Finding the heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process

C_V) and the other involving the heat capacity at constant pressure (C_P). Both terms are multiplied by their respective variables (V for constant volume and P for constant pressure) and divided by the number of moles (n) and the gas constant (R).
  • #1
For an ideal gas PV=nRT where n is the number of moles show that the heat transferred can be written as:

dQ = \frac{C_V}{nR}VdP + \frac{C_P}{nR}PdV

Really not sure where to start with this...

I have used

dQ = dU + PdV

But it hasn't really lead anywhere.
Science news on
  • #2
Narcol2000 said:
For an ideal gas PV=nRT where n is the number of moles show that the heat transferred can be written as:

dQ = \frac{C_V}{nR}VdP + \frac{C_P}{nR}PdV

Really not sure where to start with this...

I have used

dQ = dU + PdV

But it hasn't really lead anywhere.
Start with:

dQ = mCdT where C is the heat capacity of the gas. (The heat capacity, of course, depends on whether the gas does work as the heat flows into the gas, so it does not have a fixed value).

Using PV = nRT, what is dT? That should get you going in the right direction.

  • #3

I can provide some insights and explanations on how to approach this problem. First, we need to understand the concept of heat transfer in a thermodynamic process. Heat transfer is the transfer of energy from one system to another due to a temperature difference between them.

In this case, we are dealing with an infinitesimal quasistatic process, which means that the process is happening very slowly and the system is always in thermodynamic equilibrium. This allows us to use the ideal gas law, PV=nRT, to describe the behavior of the gas.

Now, let's break down the equation for heat transfer in this process. We know that the change in internal energy, dU, is equal to the heat transferred, dQ, plus the work done, PdV. So, we can rewrite the equation as:

dQ = dU - PdV

Next, we can use the ideal gas law to substitute for dU and PdV:

dQ = nC_VdT - nRdT = n(C_V - R)dT

Now, we need to relate the change in temperature, dT, to the changes in pressure, dP, and volume, dV. This can be done by using the chain rule:

dT = \frac{\partial T}{\partial P}dP + \frac{\partial T}{\partial V}dV

Substituting this into our equation for dQ, we get:

dQ = n(C_V - R)(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}dP + \frac{\partial T}{\partial V}dV)

Next, we can use the ideal gas law again to relate the changes in temperature to changes in pressure and volume:

\frac{\partial T}{\partial P} = \frac{nR}{C_PV} and \frac{\partial T}{\partial V} = -\frac{nR}{C_VV}

Substituting these into our equation, we get:

dQ = n(C_V - R)(\frac{nR}{C_PV}dP - \frac{nR}{C_VV}dV)

Simplifying, we get:

dQ = \frac{nR}{C_PV}C_VdP - \frac{nR}{C_VV}C_PdV

Finally, we can use the definition of specific heat capacity, C = \frac{dQ

FAQ: Finding the heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process

1. What is an ininitesimal quasistatic process?

An ininitesimal quasistatic process is a thermodynamic process in which the changes in the system occur at an infinitely small rate, meaning that the system is always in a state of equilibrium. This allows for the use of reversible processes and the calculation of exact values for properties such as heat transfer.

2. How is heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process?

Heat transfer in an ininitesimal quasistatic process occurs through the exchange of thermal energy between the system and its surroundings. This can occur through conduction, convection, or radiation depending on the specific system and its boundaries.

3. What factors affect the amount of heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process?

The amount of heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process depends on several factors, including the temperature difference between the system and its surroundings, the material properties of the system, and the thermal conductivity of the system's boundaries.

4. How can the amount of heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process be calculated?

The amount of heat transferred in an ininitesimal quasistatic process can be calculated using the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. This equation can be rearranged to solve for the amount of heat transferred.

5. What are some real-world applications of studying heat transfer in ininitesimal quasistatic processes?

Understanding heat transfer in ininitesimal quasistatic processes is crucial in many industries, including power generation, refrigeration and air conditioning, and aerospace. It also has applications in fields such as materials science, chemical engineering, and environmental science.
