Finding the Distance Between Moving Animals with Constant Acceleration

In summary, the conversation is about finding the distance between a cheetah and an antelope when they first started moving. The animals have constant acceleration and reach their maximum speeds in 4 seconds. The given equations are used to calculate the distance, but the initial attempt at a solution was incorrect. The correct answer is 126m.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

A cheetah is estimated to be able to run at a maximum speed of [tex]100km.h^1[/tex] whilst and antelope can run at a maximum speed of [tex]65km.h^1[/tex]. A cheetah at rest sees an antelope at rest and starts running towards it. The antelope immediately starts running away. Both cheetah and antelope are assumed to move with constant acceleration and reach their maximum speeds in 4 seconds. Assuming that both run along the same straight line and that the cheetah catches the antelope in 15 seconds, find the distance between the animals when they first started moving.

2. Equations I have been given

I have been staring at this for a good hour now and am yet to come up with the answer which I know to be 126m. How do i find this value using those equations and the data given?

here is what i have gotten so far but the final answer is not 126m which i know to be correct, any ideas?

cheetah-[tex]v=250/9[/tex][tex]u=0[/tex] [tex]t=4[/tex] [tex]a=?[/tex]

[tex]250/9 =4a[/tex]

antelope-[tex]v=325/18[/tex] [tex]u=0[/tex] [tex]t=4[/tex] [tex]a=?[/tex]


cheetah displacement -

first 4 secs

final 11 secs

total S = [tex]625/3[/tex]

antelope displacement -

first 4 secs

final 11 secs

total S = [tex]1625/12[/tex]


Does that look correct? According to the answer i know to be correct (its on the back of the assignment paper) it is wrong :s

Thanks again for this!
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  • #2
3. The Attempt at a Solutioncheetah-v=250/9u=0 t=4 a=?250/9 =4a(250/9)/4=125/18125/18=aantelope-v=325/18 u=0 t=4 a=?(325/18)/4=a325/72=acheetah displacement -first 4 secss=ut+1/2at^2s=0x4+1/2x125/18x4^2s=500/9final 11 secss=1/2(u+v)t1/2(0+250/9)11s=1375/9total S = 1875/9antelope displacement -first 4 secss=ut+1/2at^2s=0x4+1/2x325/72x4^2s=325/9final 11 secss=1/2(u+v)t1/2(0+325/18)11s=3575/36total S = 3900/36s=(1875/9)-(3900/36)=126m

FAQ: Finding the Distance Between Moving Animals with Constant Acceleration

1. What is the difference between kinematics and dynamics?

Kinematics is the study of motion without considering its causes, while dynamics is the study of motion and the forces that cause it.

2. What is a scalar quantity in kinematics?

A scalar quantity in kinematics is a physical quantity that is fully described by its magnitude, such as distance or speed.

3. What is a vector quantity in kinematics?

A vector quantity in kinematics is a physical quantity that is fully described by both its magnitude and direction, such as displacement or velocity.

4. How is acceleration related to velocity in kinematics?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, meaning it is the change in velocity over a certain time period. This means that an object with a constant velocity has zero acceleration.

5. How are position, velocity, and acceleration related in kinematics?

Position is the location of an object, velocity is the rate of change of position, and acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. This means that acceleration is the second derivative of position with respect to time.
