Finding The Position of A Mass As A Function of Time

In summary: The posting you have done since you put the Homework Statement in does not seem to be visible. Anyhow, I had to leave post #8 in a hurry.In post #8 the substitution I gave was for a different problem, as the dimensions don't stack up for that one either. I was not able to get back to this problem, but I did some dimensional analysis and it looks like you need to multiply by ##\sqrt{m}## to make it work.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a mass m on the end of a spring of force constant k and constrained
to move along the horizontal x axis. If we place the origin at the spring’s equilibrium
position, the potential energy is U = 1/2kx^2 At time t = 0 the mass is sitting at the
origin and is given a sudden kick to the right so that it moves out to a maximum
displacement x_max = A and then continues to oscillate about the origin.

(a) Write down the equation for conservation of energy and solve it to give the
mass’s velocity [itex]\dot{x}[/itex] in terms of the position x and the total energy E.

(b) Show that E = 1/2kA^2 and use this to eliminate E from your expression for [itex]\dot{x}[/itex]. Find the time for the mass to move from the origin out to a position x.

(c) Solve the result of part (b) to give x as a function of t and show that the mass
executes simple harmonic motion with period [itex]2 \pi \sqrt{m/k}[/itex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

All right. I am currently trying to evaluate the integral, which was instructed of me to find in part (b).

Before I proceed any further, here is a little preliminary work:

[itex]\dot{x}(x) = kA^2 - \frac{k}{m} x^2[/itex]

And I used this fact to find the integral: [itex] \dot{x} = \frac{dx}{dt} [/itex] which becomes by separation of variables [itex]dt = \frac{dx}{\dot{x}}[/itex]

Substituting in, and integrating both sides, this is the integral thus far:

[itex]\int_0^t dt' = \int_0 ^x \frac{dx}{\sqrt{kA^2 - \frac{k}{m}x^2 }} [/itex]

[itex]kA^2 = (k^{1/2}A)^2[/itex] and [itex]\frac{k}{m}x^2= (\omega x)^2[/itex], where

[itex]\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}[/itex]. This leads to trigonometric substitution:

[itex]sin \theta = \frac{(k^{1/2}A)^2}{\sqrt{kA^2 -(\omega x)^2}} [/itex]

The problem I have is finding how dx is equal to dθ. I tried using the fact that [itex]\cos \theta = \frac{( \omega x)^2}{(k^{1/k} A)^2}[/itex], then taking the arccos of this, and then taking the derivative of theta with respect to x. This didn't really seem helpful.

How can I get rid of dx, so that I might have an integral involving only theta?
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  • #2
All right. I am currently trying to evaluate the integral, which was instructed of me to find in part (b).
(b) Show that E = 1/2kA^2 and use this to eliminate E from your expression for ##\dot{x}. Find the time for the mass to move from the origin out to a position x.

Starting with:
$$\frac{dx}{dt}=kA^2+\omega^2 x^2 : \omega^2=\frac{k}{m}$$ I get $$dt = \frac{dx}{kA^2+\omega x^2}$$
  • #3
Are you certain that that is correct? Here is my work from the beginning:

[itex]E = T(\dot{x}) U(x) ~ \rightarrow E =\frac{1}{2}m \dot{x} + \frac{1}{2}kx^2[/itex]

When [itex] x_max = A [/itex], then [itex]\dot{x} = 0[/itex]; thus, [itex]E = 0 + \frac{1}{2}kA^2[/itex]

Taking the equation and solving for [itex]\dot{x}[/itex]:

[itex] \frac{1}{2}kA^2 =\frac{1}{2}m \dot{x} + \frac{1}{2}kx^2 [/itex]

[itex]\dot{x}^2 = kA^2 - \omega x^2 [/itex]

[itex]\dot{x} = \sqrt{kA^2 - \omega x^2}[/itex]

And then I applied the fact that [itex]\dot{x} = \frac{dx}{dt}[/itex], which, by separation of variables, can be written as [itex]dt = \frac{dx}{\dot{x}}[/itex]

I am not certain as to how you were able to do this without introducing a square root.
  • #4
From post #1:
embphysics said:
Before I proceed any further, here is a little preliminary work:
[tex]\dot{x}(x) = kA^2 - \frac{k}{m} x^2[/tex]
And I used this fact to find the integral
... that's what I started from. I take it that's a typo?

embphysics said:
[tex]\dot{x} = \sqrt{kA^2 - \omega x^2}[/tex]
... makes more sense :) ... shouldn't that be ##\omega^2## though?

$$\frac{dx}{dt}= \sqrt{kA^2 - \omega^2 x^2}$$

Try substitution:

dx = \sqrt{\frac{kA^2}{\omega^2}}\cos\theta\; d\theta$$
  • #5
Yes, sorry for the typos. How where you able to get [itex]x = \sqrt{\frac{kA^2}{\omega^2}} \sin \theta[/itex]?
  • #6
Did you try the substitution?

To understand the choice of substitution, consider:
If the stuff under the surd was ##1-x^2## ... what would be the substitution?
  • #7
Oh, I just realized that I drew my triangle incorrectly. I wrote the square of the lengths of the hypotenuse and one of the legs; that is, for the hypotenuse, I wrote[itex](k^{1/2} A)^2[/itex], when I should have written [itex]k^{1/2} A[/itex], and for the leg I wrote[itex](\omega A)^2[/itex], rather than [itex]\omega A[/itex].

From the way I have my triangle drawn, [itex]\sec \theta = \frac{k^{1\2}A}{\sqrt{(k^{1/2}A)^2 - (\omega A)^2}} \implies \frac{\sec \theta}{k^{1/2} A} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(k^{1/2}A)^2 - (\omega A)^2}}[/itex]

For the differential of x, [itex]x = \frac{k^{1/2}A}{\omega} \sin \theta \implies dx = \frac{k^{1/2}A}{\omega} \cos \theta d \theta[/itex]

Using these two expressions, I'll substitute them into the integral, for which I will get:

[itex]t = \int \frac{\sec \theta}{k^{1/2} A} \frac{k^{1/2}A}{\omega} \cos \theta d \theta[/itex]


[itex]t = \frac{1}{\omega} \int d \theta \implies t = \frac{\theta}{\omega}[/itex]

Going back to the triangle, we find that theta is [itex]\theta = \sin^{-1} (\frac{\omega x}{k^{1/2}A})[/itex]

Substituting this in, simplifying, and solving for x, I get

[itex]x = \sqrt{m}A \sin (\omega t)[/itex].

How do I get rid of that square root of the mass?
  • #8
Your dimensions don't stack up - check your algebra. (Dimensional analysis o the DE you constructed.)
Note: I can no longer see what you have done.
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FAQ: Finding The Position of A Mass As A Function of Time

1. What is the equation for finding the position of a mass as a function of time?

The equation for finding the position of a mass as a function of time is x(t) = x0 + v0t + ½at2, where x0 is the initial position, v0 is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.

2. How does acceleration affect the position of a mass over time?

Acceleration affects the position of a mass by changing its velocity over time. If the acceleration is positive, the mass will speed up and its position will change more rapidly. If the acceleration is negative, the mass will slow down and its position will change at a slower rate.

3. What is the difference between displacement and distance when finding the position of a mass as a function of time?

Displacement refers to the change in position of a mass from its initial position to its final position, while distance refers to the total length of the path traveled by the mass. Displacement takes into account the direction of motion, while distance does not.

4. Can the position of a mass be calculated without knowing its initial velocity?

Yes, the position of a mass can still be calculated without knowing its initial velocity if the acceleration and the time are known. The equation for finding the position of a mass as a function of time does not require the initial velocity to be known.

5. How can the position of a mass be graphically represented over time?

The position of a mass can be graphically represented over time by creating a position-time graph, also known as a distance-time graph. The x-axis represents time and the y-axis represents position. The slope of the line on the graph represents the velocity of the mass, and the area under the line represents the distance traveled by the mass.
