Finding the Center of $S_n$: Understanding the Commutativity of Disjoint Cycles

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  • Thread starter evinda
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding the center of the symmetric group $S_n$, denoted by $Z(S_n)$. It is stated that $Z(S_n)$ consists of elements that commute with all elements in $S_n$. It is also mentioned that every element in $S_n$ can be written as a product of transpositions, and that this can be used to determine which cycles can be in the center. The formula $gcg^{-1} = (g(a_1) g(a_2) \dots g(a_k))$ is given as a useful tool for this problem. The conversation also includes a discussion on the abelian nature of $S_2$ and $S_n$ for $n \
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello! (Wave)

I want to find the center of $S_n$.

$Z(S_n)=\{ c \in S_n: cg=gc , \forall g \in S_n\}$.Every $c\in S_n$ can be written as a product of transpositions, $$c = \prod_{i = 1}^r (1\, m_i)$$ for some $r$ and some sequence $(m_i)_{1\leqslant i \leqslant r}$, right?

Doesn't this imply that we can consider $g$ to be of the form $(1 \ m)$ for some $m \in \mathbb{N}$?
Because if we want to pick for example $g=(1 2) (2 3)$ then $(2 3)$ can be included at the product of transpositions that represents c, or am I wrong?

Then since $g$ is of the form $(1 m)$ it holds that $g=g^{-1}$.

So $cg=gc \Leftrightarrow c=gcg$.

Let $m \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $g=(1 m)$.

Also let $c=(a_1 a_2 \dots a_n)$.

Is it right so far? Do we have to distinguish now cases for $c$, i.e. if it contains 1 and m, one of them or none of them?
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  • #2
First off, you'll want to make some restrictions on $n$, because $S_2$ is abelian, and $S_3$ is not, so they cannot possibly have even isomorphic centers.

Secondly, I recommend you write an arbitrary permutation as a product of disjoint cycles. Disjoint cycles commute (with each other), so this reduces the problem to finding which cycles can be in the center.

Third, note that a cycle $c \in S_n$ is in the center if and only if $gcg^{-1} = c$ for every $g \in S_n$.

Finally, I believe you may find the following formula useful:

If $c = (a_1\ a_2\ \dots\ a_k)$ and $g \in S_n$ is any permutation, then:

$gcg^{-1} = (g(a_1)\ g(a_2)\ \dots g(a_k))$.
  • #3
Deveno said:
First off, you'll want to make some restrictions on $n$, because $S_2$ is abelian, and $S_3$ is not, so they cannot possibly have even isomorphic centers.

How can we show that $S_2$ is abelian but $S_n$ is not for $n\geq 3$ ? (Thinking)
Deveno said:
Disjoint cycles commute (with each other), so this reduces the problem to finding which cycles can be in the center.

Why do disjoint cycles commute? Because the order we write them doesn't matter?

Also why does this reduce the problem to finding which cycles can be in the center?
Deveno said:
Finally, I believe you may find the following formula useful:

If $c = (a_1\ a_2\ \dots\ a_k)$ and $g \in S_n$ is any permutation, then:

$gcg^{-1} = (g(a_1)\ g(a_2)\ \dots g(a_k))$.

Could you explain to me why the formual holds? (Sweating)
  • #4
Deveno says:
Disjoint cycles commute (with each other), so this reduces the problem to finding which cycles can be in the center.
Perhaps I'm being a bit dense, but I don't see why this is true. It is definitely not true that if commuting elements a and b of an arbitrary group are such that ab is in the center, then each of a and b is in the center.

I would tackle this as follows:
Suppose $z\in Z(S_n)$. Consider the cyclic decomposition of $z$. Suppose there is a cycle of z of length at least 3, say $c=(i,j,k\cdots)$ and $z=cc_1c_2\cdots c_m$ where each $c_i$ is a cycle not containing either of $i$ or $j$. That is $c_i$ commutes with the cycle $(i,j)$. Thus the centralizer of $(i,j)$ contains $c$; the centralizer of $(i,j)$ is a subgroup. But by direct calculation, c does not commute with $(i,j)$. Hence every cycle of z has length at most 2. Now you try and finish the proof.
  • #5
johng said:
Deveno says:

Perhaps I'm being a bit dense, but I don't see why this is true. It is definitely not true that if commuting elements a and b of an arbitrary group are such that ab is in the center, then each of a and b is in the center.

I would tackle this as follows:
Suppose $z\in Z(S_n)$. Consider the cyclic decomposition of $z$. Suppose there is a cycle of z of length at least 3, say $c=(i,j,k\cdots)$ and $z=cc_1c_2\cdots c_m$ where each $c_i$ is a cycle not containing either of $i$ or $j$. That is $c_i$ commutes with the cycle $(i,j)$. Thus the centralizer of $(i,j)$ contains $c$; the centralizer of $(i,j)$ is a subgroup. But by direct calculation, c does not commute with $(i,j)$. Hence every cycle of z has length at most 2. Now you try and finish the proof.

That's not quite what I said (although I see where you would think I was implying it).

What I meant (and I apologize for not being clearer) is:

If $g$ commutes with $a$, and it commutes with $b$, it commutes with $ab$.

On the other hand, if $g$ does NOT commute with $a$ (or $b$) it cannot be in the center, so testing whether or not it commutes with $ab$ is a waste of time.

I apologize for the confusion.
  • #6
We have $$\sigma \cdot (1, \ldots, n) \cdot \sigma^{-1} = \big(\sigma(1), \sigma(2), \ldots, \sigma(n)\big) \\ \Rightarrow \sigma \cdot (1, \ldots, n) \cdot \sigma^{-1} \cdot \sigma = \big(\sigma(1), \sigma(2), \ldots, \sigma(n)\big)\cdot \sigma \\ \Rightarrow \sigma \cdot (1, \ldots, n) = \big(\sigma(1), \sigma(2), \ldots, \sigma(n)\big)\cdot \sigma $$

Suppose that $\sigma$ is not the identity.

Then $$\big (\sigma (1), \sigma (2), \dots , \sigma (n)\big )\neq \big (1,2,\dots , n\big )$$

So we have that $$\sigma \cdot (1, \ldots, n) \neq \big (1,\dots , n\big )\cdot \sigma$$

So when $\sigma$ is not the identity then $\sigma \notin Z(S_n)$.

Suppose that $\sigma$ is the identity.

Then $$\big ( \sigma (1), \sigma (2), \dots , \sigma (n)\big ) = \big (1,2,\dots , n\big )$$ So we have that $$\sigma \cdot (1, \ldots, n) = \big (1,\dots , n\big )\cdot \sigma$$

So when $\sigma$ is the identity then $\sigma \in Z(S_n)$.

This means that $Z(S_n)=\{\text{id}\}$.

Is it right? Or could I improve something?
  • #7
Suppose that [FONT=MathJax_Math]σ[/FONT]σ is not the identity.

Then [FONT=MathJax_Size1]([/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]σ[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]([/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]1[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main])[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]σ[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]([/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]2[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main])[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]…[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]σ[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]([/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]n[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main])[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Size1])[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]≠[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Size1]([/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]1[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]2[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]…[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]n[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Size1])[/FONT]
This is just wrong!. Take $\sigma=(1,2,\cdots, n)$. Then the cycle $(2,3,\cdots,n,1)=(1,2,\cdots,n)$. These are cycles, not n tuples.

Here's a complete proof as indicated in my previous post:Suppose $z\in Z(S_n)$ where $n\geq3$. Consider the cyclic decomposition of $z$.
1. Suppose there is a cycle of z of length at least 3, say $c=(i,j,k\cdots)$ and $z=cc_1c_2\cdots c_m$ where each $c_i$ is a cycle not containing either $i$ or $j$. So each $c_i$ commutes with $(i,j)$. Now the centralizer $C$ of $(i,j)$ is a subgroup. So the product $c_1c_2\cdots c_m\in C,\,z\in C$ implies $c=z(c_1c_2\cdots c_m)^{-1}$ commutes with $(i,j)$. But $((i,j)\circ c)(i)=(i,j)(c(i))=(i,j)(j)=i$ whereas $(c\circ (i,j))(i)=c(j)=k$, and $c$ does not commute with $(i,j)$. So every cycle of $z$ has length at most 2.

2. Suppose $z$ contains the product of 2 2 cycles, say $z=(i,j)(k,l)\cdots$. As in 1, $(i,j)(k,l)$ commutes with the 3 cycle $(i,j,k)$, but $((i,j,k)(i,j)(k,l))(i)=k$ and $((i,j)(k,l)(i,j,k))(i)=i$ is a contradiction.

3. Finally then z consists of at most one 2 cycle, say $z=(i,j)$. But as shown in 1, $(i,j)$ does not commute with $(i,j,k)$ for any $k$ with $k\neq i$ and $k\neq j$. So $z$ consists of all 1 cycles, i.e. $z$ is the identity.
  • #8
johng said:
Suppose $z\in Z(S_n)$ where $n\geq3$. Consider the cyclic decomposition of $z$.
1. Suppose there is a cycle of z of length at least 3, say $c=(i,j,k\cdots)$ and $z=cc_1c_2\cdots c_m$ where each $c_i$ is a cycle not containing either $i$ or $j$. So each $c_i$ commutes with $(i,j)$.

Why does $c_i$ commute with $(i,j)$?
  • #9
Disjoint cycles commute.

FAQ: Finding the Center of $S_n$: Understanding the Commutativity of Disjoint Cycles

What is the "center" of $S_n$?

The "center" of $S_n$ refers to the set of elements in the symmetric group $S_n$ that commute with all other elements in the group. In other words, the center is the set of elements that do not change the outcome of a group operation when they are applied.

How is the center of $S_n$ found?

The center of $S_n$ can be found by determining which elements in the group commute with all other elements. This can be done by examining the group's multiplication table or by using specific algebraic techniques, such as finding the group's centralizer.

Why is finding the center of $S_n$ important?

Finding the center of $S_n$ is important because it can provide insight into the structure and properties of the group. The center can also help determine whether the group is abelian or not, and can be used in various applications of group theory.

What are the properties of the center of $S_n$?

The center of $S_n$ has several important properties: it is always a subgroup of $S_n$, it is abelian (meaning its elements commute with each other), and it can have a significant impact on the structure and behavior of the group.

Can the center of $S_n$ be empty?

Yes, the center of $S_n$ can be empty if there are no elements in the group that commute with all other elements. This is usually the case for non-abelian groups, as the center is often non-empty for abelian groups.

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