in a contact hyperplane by definition, right? since the contact hyperplanes are precisely the kernel of ##\omega##. So I think ##\omega(R)(X)## not being zero is saying that X is never _on_ the contact hyperplanes, so that X is actually transverse to the planes. So a Reeb field must be transverse to the contact planes.

Let me continue working on finding the actual kernel of ## d\omega ##
  • #16
fzero said:
You aren't considering the most general possible Reeb field. Try

$$ R = R_r \partial_r + R_\theta \partial_\theta + R_z \partial_z,$$

with a similar expression for the general ##V##.

I tried again, and I came up with:

1)For $$ dw=dz+r^2d\theta $$ , and the Reeb field $$ R_r\partial_r +R_\theta\partial_\theta+ R_z\partial_z $$, and a generic $$V= V_r\partial_r + V_\theta \partial_\theta+ V_z \partial_z $$ $$ (R_\theta )(V_r)- (R_r)V_\theta =0$$ and, of course, always for any $$R_z$$ since any $$R_z$$ is killed by $$ dw=2rdrd\theta $$.
For $$ w=xdy+dz $$ , like f_zero said, with $$dw=dydx $$, I get something similar; the Reeb field $$R_x\partial_x+ R_y\partial_y +R_z \partial_Z $$ and a generic vector $$ V_x\partial_x +V_y\partial_y + V_z \partial_z $$:

$$ d\omega $$ is zero when $$ R_yV_x -R_xV_y=0$$ , and any $$R_z$$

I guess there is an "orthogonality" thing here, in that $$<(R_y,R_x),(V_x, -V_y)>=0 $$
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  • #17
My apologies; I spent like 25 minutes trying to figure out how to do the correct spacing, and I'm giving up for now.
  • #18
Correct spacing with what?
  • #19
I meant the spacing within and between sentences and expressions, e.g., paragraphs broken in half, etc..
  • #20
Use the Quote button to see exactly what someone else typed. There are three commands to insert Latex. "tex" puts things on a separate line. "itex" puts them in-line, and double-# is a shorthand for "itex".
  • #21
Thanks all; I know this solution gives me a basis for the solution space, but I'm still trying to show uniqueness with the additional condition that $$w(R_w)=1$$
  • #22
WWGD said:
$$ d\omega $$ is zero when $$ R_yV_x -R_xV_y=0$$ , and any $$R_z$$

I guess there is an "orthogonality" thing here, in that $$<(R_y,R_x),(V_x, -V_y)>=0 $$

No, if you want

$$ R_yV_x -R_xV_y=0$$

for all ##V_x,V_y## then you must have ##R_x=R_y=0## (just try ##V_x=0##, then ##V_y=0## as a separate case).

Then the condition ##\omega(R)=1## fixes ##R_z##.
  • #23
fzero said:
No, if you want

$$ R_yV_x -R_xV_y=0$$

for all ##V_x,V_y## then you must have ##R_x=R_y=0## (just try ##V_x=0##, then ##V_y=0## as a separate case).

Then the condition ##\omega(R)=1## fixes ##R_z##.

Ah, thanks. Just curious; I found out that the Reeb field associated to $S^2$ with the form:

$$x_1dy_1 -y_1dx_1+x_2dy_2-y_2dx_2$$ is given as ##V(z)= i.z ## , where ##i,z## are Complex.

I'm trying to verify this; can I see ##V_z## as the Real vector field $$y\partial-x\partial y$$ ?

(think of $$ iz=i(x+iy)=-y+ix$$ , i.e., as a vector field normal to the 2-sphere?
  • #24
WWGD said:
Ah, thanks. Just curious; I found out that the Reeb field associated to $S^2$ with the form:

$$x_1dy_1 -y_1dx_1+x_2dy_2-y_2dx_2$$ is given as ##V(z)= i.z ## , where ##i,z## are Complex.

I'm trying to verify this; can I see ##V_z## as the Real vector field $$y\partial-x\partial y$$ ?

(think of $$ iz=i(x+iy)=-y+ix$$ , i.e., as a vector field normal to the 2-sphere?

First of all, this is ##S^3##, not the 2-sphere. Second, since we are treating the ##S^3## as embedded in ##\mathbb{R}^4##, there are restrictions on the coordinates ##(x_i,y_i)## in order that we are dealing with ##S^3##. Points on the ##S^3## are those that satisfy ##x_1^2+y_1^2+x_2^2 + y_2^2 =1##. This condition also defines a normal form

$$ \nu = x_1 dx_1 + y_1 dy_1 + x_2 dy_2 + y_2 dy_2,$$

and vector fields tangent to the ##S^3## have to satisfy ##\nu(V)=0##. You would need to use this condition to derive the Reeb field from the definitions.

With complex coordinates, we can use the chain rule to determine the relation

$$ \partial_{z_i} = \frac{1}{2} \left(\partial_{x_i} - i \partial_{y_i} \right)$$

or any similar ones that we need. The Reeb field is

$$ R = \sum_i \left( -y_i \partial_{x_i} + x_i \partial_{y_i} \right),~~~~(*)$$

so if we write this in complex coordinates, we'll find

$$ R = \sum_i \left( \frac{i}{2} ( z_i - \bar{z}_i) (\partial_{z_i} + \partial_{\bar{z}_i}) +\frac{i}{2} ( z_i + \bar{z}_i) (\partial_{z_i} - \partial_{\bar{z}_i} \right) = \sum_i i z_i \partial_{z_i}. $$

So the expression that you have for the Reeb field in complex coordinates is correct. You should do the computation the other way now. Start with that expression, obtain the appropriate relations between ordinary and complex derivatives from the chain rule, and use them to obtain (*).
  • #25
fzero said:
First of all, this is ##S^3##, not the 2-sphere. Second, since we are treating the ##S^3## as embedded in ##\mathbb{R}^4##, there are restrictions on the coordinates ##(x_i,y_i)## in order that we are dealing with ##S^3##. Points on the ##S^3## are those that satisfy ##x_1^2+y_1^2+x_2^2 + y_2^2 =1##. This condition also defines a normal form

$$ \nu = x_1 dx_1 + y_1 dy_1 + x_2 dy_2 + y_2 dy_2,$$

and vector fields tangent to the ##S^3## have to satisfy ##\nu(V)=0##. You would need to use this condition to derive the Reeb field from the definitions.

With complex coordinates, we can use the chain rule to determine the relation

$$ \partial_{z_i} = \frac{1}{2} \left(\partial_{x_i} - i \partial_{y_i} \right)$$

or any similar ones that we need. The Reeb field is

$$ R = \sum_i \left( -y_i \partial_{x_i} + x_i \partial_{y_i} \right),~~~~(*)$$

so if we write this in complex coordinates, we'll find

$$ R = \sum_i \left( \frac{i}{2} ( z_i - \bar{z}_i) (\partial_{z_i} + \partial_{\bar{z}_i}) +\frac{i}{2} ( z_i + \bar{z}_i) (\partial_{z_i} - \partial_{\bar{z}_i} \right) = \sum_i i z_i \partial_{z_i}. $$

So the expression that you have for the Reeb field in complex coordinates is correct. You should do the computation the other way now. Start with that expression, obtain the appropriate relations between ordinary and complex derivatives from the chain rule, and use them to obtain (*).

Thanks for your reply, ## f_0 ##. Hope this will be the last question in this post.
I get your first comment; dumb of me; contact structures are defined only in odd dimensions. And I guess you're looking at ##S^3 ## as ##f^{-1}(1) ## , so that the tangent space of a level set is the kernel of df (since the level set is of the form ##{x: f(x)=c} ## and ##d/dx(c)=0 ##

And I think I get the last part as using the transforms:

##Rez=\frac{z+z^-}{2} ## and ##Imz= \frac{z-z^-}{2i} ## to go back-and-forth between the Real and the Complex versions (didn't you mean for ##2i## to go in the denominator?.)

But I don't get the $$ \partial_{z_k}= \frac{ \partial_{x_k}-i\partial_{y_k}}{2} $$

(Could we please use k to index ##z_k## to avoid confusion with the complex ##i##? )

Don't we just start at $$ z_k=x_k+iy_k$$ and use linearity of ##\partial ## so that

$$\partial z_k = \partial x_k+ i\partial y_k $$ ?

EDIT: How about this idea for finding ## V(z)=iz ## as a complex vector field as a Real vector field:

While vector fields do not necessarily push forward along a map, we use the fact that ## \mathbb R^2 ## and ## \mathbb C## are diffeomorphic , thru, e.g., $$ (x,y) \rightarrow x+iy $$ , so that in this case, vector fields from ##\mathbb R^2 ## do pushforward into ##\mathbb C## ? I'm trying to avoid some other things I'm not that familiar with, like complexifying (sections) of the tangent bundle of ## \mathbb R^2 ## , tho if this is simpler, I'm game.
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  • #26
WWGD said:
##Rez=\frac{z+z^-}{2} ## and ##Imz= \frac{z-z^-}{2i} ## to go back-and-forth between the Real and the Complex versions (didn't you mean for ##2i## to go in the denominator?.)

Whether the ##i## goes in the numerator or denominator corresponds to an overall sign. I believe that the sign in the expression is correct as written, but you should check it.

But I don't get the $$ \partial_{z_k}= \frac{ \partial_{x_k}-i\partial_{y_k}}{2} $$

(Could we please use k to index ##z_k## to avoid confusion with the complex ##i##? )

Don't we just start at $$ z_k=x_k+iy_k$$ and use linearity of ##\partial ## so that

$$\partial z_k = \partial x_k+ i\partial y_k $$ ?

We should use the chain rule:

$$\partial_{z_k} = \frac{\partial x_m}{\partial z_k} \partial_{x_m} + \frac{\partial y_m}{\partial z_k}\partial_{y_m}. $$

In addition, we treat ##z_k## and ##\bar{z}_k## as independent variables. Then

$$ \frac{\partial x_m}{\partial z_k} = \frac{\partial }{\partial z_k} \frac{ z_m + \bar{z}_m}{2} = \frac{1}{2} \delta_{mk},$$


$$ \frac{\partial y_m}{\partial z_k} = \frac{1}{2i} \delta_{mk} = - \frac{i}{2} \delta_{mk}.$$

It is this minus sign that appears in the formula that I wrote.

EDIT: How about this idea for finding ## V(z)=iz ## as a complex vector field as a Real vector field:

While vector fields do not necessarily push forward along a map, we use the fact that ## \mathbb R^2 ## and ## \mathbb C## are diffeomorphic , thru, e.g., $$ (x,y) \rightarrow x+iy $$ , so that in this case, vector fields from ##\mathbb R^2 ## do pushforward into ##\mathbb C## ? I'm trying to avoid some other things I'm not that familiar with, like complexifying (sections) of the tangent bundle of ## \mathbb R^2 ## , tho if this is simpler, I'm game.

The pushforward map is exactly what we're doing. Given a diffeomorphism, we can compute its associated pushforward map on vector fields. In coordinates, the chain rule is precisely how we determine the pushforward.
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  • #27
Thanks for your patience with my thickness, f_zero, I haven't done any differential geometry in a while.

Related to Finding Reeb Vector Fields Associated with Contact Forms

1. What is a Reeb vector field?

A Reeb vector field is a type of vector field that is associated with a contact form. It is named after the mathematician Georges Reeb and is used in the field of mathematics known as contact geometry.

2. What is a contact form?

A contact form is a differential 1-form on a manifold that satisfies certain conditions. It is used in contact geometry to study the geometry of contact manifolds.

3. How are Reeb vector fields and contact forms related?

Reeb vector fields are associated with contact forms, meaning that every contact form has a corresponding Reeb vector field. This relationship is important in the study of contact geometry and has applications in various areas of mathematics and physics.

4. What is the significance of finding Reeb vector fields associated with contact forms?

Finding Reeb vector fields associated with contact forms allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the geometry of contact manifolds. It also has applications in other fields, such as symplectic geometry and dynamical systems.

5. How is the process of finding Reeb vector fields associated with contact forms carried out?

The process involves finding a contact form on a manifold and then using a formula to calculate the corresponding Reeb vector field. This can be done using techniques from differential geometry and contact geometry, such as the Cartan formula and the contact Hamiltonian vector field.

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