Finding the average energy in an RLC circuit

In summary, an RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor, inductor, and capacitor connected in series or parallel, used to study AC and resonance. The average energy in an RLC circuit is the total energy stored and dissipated over one complete cycle of the AC source, calculated by finding the energy stored in the capacitor and inductor, as well as the energy dissipated by the resistor. This information is important for designing and optimizing RLC circuits, and can be affected by factors such as component values, frequency, and quality factor.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Q(t) = Aei(wt+Φ); dQ/dt = i*w*Q(t); E = (L/2)(dQ/dt)2 + Q2/2C

i = √-1 E above is average energy

The Attempt at a Solution

When I plug in Q(t) & dQ/dt into equation above (E) I get:


w02 = 1/LC

After I plugged both of them in I simplified & took the real part. Why aren't I getting the answer?
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  • #2
I don't think the Real part represents the amount of energy which is stored in the cap and inductor. Note that resistors do not store energy.
  • #3
Well in the answer the teacher gave, he took the real parts of Q(t) & dQ/dt. He then plugged them into the E formula above. Why does this work and my approach doea not (I take the real part AFTER equations are plugged in).
  • #4
gimak said:
Well in the answer the teacher gave, he took the real parts of Q(t) & dQ/dt. He then plugged them into the E formula above. Why does this work and my approach does not (I take the real part AFTER equations are plugged in).
Do you have the notes from what the teacher did from an example problem? Could you post how that worked?
Suppose that there is not a resistor at all. There will not be any real part, yet there is energy stored (and transferring back and forth) between inductor and capacitor.
  • #5

Here's the entire answer. Why doesn't my approach work?
  • #6
The screenshot is too blurry for me to make out. Is it possible to upload (or link to) the PDF? Perhaps if this site does not support it.
  • #8
I understand taking the real part, now. They found it easier to work with e^(iwt), rather than cos(wt) then just took the real part, because e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x).
  • #9
Yes, I know that they plugged in Q(t) = Aeiwt into the differential equation & found A. Then they took Re(Aeiwt) & plugged that into energy equation for part a. I still don't understand this: Why can't you plug in Aeiwt into the energy equation as opposed to its real part?
  • #10
gimak said:
Yes, I know that they plugged in Q(t) = Aeiwt into the differential equation & found A. Then they took Re(Aeiwt) & plugged that into energy equation for part a. I still don't understand this: Why can't you plug in Aeiwt into the energy equation as opposed to its real part?
There's a little more to it than that. Recognize that your instructor's solution first converted/transformed the differential equation from the time domain to the phasor domain by replacing [itex] V' \cos(\omega t)[/itex] with [itex] V' e^{i \omega t} [/itex]. The steady-state solution of the differential equation was then found in the phasor domain. The solution was then converted back to the time domain (from the phasor domain) by taking the projection of the solution onto the real axis, [itex] Q_0 A e^{i \omega t + \phi} \rightarrow \Re \left[ Q_0 A e^{i \omega t + \phi} \right] = \Re [Q_0 A] \cos(\omega t + \phi) [/itex].

In summary, the process is:
1) Convert (i.e., transform) to the phasor domain. (Convert from real sinusoidal to complex spiral)
2) Solve the special case, steady-state solution to the differential equation (ignoring all transients).
3) Convert back to the time domain by finding the real projection of the complex solution.

Why do this? Why convert to the phasor domain in the first place? Answer: it just makes the math a little easier. It's easier to work with [itex] e^{i \omega t} [/itex] than it is with [itex] \cos(\omega t) [/itex]. That's all.

You could have solved the differential equation in terms of [itex] cos(\omega t + \phi) [/itex] from the beginning, but it would have been a lot harder. It's easier to first transform [itex] V' \cos(\omega t) \rightarrow V' e^{i \omega t} [/itex], solve for the steady-state solution, then transform back via [itex] Q_0 A e^{i \omega t + \phi} \rightarrow \Re \left[ Q_0 A e^{i \omega t + \phi} \right] = \Re [Q_0 A] \cos(\omega t + \phi) [/itex].

By the way, this process of solving the steady-state solution by way of the phasor domain transformation is done by electrical engineers all the time. They even have special notation where [itex] Ae^{i \omega t + \theta} = A \angle \theta [/itex]. Your instructor's solution does not use this notation, but mathematically it's the same thing.

[Edit: The use of the "phasor domain" as described here can be seen as a stepping stone toward solving steady-state solutions of differential equations by means of the "frequency domain" and Fourier analysis. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Full conversion to the frequency domain transformation was not done in your instructor's solution; all that was done was to transform from real sinusoidal to complex spiral and back.]
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FAQ: Finding the average energy in an RLC circuit

What is an RLC circuit?

An RLC circuit is a type of electrical circuit that contains a resistor, inductor, and capacitor connected in series or parallel. It is used to study the properties of alternating currents (AC) and resonance.

What is the average energy in an RLC circuit?

The average energy in an RLC circuit is the total energy that is stored and dissipated over one complete cycle of the AC source. It is equal to the sum of the energy stored in the capacitor and inductor, as well as the energy dissipated by the resistor.

How do you calculate the average energy in an RLC circuit?

To calculate the average energy in an RLC circuit, you need to first find the energy stored in the capacitor and inductor using their respective formulas. Then, find the energy dissipated by the resistor using the formula P = I^2 * R, where P is power, I is current, and R is resistance. Finally, add all three values together to get the total average energy.

Why is finding the average energy important in an RLC circuit?

Finding the average energy in an RLC circuit is important because it helps us understand the behavior of the circuit and the amount of energy that is being stored and dissipated. This information is essential for designing and optimizing RLC circuits for various applications.

What factors can affect the average energy in an RLC circuit?

The average energy in an RLC circuit can be affected by various factors such as the values of the components (resistor, inductor, and capacitor), the frequency of the AC source, and the quality factor of the circuit. Changes in these factors can alter the amount of energy stored and dissipated in the circuit.

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