Finding the force of Tractive resistance on a vehicle

In summary: It's a powerful technique.In summary, the conversation discusses finding the power required to move a 7100 lb vehicle over a variety of scenarios, using an equation for the force of tractive resistance. The equation includes terms for rolling resistance, air resistance, and acceleration. The conversation also addresses the issue of a coefficient of rolling resistance, which may not be necessary in calculations. Using the correct units and omitting the potentially unnecessary coefficient, the calculated power for a specific scenario is approximately 403.289 horsepower.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I working on this for a high school thesis. I am trying to find the power required to move a 7100 lb vehicle over a variety of scenarios, but am having trouble calculating the force of tractive resistance.

Homework Equations

I found what i thought was a pretty exhaustive equation for the force of tractive resistance:
C0=dimensionless coefficient of rolling resistance
[itex]\alpha[/itex]=the angle of the surface the vehicle is navigating
C1=Coefficient of rolling resistance while in motion, calculated by (when C0=0.01) C1=C0(V2/100)
[itex]\rho[/itex]=air density (lb/ft3
CD=drag coefficient
AF=frontal area of the vehicle (ft2)
V=velocity (fps)

The Attempt at a Solution

For my first scenario, finding FTR when the vehicle is going 20mph in sand, I plugged in these numbers and got:
I used 32fps2 as the acceleration of gravity, 29.3fps as velocity because that would give me the answer in ft/lbs, and calculated C1=0.35(29.3/35) because I figured '100' would change based on C0. I also thought this number was astronomically large, especially since it would be multiplied by velocity to find the required power to meet the scenario requirements. I have also donr the same with several other scenarios, and gotten really big numbers
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Physics news on
  • #2
marine345 said:

Homework Statement

I working on this for a high school thesis. I am trying to find the power required to move a 7100 lb vehicle over a variety of scenarios, but am having trouble calculating the force of tractive resistance.

Homework Equations

I found what i thought was a pretty exhaustive equation for the force of tractive resistance:
C0=dimensionless coefficient of rolling resistance
[itex]\alpha[/itex]=the angle of the surface the vehicle is navigating
C1=Coefficient of rolling resistance while in motion, calculated by (when C0=0.01) C1=C0(V2/100)
[itex]\rho[/itex]=air density (lb/ft3
CD=drag coefficient
AF=frontal area of the vehicle (ft2)
V=velocity (fps)

The Attempt at a Solution

For my first scenario, finding FTR when the vehicle is going 20mph in sand, I plugged in these numbers and got:
I used 32fps2 as the acceleration of gravity, 29.3fps as velocity because that would give me the answer in ft/lbs, and calculated C1=0.35(29.3/35) because I figured '100' would change based on C0. I also thought this number was astronomically large, especially since it would be multiplied by velocity to find the required power to meet the scenario requirements. I have also donr the same with several other scenarios, and gotten really big numbers

You say it's a 7100 lb. vehicle. So that's not its mass, that's its weight, and you should not be multiplying by 32.2 ft/sec2.

Then there is the problem of C1, which is apparently some incremental amount to C0 to account for motion - BUT mg*C1*V^2 should be << mg*C0, seems to me. To first order, C1 = 0 as taught in introductory 'serious' college-level physics. I personally have never encountered such a coefficient.

With these two changes you would reduce your calculation of force by around 64:1.
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  • #3
Ok so 7100 lbs is mg. that helps. And the C1 term has to be in there because rolling resistance increases with velocity. I guess C0 is what you have to overcome to begin moving
  • #4
No, that's static friction, and it plays no part in a rolling scenario. I would investigate C0 vs. C1 more, were I you.
  • #5
rude man said:
Then there is the problem of C1, which is apparently some incremental amount to C0 to account for motion - BUT mg*C1*V^2 should be << mg*C0, seems to me. To first order, C1 = 0 as taught in introductory 'serious' college-level physics. I personally have never encountered such a coefficient.

Using C1 reduces the magnitude of the answer pretty seriously. Are you saying that I should sub in mg*C0 for C1?
  • #6
How does it reduce the magnitude of F? Or is C1 < 0?
  • #7
Yes, C1 < 0. For the above scenario, it would be 0.35(29.3/35)=0.293
  • #8
But you considered C1 > 0 in your calculation:

, I plugged in these numbers and got:

I personally doubt that rolling friction is much of a function of velocity. As I said, in elementary courses it's treated as the same. And I'm talking physics-major level.

I would just omit the C1 term, leaving of course the air-resistance term. A riolling coefficient of 0.35 sounds very reasonable to me.
  • #9
Alright, so recalculating without C1 and using 7100 as mg gives me 7570.27 ft/lbs, assuming my units are correct. Multiplied by the velocity, 29.3fps, gives me 221,809 ft/lbs/s, which converts to 403.289 hp. Does this sound correct?
  • #10
marine345 said:
Alright, so recalculating without C1 and using 7100 as mg gives me 7570.27 ft/lbs, assuming my units are correct. Multiplied by the velocity, 29.3fps, gives me 221,809 ft/lbs/s, which converts to 403.289 hp. Does this sound correct?

Why 7570.27 ft/lbs? Your equation is a force equation so the result is force, which is lbs, right? But you're closing in on it.

Ok, I'll tell - your answer should be numerically correct if you converted ft-lbs/s to hp.

So it's really 7570.27 lbs, times velocity which is ft/s, and the answer is thus in ft-lbs/s which converts directly to horsepower.

Power = force*distance / time = force*velocity.

I leave you with one urgent note: pay attention to units! Checking units in an equation is about the best way to avoid mistakes in math. Check that every term has the same units. Keep track of every parameter, constant, whatever, in terms of units.
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FAQ: Finding the force of Tractive resistance on a vehicle

1. What is Tractive Resistance on a vehicle?

Tractive resistance refers to the forces that act against the motion of a vehicle, such as friction, air resistance, and rolling resistance.

2. How is Tractive Resistance calculated?

Tractive resistance is calculated by adding together the individual forces that act against the motion of a vehicle, such as friction, air resistance, and rolling resistance.

3. What factors affect the force of Tractive Resistance on a vehicle?

The force of tractive resistance is affected by various factors such as the weight of the vehicle, the surface on which it is traveling, the speed of the vehicle, and the aerodynamics of the vehicle.

4. Why is it important to determine the force of Tractive Resistance on a vehicle?

Knowing the force of tractive resistance on a vehicle is important for understanding and optimizing the performance and efficiency of the vehicle. It can also help in designing and improving vehicles for different purposes.

5. How can the force of Tractive Resistance on a vehicle be reduced?

The force of tractive resistance can be reduced by minimizing the factors that contribute to it, such as reducing the weight of the vehicle, using more aerodynamic designs, and choosing smoother surfaces for travel.

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