Finding Tension in a Rotating Ring: A Constant or Changing Value?

In summary, to find the tension in a rotating ring of density ρ, radius r, and angular velocity ω, we can calculate the net force on a small segment of the ring using its radial acceleration and mass. This net force is equal to the tension in the ring, which we can calculate using the equation T = ρAω2r2. The angles and forces involved can be determined using the triangle formed by the radius and the vertical from the center of the circle to the segment. The tension must exist in order to maintain centripetal acceleration and follow Newton's 2nd law.
  • #1
How do we find out the tension in a rotating ring of density ρ, radius r which is rotating with an angular velocity of ω and area of cross section A? And how do we know that this tension would be constant throughout the ring?
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  • #2
andyrk said:
How do we find out the tension in a rotating ring of density ρ, radius r which is rotating with an angular velocity of ω and area of cross section A? And how do we know that this tension would be constant throughout the ring?

Pick out a very small segment of the ring, calculate its radial acceleration. You have the acceleration of that segment and you have its mass, so you should be able to calculate the net force on it. The only forces acting on that segment come from the tension in the ring.
  • #3
Okay. Help me a bit on this. Let's pick an element of length dx. Then volume of this element is Adx and mass of this element is ρAdx. So the momentum of this particle is ρAdx(rω). How do we go about calculating the tension or even some force from here?
  • #4
Let the tension be [itex]\vec{T_1} , \vec{T_2}[/itex] at the two edges of dx. Then suppose [itex]d\theta[/itex] is the angle between T1 and dx (same as between T2 and dx due to symmetry). Because there is no tangential acceleration it will be [itex] T_1cos(d\theta)-T_2cos(d\theta)=0[/itex] from which [itex]T_1=T_2=T[/itex] because [itex]cos(d\theta)\to 1[/itex]. Now what holds for the force [itex]T_1sin(d\theta)+T_2sin(d\theta)=2Tsin(d\theta)[/itex]? (in what follows you should take notice that [itex]sin(d\theta)=\frac{dx}{2R}[/itex])
  • #5
Delta² said:
Let the tension be [itex]\vec{T_1} , \vec{T_2}[/itex] at the two edges of dx. Then suppose [itex]d\theta[/itex] is the angle between T1 and dx (same as between T2 and dx due to symmetry). Because there is no tangential acceleration it will be [itex] T_1cos(d\theta)-T_2cos(d\theta)=0[/itex] from which [itex]T_1=T_2=T[/itex] because [itex]cos(d\theta)\to 1[/itex]. Now what holds for the force [itex]T_1sin(d\theta)+T_2sin(d\theta)=2Tsin(d\theta)[/itex]? (in what follows you should take notice that [itex]sin(d\theta)=\frac{dx}{2R}[/itex])
That [itex]T_1sin(d\theta)+T_2sin(d\theta)=2Tsin(d\theta)[/itex] is the centripetal force and it should be equal to dmω2r = ρAdxω2r ⇒ 2Tdx/2r = ρAdxω2r ⇒ T = ρAω2r2.

But why is sindθ = dx/2R? Is it because of (dx/2)/R, i.e. we consider half the length of the element while measuring the sine of the angle because the triangle made involves only half the length dx and not full dx? Can you draw a diagram for this please? Also , does cosdθ → 1 or does it just cancel out? Also, how can we be so sure that the tension would exist, i.e. how can we say that each of the particles would definitely experience a pulling force from either side?
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  • #6
Sorry i can't draw a diagram. It is because the triangle made when we take the vertical from the center of the circle to dx, cuts dx in the middle. The angle made by the radius r and this vertical l is [itex]d\theta[/itex] because the sides of this angle are perpendicular to the sides of [itex]d\theta[/itex](radius r is perpendicular to [itex]T_1[/itex] and l is perpendicular to dx, and angles with perpendicular sides are equal). [itex]cos(d\theta)[/itex] cancels out because we know as [itex]d\theta \to 0, cos(d\theta) \to 1[/itex]. The tension has to exist , otherwise we would have centripetal acceleration without centripetal force, that is violation of Newton's 2nd law.

FAQ: Finding Tension in a Rotating Ring: A Constant or Changing Value?

1. What is tension in a rotating ring?

Tension in a rotating ring refers to the force that is exerted on the ring due to its rotation. This force is directed towards the center of rotation and is responsible for keeping the ring in a circular motion.

2. What factors affect the tension in a rotating ring?

The tension in a rotating ring is affected by the mass of the ring, the radius of rotation, and the speed of rotation. As any of these factors increase, the tension in the ring also increases.

3. How is the tension in a rotating ring calculated?

The tension in a rotating ring can be calculated using the formula T = mrω^2, where T is the tension, m is the mass of the ring, r is the radius of rotation, and ω is the angular velocity (speed of rotation).

4. What is the relationship between tension and speed of rotation in a rotating ring?

The tension in a rotating ring is directly proportional to the square of the speed of rotation. This means that as the speed of rotation increases, the tension in the ring also increases at a faster rate.

5. How does tension in a rotating ring affect its stability?

Tension in a rotating ring is essential for maintaining its stability. Without tension, the ring would not be able to maintain a circular motion and would become unstable. The amount of tension needed for stability depends on the mass, radius, and speed of rotation of the ring.
