Finding the Product of Primes: A Number Theory Puzzle

In summary, the conversation discusses a question in number theory that involves finding all possible values of the product of four different prime numbers. The conversation also explores a method for solving the problem by using the fact that even plus odd numbers add to give odd numbers. The final answer found was p1 = 5, p2 = 3, p3 = 2, and p4 = 19, giving a product value of 570. Additionally, the conversation mentions the possibility of finding a more indirect method for solving the problem.
  • #1
Hi i found a question in number theory, involving two equations, it goes as follows:
Let p1, p2, p3 and p4 be 4 different prime numbers satisfying the equations
2p1 + 3p2 + 5p3 + 7p4 = 162
11p1 + 7p2 + 5p3 + 4p4 = 162
Find all possible values of p1p2p3p4.

Not knowing what to do, i used the fact that even plus odd numbers add to give odd numbers to deduce that one of either p2 or p3 is 2. Also, by taking the two equations from each other, and some inequalities i managed to break down p1 and p4 into sets of possible prime numbers (p1 was possibly 3,5,7 or 11, and p4 was either 13, 17 or 10) and i was forced into testing each value of p4 and seeing if other solutions are possible, however there was only one possible answer which was p1 = 5, p2 = 3, p3 = 2, and p4 = 19, which gives the product value of 570.
Two questions - is this actually right ? and secondly, surely there's a much nicer way to find the answer to this question, maybe one which is more indirect seeing as we must only find the possible values of the product, not the values of the prime numbers themselves?
EDIT: Sorry just saw that rule about no posting of any "homework-style" questions, sorry.
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  • #2
Yes, you are right. My way was to first subtract the equations, immediately giving p2=3. Then p3=2 as you say, and we are left with 2 linear eqs in 2 unknowns, giving us 5 and 19. I don't think there is a natural way of only getting the product, without getting the primes.

Related to Finding the Product of Primes: A Number Theory Puzzle

1. What is a prime number equation system?

A prime number equation system is a mathematical system that uses prime numbers as the basis for equations and calculations. This system is used to solve complex mathematical problems and is based on the properties of prime numbers, such as being divisible only by 1 and itself.

2. How is a prime number equation system different from other mathematical systems?

Unlike other mathematical systems, a prime number equation system focuses on the unique properties of prime numbers and how they can be used to solve complex problems. This system is also based on the idea that prime numbers are the building blocks of all other numbers.

3. What are the applications of a prime number equation system?

A prime number equation system has many practical applications in fields such as cryptography, computer science, and number theory. It is used to create secure encryption algorithms, generate random numbers, and solve difficult mathematical problems.

4. Can anyone learn and use a prime number equation system?

Yes, anyone with a basic understanding of mathematics can learn and use a prime number equation system. However, it does require a strong understanding of prime numbers and their properties, as well as advanced mathematical skills to solve complex equations.

5. Are there any limitations to a prime number equation system?

While a prime number equation system is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It is most effective for solving problems involving prime numbers and may not be as useful for other types of mathematical problems. Additionally, it can be time-consuming and challenging to use for large calculations.

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