Finding Resistance from internal resistance and Power in a circuit

In summary: However, in order to find those roots you need to know the equation's coefficients (in this case B=0.1444 and C=0.5776)
  • #1

Homework Statement

A resistor with resistance R is connected to a battery that has emf 15.0[V] and internal resistance r = 0.38[Ω].

For what two values of R will the power dissipated in the resistor be 78.0 W?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution




At this point I should be able to plug in what I know, and I get roughly

However that is not right, I have tried again making sure I kept my sig figs in order and all that good stuff, I get a couple similar but different answers, still all wrong though.

I have only one attempt left and it's worth 27% of the grade on this HW so any help would be appreciated greatly.

This is an image of my attempts, the problem, and how the solutions manual did the quadratic.
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  • #2
MasterVivi said:

Homework Statement

A resistor with resistance R is connected to a battery that has emf 15.0[V] and internal resistance r = 0.38[Ω].

For what two values of R will the power dissipated in the resistor be 78.0 W?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution


Your method and manipulations look okay up to this point. But I think perhaps the algebra got away from you doing the quadratic formula. Why not rewrite it at this point, substituting in numerical values for the known values and show us what that resulting quadratic looks like?
  • #3
I've tried this it kinda looks like

What messes with me is that the root term should just cancel most itself and become the first number again.

My professor just got back to me saying that his answer for the root term was 0.9895. which if this is true then working it out would be

so R= 1.47,0.65

Which maybe, I'm honestly afraid to try. Can anyone tell me how he got that for his root figure?
  • #4
Am I just being an idiot? is the -4r2 supposed to be under the root?
I mean that makes sense to me in terms of a quadratic formula -4AC being under the root.
  • #5
Just dawned on me what you were saying
R2-2.125R+0.1444=0 is simple haha

Thank you so much.
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  • #6
Your equation resolved to:
$$R^2 + \left( 2 r - \frac{E^2}{P}\right) R + r^2 = 0$$
This is of the form:
$$X^2 + B X + C = 0$$
with roots:
$$X = \frac{-B \pm \sqrt{B^2 - 4C}}{2}$$
So what are numerical values of your constants B and C?

EDIT; I was a bit slow typing up this response, so I missed your last post. Yes, once you boil it down to the fundamental parameters of the quadratic it is easier (less error prone) to find the roots with so much less algebra in the way :smile:

FAQ: Finding Resistance from internal resistance and Power in a circuit

1. What is the formula for calculating resistance in a circuit?

The formula for calculating resistance in a circuit is R = V/I, where R is the resistance in ohms, V is the voltage in volts, and I is the current in amperes.

2. How do you find the internal resistance of a circuit?

To find the internal resistance of a circuit, you can use the formula R = (V-E)/I, where R is the internal resistance, V is the voltage of the circuit, E is the voltage of the external source, and I is the current in the circuit.

3. What is the relationship between internal resistance and power in a circuit?

The relationship between internal resistance and power in a circuit is that as the internal resistance increases, the power delivered to the load decreases. This is because a higher internal resistance results in a lower voltage across the load, leading to a decrease in power according to the formula P = V*I.

4. How does the size and material of a wire affect internal resistance in a circuit?

The size and material of a wire can affect the internal resistance in a circuit. A thicker wire will have a lower resistance compared to a thinner wire, as there is more space for the current to flow. The material of the wire also plays a role, as certain materials have higher resistivity, resulting in a higher internal resistance.

5. Can the internal resistance of a circuit be reduced?

The internal resistance of a circuit can be reduced through various methods, such as using thicker wires with lower resistivity materials, minimizing the length of the wires, and using higher quality components with lower internal resistance. Additionally, using a voltage regulator can help reduce the impact of internal resistance on the circuit.
