Finding Solutions for x12+x22=1 on Finite Fields Zp using Prime Number Algorithm

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding solutions for the equation x12+x22=1 in a unit circle on a finite field Zp, where p is a prime number. The group discusses the possibility of using an algorithm to find all possible solutions and the complexity of such an algorithm. They also mention the importance of finding a good way to solve the equation for strengthening an extended essay. One member suggests checking all possibilities, while another suggests looking for quadratic residues that add up to 1, particularly for primes congruent to 1 modulo 4.
  • #1
i am sorry guys, the last time i posted this problem it was completely different but this time if we
Let x12+x22=1 be a unit circle upon a finite field Zp where p is prime. Is there any algorithm which can give all the possible solutions (x1,x2) an element of Zp*Zp as well as the total number of such solutions? If exists, what is the complexity of it?
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  • #2
You could check all possibilities. That takes something like O(p^2 log^2 p).

Now you just need a *good* way to solve it.
  • #3
all right, but what i actually need is that good way of solving it
  • #4
i need a solution to such an equation for stregthening my extended essay,anibody with a gud way of solving it?
  • #5
If I understood correctly, you are looking for two quadratic residues that add up to 1. It may be easier for primes congruent to 1 modulo 4, because quadratic residues for those primes are 'symmetric': r is a quadratic residue iif p-r is. In this case you just look for contiguous quadratic residues on the lower half, from 2 to (p-1)/2: if r and r+1 are quadratic residues, then p-r also is, and (p-r)+(r+1) add to 1. My 2 cents.

FAQ: Finding Solutions for x12+x22=1 on Finite Fields Zp using Prime Number Algorithm

What is a prime number algorithm?

A prime number algorithm is a set of steps or instructions used to determine whether a given number is a prime number or not. It is a mathematical technique that helps identify prime numbers efficiently.

Why do we need prime number algorithms?

We need prime number algorithms because prime numbers play an important role in many mathematical and scientific applications. They are used in cryptography, number theory, and for generating random numbers. Prime number algorithms help us quickly identify prime numbers, saving time and resources.

How do prime number algorithms work?

Prime number algorithms work by checking if a given number is divisible by any other number besides 1 and itself. If the number is only divisible by 1 and itself, then it is a prime number. Different algorithms use different techniques to check for divisibility, such as trial division, Sieve of Eratosthenes, and the AKS algorithm.

What are some common prime number algorithms?

Some common prime number algorithms include trial division, Sieve of Eratosthenes, and the AKS algorithm. These algorithms have different approaches but all aim to efficiently determine whether a given number is a prime number or not.

Are prime number algorithms 100% accurate?

In theory, prime number algorithms can be 100% accurate. However, in practice, there are limitations due to the sheer number of prime numbers and the size of the numbers being tested. As a result, some algorithms may have a small margin of error, but they are still considered highly accurate.

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