Finding the Dominant Mode in a Rectangular Waveguide

Then ask yourself where the electric fields are always perpendicular. The answers to these questions will tell you the electric and magnetic fields at the boundary between the two halves of the wave guide.In summary, we are attempting to find the dominant mode propagating in a rectangular waveguide with air as the medium and PEC and PMC walls. The dimensions of the waveguide are a=5cm and b=3m. PEC stands for Perfect Electric Conductor and PMC stands for Perfect Magnetic Conductor. Their boundary conditions dictate that the tangential electric field is zero and the tangential magnetic field is maximum for PEC, while the opposite is true for PMC. By applying these conditions and looking at a diagram of the waveguide, we can derive the
  • #1

Homework Statement

For an air-filled waveguide rectangular wave guide with the top and bottom made of PEC and
the left wall made of PMC and the right wall of PEC. The dimensions are a=5cm b=3m. Find the dominant mode propagating in this wave guide
(a is length and b is the height)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am trying to attempt to understand the boundary conditions.
I know that for a PMC the tangential magnetic field and the normal electric field must be equal to zero. For a PEC the tangential electric field is zero, the magnetic field normal to the surface is 0.
I am not sure how to attempt to find the field. I am looking at a diagram where the box is facing the y-x axis and the direction of propagation is in the z. I am suppose to be able to reason how the function by looking at the boundary conditions.
the solution they have is
for TE:
H_z = sin(2m+1/(2a)*pi*x)*cos(pi*n/b*y) e^-jbetaz
and for TM Mode:
E_z = cos(2m+1/a* x)*sin(n*pi/b *y)*e^-jbetaz
I don't understand how they figuered this out by applying the boundary conditions. I am
getting confused as to how to apply the boundary conditions. If someone could clarify it, i would greatly appreciate it.
Physics news on
  • #2
PEC (perfect electric conductor?) and PMC (perfect magnetic conductor?) are not terms I am familiar with. They must be used mainly in engineering and perhaps materials science courses, as opposed to electrodynamics courses.

If you can provide a decent definition of those terms (a quick Google search found next to nothing), I'm sure I can help you with this one...
  • #3
Yup. PEC - Perfect Electrical conductor. This is implies that the tangential electric field is zero and the tangential magnetic field is maximum. The Normal electric field is maximum and the normal magnetic field is zero.
PMC - Perfect Magnetic Conductor - Tangential magnetic field is zero, tangential electric field is maximum. Normal magnetic field is maximum and the normal electric field is zero.
  • #4
In that case, start with the general solution to Maxwell's Equation in a rectangular waveguide: have you derived that yet?
  • #5
A picture is worth a thousand words and a page of equations. This looks like the usual rectangular wave guide, split down the middle.

Split where? Find a drawing of the fields for the usual reactangular wave guide. Locate the plane through which the magnetic fields are always perpendicular.
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FAQ: Finding the Dominant Mode in a Rectangular Waveguide

1. What is a rectangular waveguide?

A rectangular waveguide is a type of transmission line used to guide electromagnetic waves, typically in the microwave frequency range. It consists of a hollow metal tube with a rectangular cross-section that allows the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a specific mode.

2. What is the dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide?

The dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide is the mode with the lowest cutoff frequency, which allows for the most efficient propagation of electromagnetic waves. In a rectangular waveguide, this is typically the TE10 mode, where the electric field is transverse to the direction of propagation and has the maximum amplitude at the center of the waveguide.

3. How is the dominant mode determined in a rectangular waveguide?

The dominant mode can be determined by finding the cutoff frequency of each mode and comparing it to the operating frequency. The mode with the lowest cutoff frequency that is below the operating frequency is the dominant mode. This can also be determined by analyzing the electric and magnetic field distributions of each mode.

4. What factors can affect the dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide?

The dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide can be affected by the waveguide dimensions, the dielectric material used, and any discontinuities or obstructions in the waveguide. These factors can alter the cutoff frequency and change which mode is dominant.

5. Why is it important to find the dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide?

Finding the dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide is important because it allows for the most efficient and reliable transmission of electromagnetic waves. By understanding the dominant mode, engineers can design and optimize waveguide systems for specific applications. It also helps in minimizing signal loss and interference in the transmission line.

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