Finding the generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle

In summary, the conversation discusses computing the operator ##\hat{T}## in the ##a,b,c## basis and finding its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The conversation then moves on to discussing rotations and solving for the generator of rotations ##\hat{J}_z##. It is suggested to change the basis to one with normalized vectors in the direction of the equilateral triangle and then apply a rotation through an angle ##2\pi/3## about the z-axis. The conversation concludes with discussing finding the rotation matrix and its generator in this new basis.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Imagine a system with ##3## states. to make it more physical we can think of an electron in a ##3##-atom molecule which can be thought of as being close to any one of them. We label the different state by the three positions ##|a \rangle##, ##|b\rangle## and ##|c\rangle## such that the position operator ##\hat{x}## can give one of three eigen values ##a## , ##b## and ##c## (with ##\hat{x}|a \rangle = a | a\rangle##, etc). We now define a 'triangle translation operator' ##\hat{T}## such that:
$$ \hat{T} |a \rangle = |b \rangle \quad \hat{T} |b \rangle = | c\rangle \quad \text{and} \quad \hat{T} |c \rangle = |a \rangle$$

The translation around the triangle can be also thought of as a rotation about the middle of the triangle (by what angle?) . Find the generator of this rotation ## \hat{J}_{z}##. Hint" work in a convenient basis. Then write the generator of rotations in the ##a, b,c## basis and check that ##\hat{T}## eigen states you found in the previous section are also eigenstates of ##\hat{J}_{z}## with the correct eigen values.
Relevant Equations
$$ R_{z}(\varphi) = e^{\frac{-i}{\hbar} \hat{J}_{z} \varphi} $$
I first computed the operator ##\hat{T}## in the ##a,b,c## basis (assuming ##a = (1 \ 0 \ 0 )^{T} , b = (0 \ 1 \ 0)^{T}## and ##c = (0 \ 0 \ 1)^{T}##) and found
$$ \hat{T} = \begin{pmatrix} 0&0&1 \\ 1&0&0 \\ 0&1&0 \end{pmatrix}.$$
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors corresponding to this matrix are
$$ \lambda_{1} = 1,\quad \lambda_{2} = \frac{1}{2}(-1 + i\sqrt{3}) , \quad \lambda_{3} = \frac{1}{2}(-1 - i \sqrt{3}),$$
$$ v_{1} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}, \quad v_{2} = \begin{pmatrix} -1 -i\sqrt{3} \\ -1+i\sqrt{3} \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}, \quad v_{3} = \begin{pmatrix}-1 +i\sqrt{3} \\ -1-i\sqrt{3} \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}.$$

A full circle is ##2 \pi## ,therefore each rotation about a state is a rotation of ##2 \pi /3##. Then I'm not sure how to properly set my system of equation (I suppose I have to solve one) to then solve for the generator of rotations ##\hat{J}_{z}##.
I believe first that
$$ \hat{J}_{z} |v_{1}\rangle = \alpha_{1} |v_{1} \rangle, \quad \hat{J}_{z} |v_{2}\rangle = \alpha_{2} |v_{2} \rangle, \quad \hat{J}_{z} |v_{3}\rangle = \alpha_{3} |v_{3} \rangle,$$
and I'm trying to find the eigenvalues ##\alpha_{i}##.
\hat{R}_{z}\left(\frac{2\pi }{3}\right)|v_{1} \rangle &= \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \hat{J_{z}}} = \lambda_{1} \begin{pmatrix} \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{1}} & & \\ & \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{2}} & \\ & & \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{3}} \end{pmatrix} v_{1} = \alpha_{2} v_{2}, \\
\hat{R}_{z}\left(\frac{2\pi }{3}\right)|v_{2} \rangle &= \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \hat{J_{z}}} = \lambda_{2} \begin{pmatrix} \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{1}} & & \\ & \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{2}} & \\ & & \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{3}} \end{pmatrix} v_{2} = \alpha_{3} v_{3}, \\
\hat{R}_{z}\left(\frac{2\pi }{3}\right)|v_{3} \rangle &= \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \hat{J_{z}}} = \lambda_{3} \begin{pmatrix} \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{1}} & & \\ & \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{2}} & \\ & & \exp{\frac{- i 2 \pi }{3 \hbar} \alpha_{3}} \end{pmatrix} v_{3} = \alpha_{1} v_{1}, \\
and then solve for ##\alpha_{i}##, but this seems wrong. I don't know what to do nor if I'm on the good track.

Any hints would be appreciated
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  • #2
I think you want to say that [itex](1,0,0)^T[/itex], [itex](0,1,0)^T[/itex] and [itex](0,0,1)^T[/itex] are the vertices of an equilateral triangle lying in the plane [itex]x + y + z = 1[/itex]. The center of the triangle is at [itex](1/3,1/3,1/3)^T[/itex] so you probably want your new basis vectors (which should, of course, be normalized) to be in the direction of [itex]\mathbf{b}_1 = (1,0,0)^T - (1/3,1/3,1/3)^T[/itex], [itex]\mathbf{b}_2 = \mathbf{b}_3 \times \mathbf{b}_1[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{b}_3 = (1,1,1)^T[/itex]. Then in these coordinates you can apply a rotation through [itex]2\pi/3[/itex] about an axis in direction [itex]\mathbf{b}_3[/itex].
  • #3
pasmith said:
I think you want to say that [itex](1,0,0)^T[/itex], [itex](0,1,0)^T[/itex] and [itex](0,0,1)^T[/itex] are the vertices of an equilateral triangle lying in the plane [itex]x + y + z = 1[/itex]. The center of the triangle is at [itex](1/3,1/3,1/3)^T[/itex] so you probably want your new basis vectors (which should, of course, be normalized) to be in the direction of [itex]\mathbf{b}_1 = (1,0,0)^T - (1/3,1/3,1/3)^T[/itex], [itex]\mathbf{b}_2 = \mathbf{b}_3 \times \mathbf{b}_1[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{b}_3 = (1,1,1)^T[/itex]. Then in these coordinates you can apply a rotation through [itex]2\pi/3[/itex] about an axis in direction [itex]\mathbf{b}_3[/itex].
Interessting, but how does that help me find the matrix generator of rotation ?
  • #4
A rotation through an angle [itex]\theta[/itex] about the [itex]z[/itex]-axis is given by [tex]R = \begin{pmatrix} \cos \theta & - \sin \theta & 0 \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}.[/tex] This is generated by [tex]J = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.[/tex] If you were dealing with an equilateral triangle centered at the origin in the [itex]x[/itex]-[itex]y[/itex] plane you would be done. But you aren't, so you need to apply a change of basis in which the new components [itex](X,Y,Z)[/itex] are given by [itex]M(x,y,z)^T[/itex] for some invertible matrix [itex]M[/itex].

Thus the rotation matrix is given by [itex]M^{-1}RM[/itex]. Finding the generator of this is fairly straightforward, in view of the fact that [tex]
\exp(M^{-1} A M) = M^{-1} \exp(A) M.[/tex]

Related to Finding the generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle

1. What is a generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle?

A generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle is a mathematical concept that describes a set of operations that can be performed on the triangle to produce all possible rotations. This includes rotations of 120 degrees and 240 degrees around the center of the triangle.

2. Why is finding the generator of rotations important?

Finding the generator of rotations is important because it allows us to understand the underlying symmetry and structure of the 3-state triangle. This can have applications in various fields such as crystallography, chemistry, and physics.

3. How do you find the generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle?

To find the generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle, we use group theory and the concept of symmetry operations. This involves identifying the operations that leave the triangle unchanged, such as rotations and reflections, and determining which of these operations can generate all possible rotations.

4. Can there be multiple generators of rotations for a 3-state triangle?

Yes, there can be multiple generators of rotations for a 3-state triangle. This is because there are different combinations of symmetry operations that can produce all possible rotations. However, these generators will all have the same underlying structure and properties.

5. What are the applications of finding the generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle?

As mentioned before, understanding the generator of rotations for a 3-state triangle can have applications in fields such as crystallography, chemistry, and physics. It can also help in the design and analysis of structures and materials with similar symmetries, as well as in the development of algorithms for computer graphics and pattern recognition.

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