Finding the Altitude at a Given Air Pressure

In summary, atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases and can be approximated by the formula P(h) = 101.33(0.9639)^\frac{h}{1000} where P is pressure in kilopascals and h is height in feet. To find the pressure at sea level (0 feet), we can simply substitute 0 for h, resulting in a pressure of 101.33 kPa. For finding the altitude where the air pressure is 70 kPa, we can use logarithms to solve for h and get an answer of approximately 10 kPa. However, if logarithms are not allowed, trial and error can also be used to find the answer.
  • #1
Atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases. The pressure can be approximated by the formula \(\displaystyle P(h) = 101.33(0.9639)^\frac{h}{1000}\) where \(\displaystyle P\) is pressure in kilopascals and \(\displaystyle h\) is height in feet.
a) What is the pressure at sea level (0 feet)?
b) At what altitude will the air pressure be 70kPa?So, I kinda have an idea how to do this. For a), you just sub in 0 for h, right? And that gets you 101.33

For b), do you just do trial and error until you get it to equal 70 feet? Could someone show the process/if there's an easier way?

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  • #2
For part b) you can use logarithms to solve for $h$. Let $P(h)=70$:

\(\displaystyle 70=101.33(0.9639)^{\frac{h}{1000}}\)

Now, if you have an equation of the form:

\(\displaystyle a=b\cdot c^{\frac{x}{d}}\)

and you wish to solve for $x$, the first thing I would do is divide through by $b$:

\(\displaystyle \frac{a}{b}=c^{\frac{x}{d}}\)

Next, we may take the natural log of both sides:

\(\displaystyle \ln\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)=\ln\left(c^{\frac{x}{d}}\right)\)

On the right, we may use the log property \(\displaystyle \log_a\left(b^c\right)=c\cdot\log_a(b)\) to write:

\(\displaystyle \ln\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)=\frac{x}{d}\ln(c)\)

Next divide through by \(\displaystyle \frac{\ln(c)}{d}\):

\(\displaystyle \frac{d\ln\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)}{\ln(c)}=x\)

Can you apply this procedure to the given problem?
  • #3
Thanks for replying!
We don't go over logarithms for this class (that's next year), so I don't think that my teacher would want us to solve it like that, since this is a question on a test review.

So, is there any other method of solving that, without logarithms? I got the answer \(\displaystyle 10\) kPa through trial and error. Is that correct? Thanks again! (:
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FAQ: Finding the Altitude at a Given Air Pressure

What is the atmospheric pressure equation?

The atmospheric pressure equation is a mathematical formula that describes the relationship between the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere and the altitude or height above sea level.

What factors affect atmospheric pressure?

The main factors that affect atmospheric pressure are temperature, altitude, and the amount of water vapor in the air. Changes in these factors can cause fluctuations in atmospheric pressure.

How is atmospheric pressure measured?

Atmospheric pressure is typically measured using a barometer, which is an instrument that measures the weight of the air pressing down on the Earth's surface. The most commonly used unit of measurement for atmospheric pressure is the millibar (mb).

What are the units of measurement for atmospheric pressure?

The most commonly used units of measurement for atmospheric pressure are millibars (mb) and inches of mercury (inHg). Other units that may be used include pascals (Pa) and atmospheres (atm).

How does the atmospheric pressure equation help us understand weather patterns?

The atmospheric pressure equation helps us understand weather patterns by providing a way to measure and track changes in pressure. These changes can indicate the movement of air masses and help predict the formation of weather systems such as high and low pressure systems, which can affect temperature and precipitation patterns.

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