Finding the Right Math Software for Summer Calculus Class

In summary, the speaker is preparing to teach a summer calculus class and wants to introduce students to mathematical software, but the school does not have maple or mathematica. They are considering using an open source program such as Octave, Scilab, or Maxima, but want a program with a live coding sheet. They are also open to using Sage. They are experiencing an error with GNU Octave and are seeking help with alternative operations or solutions. Octave is a MATLAB equivalent and can be used for graphing, solving systems of equations, and basic algorithms.
  • #1
In a couple weeks, I'm going to be teaching a summer calculus class and I wanted to introduce my students to the mathematical software that can be used. However, where I teach they do not have maple or mathematica, so I have to use one of the open source programs (octave, maxima, scilab etc).

I tired Octave, but I want to use a program that has a live coding sheet. AKA, I want it to be more similar to maple or mathematica, in that I can type code and a graph will appear on bottom and then type more code below that.

Would Scilab or maxima give me what I want or is there something I can download for use with octave? I'm not really wedded to using octave...I just want to give a basic introduction to mathematical programming (ie..graphing, solving systems of equations, derivatives, integrals, if and for loops for basic algorithms).
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  • #2
  • #3
Need Help with Octave

Am doing a project on a GNU Octave 3.2.4
i written a code in MATLAB but i tried the same code in GNU Octave , there I am getting an error.

error at the below line:

data(i,1)=fread (fid,1,'bit48=>double','b');

i think error is occurring because of the "bit" operation. is there any alternative operation for this in OCTAVE.

the same program is running successfully in MATLAB.
please help me in this.

  • #4
Matlab and Octave are almost the same. Even the performance is similar. Spam like removed. You can successfully use octave for graphing, solving systems of equations and algorithms. I'm not sure about derivatives and integrals but I'm not and experienced octave user.

dkantri: I would suggest to type "help fread" to read more details about this function. Do the same in mathlab to see if there are differences. You could also post the error in which you can see the column where the error occurs. It could be bit wise transformation or some path mismatch...
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  • #5

I understand the importance of finding the right tools for teaching a subject like calculus. It is great that you are looking to introduce your students to mathematical software, as it can greatly enhance their learning experience. However, I also understand the challenges of not having access to certain software at your institution.

Based on your requirements, it seems like Scilab or Maxima would be better options for your summer calculus class. Both of these open source programs have live coding sheets and can perform functions such as graphing, solving systems of equations, derivatives, integrals, and basic algorithms. They also have a user-friendly interface, making it easier for students to learn and use.

While Octave is a great program, it may not have all the features you are looking for. However, there are ways to enhance its capabilities by downloading additional packages or toolboxes. You can also consider using a combination of different software to cover all the necessary functions for your class.

In terms of giving a basic introduction to mathematical programming, all three options (Scilab, Maxima, and Octave) can serve this purpose. It ultimately depends on your personal preference and the specific needs of your class. I would suggest trying out each program and seeing which one works best for you and your students.

Overall, I believe that with a little bit of research and experimentation, you will be able to find the right math software for your summer calculus class. Good luck!

Related to Finding the Right Math Software for Summer Calculus Class

1. What factors should I consider when choosing math software for a summer calculus class?

When choosing math software for a summer calculus class, it is important to consider factors such as the software's compatibility with your operating system, its user-friendliness, the availability of technical support, and its cost.

2. Are there any specific features I should look for in math software for a summer calculus class?

Some important features to look for in math software for a summer calculus class include graphing capabilities, the ability to handle complex mathematical equations, and the option to save and export data.

3. How can I ensure that the math software I choose is appropriate for my students' skill level?

To ensure that the math software is appropriate for your students' skill level, you can test it out yourself and see if it aligns with the topics and level of difficulty covered in your summer calculus class. You can also read reviews or ask for recommendations from other educators.

4. Is it better to use free or paid math software for a summer calculus class?

This ultimately depends on your budget and the features you require. Free math software may be suitable for basic functions, but paid software often offers more advanced features and technical support.

5. Can math software be used as a replacement for traditional teaching methods in a summer calculus class?

No, math software should not be used as a replacement for traditional teaching methods. It can be a useful supplement to lectures and exercises, but it is important to still provide face-to-face instruction and guidance to students.

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