Finding the no of equivalent classes

In summary, the homework statement is to consider the relation over the set of integers Z, given by m=n mod (p) where p is a positive integer. It is an equivalent relation, and can be represented by the equation m+k p. The equivalent class of m consists of elements of the type m+k p where k = 0,+/-1,+/-2... The problem is the formal definition, as once you have that, the proof is obvious. However, the earlier definition (I'm expanding it a little) [m] = {m +kp : k in Z} should do it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

please consider the relation over the set of integers Z , given by m=n mod (p) where p is a positive integer . Prove that it is an equivalent relation.
find the elements in the equivalent class of m.
find the no of such equivalent classes.

Homework Equations

3.equivalent relation-proved by showing reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity.
the equivalent class of m consists of elements of the type
m +k p where k = 0,+/-1,+/-2...
but i am not able to think how to find the no of such classes. any help will be highly appreciated.
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  • #2
hi commutator! :smile:

(have a ± :wink:)
commutator said:
… the equivalent class of m consists of elements of the type
m +k p where k = 0,+/-1,+/-2...

that's right! :smile:

ok, when you're stuck it's often useful to try an easy example …

if p = 10, what are the equivalence classes? :wink:
  • #3
thanks . that was really encouraging.

for p=10, i got something like [-1]=(...,-11,-21-1,9,19,29...)
interestingly , [11] is coming same as [1]. [-1] is coming the same as [9].so i think there are 10 distinct classes, which are repeating over and over. then the answer has got to be 10. ie. p. but how do i sketch a formal proof ? by induction?
  • #4
hi commutator! :smile:
commutator said:
… so i think there are 10 distinct classes, which are repeating over and over. then the answer has got to be 10. ie. p. but how do i sketch a formal proof ? by induction?

that's right, there's exactly p classes

the formal proof isn't the problem …

the problem is the formal definition

once you have that, the proof is obvious

eg your definition {...-29,-19...1,11,21,31...} is only a list, so that's not helpful, but your earlier definition (I'm expanding it a little) [m] = {m +kp : k in Z} should do it :smile:

(btw, always use squirly brackets for listing the elements of sets :wink:)
  • #5
thanks a lot !

FAQ: Finding the no of equivalent classes

1. What is the concept of finding the number of equivalent classes?

Finding the number of equivalent classes is a mathematical concept used to determine the number of distinct groups or categories that exist within a set of data. It is often used in statistics and probability to analyze and classify data.

2. How do you calculate the number of equivalent classes?

The number of equivalent classes can be calculated by dividing the total number of elements in a set by the total number of distinct groups or categories. For example, if there are 20 elements in a set and 4 distinct categories, then the number of equivalent classes would be 20/4 = 5.

3. What is the purpose of finding the number of equivalent classes?

The purpose of finding the number of equivalent classes is to gain a better understanding of the data and identify any patterns or relationships that may exist within the data set. It can also help to simplify complex data and make it more manageable for analysis.

4. What are some real-world applications of finding the number of equivalent classes?

Finding the number of equivalent classes has many practical applications, such as market segmentation in business, data analysis in research studies, and identifying the different types of customers or products in a market. It can also be used in areas such as genetics, sociology, and psychology to classify and analyze data.

5. Are there any limitations to finding the number of equivalent classes?

Yes, there are some limitations to finding the number of equivalent classes. It is based on the assumption that the data can be classified into distinct groups or categories, which may not always be the case. It also does not take into account any overlap or intersections between categories, which may be present in some data sets.

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