Finding the charge on two balls in equilibrium

In summary, two balls with a mass of 0.50g each are suspended from insulating threads 1.0m long. When the balls are equally charged, they repel each other and are in equilibrium when they are 30cm apart. To find the charge on the two balls, one must draw a free body diagram and sum up all the forces acting on each ball. This includes tension in the strings, as well as other forces present. Using equilibrium equations and breaking the forces into vertical and horizontal components, one can solve for the charges on the two balls. This may involve using trigonometry and drawing a vector triangle to represent the forces.
  • #1
Two balls, each of mass 0.50g are each suspendedd from an insulating thread 1.0m long. The upper ends of the threads are attached to the same point. When the balls are equally charged they repel each other and are in equilibrium when they are 30cm apart.

Find the charge on the two balls.

F = KQq/r^2 (where K is equal to 9x10^9)
I really appreciate any help on this one. As I can't seem to find the answer. I know triganometry is involved and I know you need to find TcosΘ and TsinΘ and divide them but after that I'm completely stuck.
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  • #2
The first step in such problems is always to draw a diagram of all the forces acting on the bodies. Then sum up the forces on each body.

You also haven't mentioned what you are looking for.
  • #3
Oh, my apologies. I'm looking for the charge of the two balls.

I've already drawn up a vector triangle.
  • #4
Start by drawing a free body diagram. Make sure you include all the relevant forces. Write the equilibrium equations.
  • #5
I don't know exactly what you mean by a "vector triangle". You need to draw all the forces acting on the balls, regardless of whether they form triangles or not. You already mentioned the tension of the string, but there are other forces present. After you draw all the forces, break them into vertical and horizontal components.

You did actually mention what you were looking for; I just didn't notice it.
  • #6
tms said:
I don't know exactly what you mean by a "vector triangle".
Koan may be referring to a common method of dealing with statics problems which involves drawing a closed polygon with sides oriented as per the forces and lengths in proportion to the magnitudes. So for three forces you get a triangle.

Related to Finding the charge on two balls in equilibrium

1. What is meant by "charge on two balls in equilibrium"?

When two objects have the same amount of electrical charge and are placed close to each other, they will experience an attractive or repulsive force. This state, where the forces are balanced and the objects are at rest, is known as equilibrium.

2. How do you find the charge on two balls in equilibrium?

The charge on two balls in equilibrium can be found by using Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. By measuring the distance between the balls and the force acting on them, the charge on each ball can be calculated.

3. Can the charge on two balls in equilibrium be negative?

Yes, the charge on two balls in equilibrium can be negative. The sign of the charge depends on the type of charge (positive or negative) of the objects. If both balls have the same type of charge, they will repel each other and have the same sign. If they have opposite charges, they will attract each other and have different signs.

4. How does the size of the balls affect the charge on two balls in equilibrium?

The size of the balls does not directly affect the charge on two balls in equilibrium. However, it can indirectly affect the charge by changing the distance between the balls. According to Coulomb's law, the force between two charged objects decreases as the distance between them increases. Therefore, if the size of the balls changes, the distance between them will also change, resulting in a different charge on each ball to maintain equilibrium.

5. What factors can disrupt the equilibrium between two charged balls?

Several factors can disrupt the equilibrium between two charged balls. The most common factor is the presence of other charged objects in the vicinity, which can cause the balls to experience unequal forces and move out of equilibrium. Changes in temperature, humidity, and air currents can also affect the equilibrium by altering the charge on the objects or the distance between them.
