Finding the eigenvalues of the spin operator

In summary, the possible eigenvalues of the spin operator for a spin 1/2 particle are ±ħ/2√3, where the spin operator is defined as \vec{S} = ħ/2 (σ_x + σ_y + σ_z) and can be measured in a specific direction with the operator S_u = \vec{u} · \vec{S}. However, it is not possible to diagonalize all vector components of the spin operator simultaneously due to the non-commutative nature of the rotation group.
  • #1
1. What are the possible eigenvalues of the spin operator [itex] \vec{S} [/itex] for a spin 1/2 particle?

Homework Equations

I think these are correct:
[tex] \vec{S} = \frac{\hbar}{2} ( \sigma_x + \sigma_y + \sigma_z ) [/tex]
[tex] \sigma_x = \left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & 1\\1 & 0\end{array}\right),\quad
\sigma_y = \left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & -i\\i & 0\end{array}\right),\quad
\sigma_z = \left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0\\0 & -1\end{array}\right),\quad

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex] \text{Define } {\bf \sigma} = \sigma_x + \sigma_y + \sigma_z = \left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & 1-i\\1+i & -1\end{array}\right) [/tex]
To find the eigenvalues, solve the characteristic polynomial:
[tex] \det (\sigma - \lambda {\bf I}) = 0 [/tex]
[tex] \Rightarrow \lambda = \pm \sqrt{3} [/tex]
So that the eigenvalues of the original operator, [itex] \vec{S} [/itex] are [itex] \pm \frac{\hbar}{2} \sqrt{3} [/itex]?

I'm not sure if I can just add the pauli matrices like that
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  • #2
The spin operator is a vector operator. Thus for spin 1/2 you have
[tex]\vec{S}=\frac{\hbar}{2} (\sigma_x \vec{e}_x+\sigma_{y} \vec{e}_y + \sigma_z \vec{e}_z),[/tex]
where the [itex]\vec{e}_j[/itex] are a Cartesian basis system.

Your should always have a "syntax checker" switched on in your mind. An equation, where you have on one side a vector and on the other side a scalar-like quantity (your expression isn't even a scalar under rotations!) that expression for sure must be a wrong statement. It doesn't even make sense!
  • #3
I've usually just seen the spin operator as a matrix. But still, the OP's equation is not correct I think. If you want to measure the spin in the direction ##(u_x,u_y,u_z)## then you will have spin operator:
[tex]S = \frac{\hbar}{2} ( u_x \sigma_x + u_y \sigma_y + u_z \sigma_z ) [/tex]
And sbryant seems to have ##u_x=u_y=u_z=1## this is weird for 2 reasons: 1) this is not allowed, because it must be a unit vector. (This is why you get the incorrect square root of 3 in your answer). 2) why choose that direction? surely it would be simpler to choose something like ##(1,0,0)## as the direction to measure the spin along?
  • #4
Yes, and [itex]\vec{S}[/itex] is a vector with matrices (operators) as "components".

Of course, you cannot diagonalize all vector components at the same time, because they do not commute, because they fulfill the Lie algebra of the rotation group
[tex][s_j,s_k]=\mathrm{i} \hbar \epsilon_{jkl} s_l.[/tex]
You can only diagonalize one component in an arbitrary direction, i.e.,
[tex]S_u=\vec{u} \cdot \vec{S},[/tex]
where [itex]\vec{u}[/itex] is a usual unit vector in [itex]\mathbb{R}^3[/itex].
  • #5
but if I can, then yes, the possible eigenvalues of the spin operator \vec{S} for a spin 1/2 particle are \pm \frac{\hbar}{2} \sqrt{3}. This means that when measuring the spin of a spin 1/2 particle in the z direction, the possible outcomes are \pm \frac{\hbar}{2} \sqrt{3}. This also shows that the spin operator has a continuous spectrum, as there are an infinite number of possible eigenvalues.

FAQ: Finding the eigenvalues of the spin operator

1. What is the spin operator?

The spin operator is a mathematical representation of the intrinsic angular momentum of a quantum particle. It is represented by the symbol S and is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics.

2. Why is finding the eigenvalues of the spin operator important?

The eigenvalues of the spin operator correspond to the possible outcomes of a spin measurement and can provide important information about the quantum state of a particle. They are also used in various calculations and equations in quantum mechanics.

3. How do you find the eigenvalues of the spin operator?

To find the eigenvalues of the spin operator, you need to solve the characteristic equation Sv = sv, where v is the eigenvector and s is the eigenvalue. This can be done by using matrix algebra or by applying the spin operator to the eigenvector equation Sv = sv.

4. What are the possible values of the eigenvalues of the spin operator?

The possible values of the eigenvalues of the spin operator depend on the spin quantum number of the particle. For a spin-1/2 particle, the eigenvalues can be either +1/2 or -1/2, while for a spin-1 particle, they can be +1, 0, or -1.

5. Can the eigenvalues of the spin operator change?

No, the eigenvalues of the spin operator are constant and do not change. However, the corresponding eigenvectors can change depending on the orientation of the spin measurement, which can affect the outcome of a spin measurement.

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