Finding the Work to Move Chocolate

  • Thread starter DameLight
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In summary: I flipped it on accident... The y-axis is positive upwards from the center of the bottom of the cylinder (or the center of the circle at the bottom). In summary, a tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone with height 5 meters and radius 2 meters, filled with 4 meters of hot chocolate with a density of 1020 kg/m3, can be emptied by pumping the hot chocolate over the top of the tank. The work required can be calculated using the equations ΔW = F * D, F = mg, and V = πr2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. By solving for the integral ∫ 1020 * π(-2/5y+2
  • #1
< Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical math forums, so no HH Template is shown >

A tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone has height 5 meters and radius 2 meters. It is filled with 4 meters of hot chocolate. Find the work required to empty the tank by pumping the hot chocolate over the top of the tank. The density of hot chocolate is δ = 1020 kg/m3. Your answer must include the correct units.

h = 5m
r = 2m
and I am assuming that up to 4m is filled with chocolate
δ = 1020 kg/m3

1. ΔW = F * D = F * y
F = mg
m = δ * V

2. ΔW = ((1020 * V)9.8) * y

Volume of a disk = πr2h = π((-5/2y + 2)1/2)2Δy
r = (my + b)1/2 = (-5/2y + 2)1/2
m = Δy/Δx = -5/2
b = 2

3. ΔW = ((1020 * π((-5/2y + 2)1/2)2Δy )9.8) * y

4. ∫15 = 1020*9.8*π*(-5/4y + 1)2*y*dy

All I want to know is if I am on the right track. I was having difficulties picking out the steps from my professor's examples. (am I approaching things in a logical order?) and obviously I want to know if I'm wrong.

Thank you for your time
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  • #2
DameLight said:
A tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone has height 5 meters and radius 2 meters. It is filled with 4 meters of hot chocolate. Find the work required to empty the tank by pumping the hot chocolate over the top of the tank. The density of hot chocolate is δ = 1020 kg/m3. Your answer must include the correct units.

h = 5m
r = 2m
and I am assuming that up to 4m is filled with chocolate
δ = 1020 kg/m3

1. ΔW = F * D = F * y
F = mg
m = δ * V

2. ΔW = ((1020 * V)9.8) * y

Volume of a disk = πr2h = π((-5/2y + 2)1/2)2Δy
r = (my + b)1/2 = (-5/2y + 2)1/2
m = Δy/Δx = -5/2
b = 2

3. ΔW = ((1020 * π((-5/2y + 2)1/2)2Δy )9.8) * y

4. ∫15 = 1020*9.8*π*(-5/4y + 1)2*y*dy

All I want to know is if I am on the right track. I was having difficulties picking out the steps from my professor's examples. (am I approaching things in a logical order?) and obviously I want to know if I'm wrong.

Thank you for your time

In problems such as this one, making a simple sketch can add much clarity to how you tackle the problem.

Also, it's not clear what the variable 'y' represents. You should always list any variables you introduce into your calculations, along with a short description of their meaning.
  • #3

I did draw a sketch and I put the object on the coordinate plane as this question calls for.

y represents all possible values between 0 and 5 along the y axis.
  • #4
DameLight said:
I did draw a sketch and I put the object on the coordinate plane as this question calls for.
This part of the question statement seems to have been omitted from the OP.

y represents all possible values between 0 and 5 along the y axis.
This is much too vague a description.

y can represent a general height coordinate, but you also seem to use it to represent the distance that a given amount of chocolate is raised to bring to to the top of the tank.

In mathematics, precision is key. You can't just make up a variable, cross your fingers, and hope things work out for the best.

For example, your function which describes the radius of the tank versus height:
DameLight said:
r = (my + b)1/2 = (-5/2y + 2)1/2
m = Δy/Δx = -5/2
b = 2

Have you checked this function to see if it gives the correct radius for the tank as y changes? What does the factor "1/2" represent?

If y = 0, what is r?
If y = 2.5, what is r?
If y = 5, what is r?
  • #5
A tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone has height 5 meters and radius 2 meters. It is filled with 4 meters of hot chocolate. Find the work required to empty the tank by pumping the hot chocolate over the top of the tank. The density of hot chocolate is δ = 1020 kg/m3. Your answer must include the correct units.

h = 5m
r = 2m
and I am assuming that up to 4m is filled with chocolate
δ = 1020 kg/m3
the y-axis is positive downwards from the top of the cylinder

These are the equations I used:

ΔW = F * D
F = mg
m = δ * V
V = πr2h for a typical slice of the cone parallel to the x axis

Now I start solving the equations from the bottom to the top:

1. V = πr2h

variable r is unknown
and the height is the small change in y

r must be the result of a linear relationship between the radius and the height so to solve:

at y = 0; r = 2
at y = 5; r = 0
Δr/Δy = -2/5
r = -2/5y + 2

plug this back into the equation:
1. V = π(-2/5y+2)2Δy

and then plug the equation into the next one:
2. m = δ * V
2. m = 1020 * π(-2/5y+2)2Δy

nothing to solve for so continuing to the next equation:
3. F = mg
3. F = 1020 * π(-2/5y+2)2Δy * 9.8

where g = 9.8 m/s2

Finally plug everything into the last equation:

4. ΔW = F * D
4. ΔW = 1020 * π(-2/5y+2)2Δy * 9.8 * y

where y = the distance from the top of the cone

Then solve for the integral from 1 to 5 since the cone is only 4/5 filled

∫ 1020 * π(-2/5y+2)2dy * 9.8 * y


∫ 1020 * 9.8 * π(-2/5y+2)2dy * y

use the integral property to pull out the constants:

(1020 * 9.8 * π) ∫ (-2/5y+2)2dy * y

now focusing on the integral:

∫ (-2/5y+2)2dy * y
∫ (4/25y2 - 8/5y + 4)y * dy
∫ (4/25y3 - 8/5y2 + 4y)dy

lastly find the antiderivative and solve
  • #6

It is my fault on all accounts I did not have a way to post a picture in the OP.

The coordinate system should have been elaborated further, but I think I described it better in my last post/edit.

I realized my mistake with the radius. I must have misread the question and lead myself to believe it represented the diameter hence the 1/2. I also went back and redid the formula for r.
  • #7
Your post #5 looks good, nice job.

It should maybe be noted that you are assuming that the speed of the hot-chocolate as it goes over the edge is negligible (or else your "F" in eq.3 would be greater than mg). In other words, you are calculating the minimum work required.

Another way to approach the problem:
What if all of the hot chocolate were pumped onto a(n imaginary) flat platform at the height of the top of the cone (y=0). The work done would be the same as pumping it over the edge. So we can now just consider the initial and final states of the system and use the fact that the work done is equal to the change in energy. (Again, we would take the assumption that it makes it on to this imaginary platform with negligible velocity.)

The change in energy (= to the work done) would be (mgh) the weight of the entire mass of liquid multiplied by the change in height of the center of mass of the liquid. Since we know the center of mass ends up at a height of y=0 (because that's where all the mass ends up) the problem is then reduced to finding the initial height of the center of mass of the liquid.Maybe this approach seems more complicated but I thought it was worth mentioning.
  • #8
Thanks : )

I've seen that approach in my physics classes. Is that a physics approach or does that use calculus similar to what I used above?
  • #9
It involves a touch of physics (the work-energy theorem) but yes the calculus involved (in finding the original center of mass of the chocolate) is pretty similar to what you used in your approach.

I like this method because somehow it seems more organized to me... I'm not sure why though, :-p I just like breaking problems into pieces.

FAQ: Finding the Work to Move Chocolate

What is "Finding the Work to Move Chocolate"?

"Finding the Work to Move Chocolate" is a phrase used in the field of food science to describe the process of finding the most efficient and effective ways to transport and move chocolate during production and distribution.

Why is it important to find the work to move chocolate?

The transportation and movement of chocolate can greatly affect its quality and shelf life. Finding the most suitable methods to move chocolate can ensure that it reaches consumers in the best possible condition, maintaining its taste and texture.

What are some challenges in finding the work to move chocolate?

Some challenges in finding the work to move chocolate include the delicate nature of chocolate, which can easily melt or break during transportation, as well as the need to balance efficiency with cost-effectiveness in production and distribution processes.

What factors are considered when determining the best ways to move chocolate?

Factors such as temperature control, packaging materials, transportation methods, and handling techniques are all important considerations when determining the best ways to move chocolate. These factors can greatly impact the quality and shelf life of the chocolate.

How can science help in finding the work to move chocolate?

Science plays a crucial role in finding the work to move chocolate by providing research, data, and technology to improve transportation and handling methods. This includes advancements in packaging materials, temperature control systems, and transportation vehicles to ensure the safe and efficient movement of chocolate.
