Finding the Laurent series for $f(z)$ in an annulus containing $z = 2$

In summary, the Laurent series for $f(z) = \dfrac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)}$ in the annulus $1 < |z| < 3$ is given by $f(z) = -\frac{1}{2}-\frac{3}{2}\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left( \frac{z}{3}\right)^{n}-\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n}$, with $c_0 = -\frac{1}{2}$. The series conver
  • #1
Find the Laurent series of the form $\sum\limits_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}c_nz^n$ for $f(z) = \dfrac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)}$ that converges in an annulus containing the point $z = 2$, and state precisely where this Laurent series converges.}

By the method of partial fractions, (how does the 1 effect the solution?)
f(z) = \frac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)} = 1 + \frac{9}{2z - 6} - \frac{1}{2z - 2}.
So $f(z)$ has simple poles at $z = 3$ and $z = 1$.
$f(z)$ will be analytic when
|z| < 1,\quad 1 < |z| < 3,\quad\text{and}\quad 3 < |z|.
However, $z = 2$ is only in the annulus $1 < |z| < 3$.
The series will converge when
\left|\frac{1}{z}\right| < 1\quad\text{and}\quad \left|\frac{z}{3}\right| < 1.

Continuing like so what do I do to account for the constant 1? Would I just proceed by expression each fraction of the expansion as the appropriate geometric series?

So I would have:
$$\frac{1}{2z - 2} = \frac{1}{2z}\frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{z}} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n + 1}

Then doing the other fraction so the solution would be

f(z) = 1 - \frac{1}{2}\left[9\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{z}{3}\right)^n + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n}\right]

I know how to solve the other series that isn't the question so don't present the solution. The question is in regards to how 1 would or wouldn't affect writing f as a Laurent series. Would this be correct?
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  • #2
dwsmith said:
Find the Laurent series of the form $\sum\limits_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}c_nz^n$ for $f(z) = \dfrac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)}$ that converges in an annulus containing the point $z = 2$, and state precisely where this Laurent series converges.}

By the method of partial fractions, (how does the 1 effect the solution?)
f(z) = \frac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)} = 1 + \frac{9}{2z - 6} - \frac{1}{2z - 2}.
So $f(z)$ has simple poles at $z = 3$ and $z = 1$.
$f(z)$ will be analytic when
|z| < 1,\quad 1 < |z| < 3,\quad\text{and}\quad 3 < |z|.
However, $z = 2$ is only in the annulus $1 < |z| < 3$.
The series will converge when
\left|\frac{1}{z}\right| < 1\quad\text{and}\quad \left|\frac{z}{3}\right| < 1.

Continuing like so what do I do to account for the constant 1? Would I just proceed by expression each fraction of the expansion as the appropriate geometric series?

So I would have:
$$\frac{1}{2z - 2} = \frac{1}{2z}\frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{z}} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n + 1}

Then doing the other fraction so the solution would be

f(z) = 1 - \frac{1}{2}\left[9\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{z}{3}\right)^n + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n}\right]

I know how to solve the other series that isn't the question so don't present the solution. The question is in regards to how 1 would or wouldn't affect writing f as a Laurent series. Would this be correct?

Hi dwsmith, :)

I think the Laurent series that you have obtained contains a few errors.

\[f(z) = \frac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)} = 1 + \frac{9}{2z - 6} - \frac{1}{2z - 2}\]

\[\Rightarrow f(z) =1-\frac{3}{2\left(1-\frac{z}{3}\right)}-\frac{1}{2z(1-\frac{1}{z})}\]

\[\Rightarrow f(z)=1-\frac{3}{2}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\left( \frac{z}{3}\right)^{n}-\frac{1}{2z}\sum_{n=0}^{ \infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n}\mbox{ where }1<|z|<3\]

\[\Rightarrow f(z)=-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{3}{2}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\left( \frac{z}{3}\right)^{n}-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{n=1}^{ \infty}\left(\frac{1}{z}\right)^{n}\mbox{ where }1<|z|<3\]

This is the Laurent series expression for \(f\) in the annulus \(1<|z|<3\). Comparing the above expression with the standard form \(\sum\limits_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}c_nz^n\) note that \(c_{0}=-\frac{1}{2}\).

Kind Regards,

FAQ: Finding the Laurent series for $f(z)$ in an annulus containing $z = 2$

1. What is a Laurent series?

A Laurent series is a representation of a complex function as an infinite sum of terms, including both positive and negative powers of the variable. It is similar to a Taylor series, but it is used for functions that are not analytic at all points of the complex plane.

2. How is a Laurent series different from a Taylor series?

A Taylor series only includes positive powers of the variable, while a Laurent series also includes negative powers. This allows for the representation of functions that have singularities or poles.

3. What are the conditions for a function to have a Laurent series representation?

A function must be analytic everywhere within a given annulus on the complex plane (i.e. excluding the boundary) in order to have a Laurent series representation. Additionally, the function must be continuous on the boundary of the annulus.

4. How is a Laurent series useful in mathematics?

A Laurent series can be used to approximate complex functions, especially those with singularities or poles. It can also be used to find the residues of a function, which are important in complex analysis and calculating integrals.

5. Are there any limitations to using a Laurent series?

One limitation is that the convergence of a Laurent series may not be guaranteed for all points within the annulus. Additionally, the process of finding a Laurent series can be more complicated than finding a Taylor series, as it involves considering negative powers of the variable.
