Finding the Coefficient for $a^4$ in a Series with Variable Exponents

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
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In summary, a coefficient is a number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression. A series with variable exponents is a mathematical expression that contains a variable raised to different powers. It is important to find the coefficient for a<sup>4</sup> in a series with variable exponents because it allows for simplification and helps to identify patterns and relationships. To find the coefficient for a<sup>4</sup>, you need to look at the term with a<sup>4</sup> and determine the number being multiplied by it. The coefficient for a<sup>4</sup> can be negative, as seen in the example of -a<sup>2</sup> + 3a<
  • #1
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What is the coefficient for $a^4$ in $(1-a^2)+(1-a^2)^2++(1-a^2)^3+\cdots+(1-a^2)^{12}$?

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  • #2
Congratulations to the following members for their correct solutions::)

1. chisigma
2. SuperSonic4
3. greg1313
4. lfdahl
5. kaliprasad

Solution from SuperSonic4:
The binomial theorem states that \(\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n}(1+x)^n = {n \choose k} x^k\)In this case \(\displaystyle x = -a^2\) and so we have \(\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n}(1-a^2)^n = {n \choose k} (-a^2)^k = {n \choose k} (-a)^{2k}\)

As we are dealing with integer powers it follows that \(\displaystyle 2k\) is always even and so our sign will always be plus.

For the exponent to be 4 \(\displaystyle 2k = 4 \therefore k=2\)

The coefficient of any given power is \(\displaystyle {n \choose k}\) and since we've just worked out that \(\displaystyle k=2\) we can work out the coefficient of \(\displaystyle x\) for each term and using inspection we can clearly see that the coefficient of \(\displaystyle x^4\) in the first term is \(\displaystyle 0\).

Thus we start with
\(\displaystyle {2 \choose 2} = 1\) and work our way sequentially up to \(\displaystyle {12 \choose 2} = 66 \) using good old fashioned brute force

The coefficients for each term are 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66 which also happen to be the triangular numbers

Thus the total coefficient is all these added together: \(\displaystyle 286\)

Solution from lfdahl:
\[(1-a^2)+(1-a^2)^2+ ... + (1-a^2)^{12} \\\\= \frac{1-(1-a^2)^{13}{}}{1-(1-a^2)}-1 =\frac{1-\sum_{j=0}^{13}\binom{13}{j}(-1)^{j} a^{2j}}{a^2}-1 \\\\ =\sum_{j=1}^{13}\binom{13}{j}(-1)^{j+1} a^{2(j-1)}-1\]
Thus the coefficient of $a^4$ (for $j=3$) is: $\binom{13}{3} = 286$.

Solution from kaliprasad:
If we put $x= (1-a^2)$

We get given expression as


= $x\dfrac{1-x^{12}}{1-x}$

= $(1-a^2)\dfrac{1-(1-a^2)^{12}}{a^2}$

= $\dfrac{(1-a^2)-(1-a^2)^{13}}{a^2}$

Now $\dfrac{1-a^2}{a^2}$ shall not contribute to $a^4$ so we need to find the coefficient of $a^6$ in $-(1-a^2)^{13}$ which is ${13\choose 3}$

Hence the ans is ${13\choose 3}$

Alternative solution:
Notice that

1. The first binomial which raised to the first power, $(1-x^2)^1$ has no term of $x^4$.

2. The subsequent binomials, which raised to the second power all the way up to the twelve power, $x^4$ lies on the third term (and is a positive term) if we are to expand them out and writing the result in ascending powers of $x$.
Hockey Stick Pattern tells us the coefficient for $a^4$ in $(1-a^2)+(1-a^2)^2++(1-a^2)^3+\cdots+(1-a^2)^{12}$ is 286.

FAQ: Finding the Coefficient for $a^4$ in a Series with Variable Exponents

What is a coefficient?

A coefficient is a number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression. It represents the amount by which the variable is multiplied.

What is a series with variable exponents?

A series with variable exponents is a mathematical expression that contains a variable raised to different powers. For example, a series with variable exponents could be written as a2 + a3 + a4 + a5.

Why is it important to find the coefficient for a4 in a series with variable exponents?

Finding the coefficient for a4 allows us to simplify the series and make it easier to work with. It also helps us to identify patterns and relationships between the terms in the series.

How do you find the coefficient for a4 in a series with variable exponents?

To find the coefficient for a4, you need to look at the term with a4 and determine the number that is being multiplied by it. In the series a2 + a3 + a4 + a5, the coefficient for a4 is 1 because there is no number being multiplied by it.

Can the coefficient for a4 be negative?

Yes, the coefficient for a4 can be negative. In the series -a2 + 3a4 - 2a5, the coefficient for a4 is 3, indicating that the term 3a4 is being multiplied by a4.
