Finding the Center of Mass in Equilibrium

  • Thread starter smray7
  • Start date
In summary, the question is asking to determine the distance from the girl's feet to the center of mass of the plank, given that the plank is 2 meters long and has a girl laying across it with a mass of 380N at the head and 320N at the feet. The solution involves setting up free body diagrams and using the equations for net force and net torque in equilibrium. The mass of the plank is assumed to be negligible and any rotation point can be chosen, though using the girl's feet makes the calculations simpler. The final equations can be solved to find the distance from the girl's feet to the center of mass.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A light plank 2 meters long rests on two scales with a girl laying across the plank. The mass on the left(head) is 380N and at the other end(feet), the mass is 320N. How far from the girl's feet is the center of mas?

Homework Equations

net F = 0
net T = 0

because this object is in equillibrium so all torque/forces equal zero

The Attempt at a Solution

I have free body diagrams containing total forces. I just look at this as if there are 2 blocks instead of a body.

m1g + m2g=0

m1g (2-x) + m2g(2-x)=0 i know for torque i need the force to be multiplied by some distance.

would the mass of the plank matter? that would be another unknown that I'm not even sure i could solve for. do i need to choose an rotation point?
Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi smray7! welcome to pf! :smile:
smray7 said:
A light plank…

would the mass of the plank matter? that would be another unknown that I'm not even sure i could solve for. do i need to choose an rotation point?

"light" is one of those code-words that have the specific meaning in exam questions that you can ignore whatever they apply to …

the question is telling you to treat the mass of the plank as zero :wink:

and any rotation points will work, but some make the maths simpler than others :smile:

(since the required answer is "the distance from the girl's feet", i'd choose the girl's feet!)
I have free body diagrams containing total forces. I just look at this as if there are 2 blocks instead of a body.

m1g + m2g=0

erm :redface: … the question is simple enough already, if you simplify it any further you'll risk losing information :wink:

there are two upward forces on the body, and one downward force (acting through the centre of mass) …

how could two forces add to zero if they're in the same direction? :smile:
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  • #3
ok so maybe i was over thinking it and misreading it.
Newtons are forces not mass.
and you're right, what i had before doesn't equal to zero.

now i have:

Fy: N1 + N2 - mg = 0
T: N1(2) - mg(2-x) + N2(0) = 0

this seems simple but i don't know, i can't get it.
  • #4
hi smray7! :wink:
smray7 said:
Fy: N1 + N2 - mg = 0
T: N1(2) - mg(2-x) + N2(0) = 0

this seems simple but i don't know, i can't get it.

but you're there

just bung the numbers in! :smile:
  • #5
thanks t.t.! i got it.

i do have another question on a problem involving a rotating disk.
how do i relate
[tex]\tau[/tex] = I[tex]\alpha[/tex] to F = [tex]\mu\mu[/tex]N ?

i need to find [tex]\mu[/tex] as a force of 70N is applied to the disk.

all work for torque i have is completed. i just need to do the above.
  • #6
hi smray7! :smile:

(have an alpha: α and a mu: µ and a tau: τ :wink:)

is this a force of 70 N applied radially to the disc?

then the friction force is 70µ N, and the torque is 70µr N :smile:

FAQ: Finding the Center of Mass in Equilibrium

1. What is meant by "object in equilibrium"?

An object in equilibrium is a state in which the object has a constant velocity and zero acceleration. This means that the object is not moving or changing its direction, and all forces acting upon it are balanced.

2. How is equilibrium achieved?

Equilibrium is achieved when the net force acting on an object is equal to zero. This can be achieved through the balancing of multiple forces, or through the absence of any external forces acting on the object.

3. What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium?

Static equilibrium occurs when an object is at rest and the net forces acting on it are balanced. Dynamic equilibrium, on the other hand, occurs when an object is moving at a constant velocity with all forces acting upon it being balanced.

4. How is equilibrium related to Newton's First Law of Motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. In equilibrium, the object is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity, which aligns with this law.

5. Can an object be in equilibrium if it is moving?

Yes, an object can be in equilibrium while moving at a constant velocity. This is known as dynamic equilibrium, and it occurs when the net force on the object is equal to zero, resulting in no change in motion.
