Finding Transfer Function from Circuit

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding the transfer function for a circuit with V_DD = 5V, R1 = 200kΩ, R2 = 300kΩ, and C1 = 900nF. The speaker attempted to use nodal analysis but encountered difficulties with incorporating V_DD into the equation. They then discuss using superposition to separate the DC and AC portions of the circuit, with the total transfer function being the sum of these two parts. The speaker also explains how the DC portion affects the bias point of the circuit. Ultimately, they come to a better understanding of the problem thanks to the explanation provided by the other person involved in the conversation.
  • #1
I need to find the transfer function from the attached circuit schematic.

V_DD = 5V; R1 = 200kΩ; R2 = 300kΩ; and C1 = 900nF

I used nodal analysis to attempt to get Vout over Vin but alas ended up with an equation like this:

[itex]\frac{Vout}{Vin}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{-j}{120kΩ*ωC}[/itex] + [itex]\frac{5j}{200kΩ*ω*c*Vout}[/itex]

I've run into a wall on how to derive the equation with V_DD. Any help would be great.


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  • #2
It's not possible to find a transfer function that depends only on Vin :)

Vout is a function of both Vin and Vout and its equation will therefore look like
Vout = A*Vin + B*Vdd
which can be seen immediately if you consider superposition to solve for Vout

Are you doing a small signal analysis?


By using superposition you can consider the portion of Vout caused by Vdd and Vin separately. Then:

Vout = (Vout/Vin)*Vin + (Vout/Vdd)*Vdd


Vout/Vin = transfer function due to Vin with Vdd=0
Vout/Vdd = transfer function due to Vdd with Vin=0
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  • #3
Yes, at least that's how the question is set up. So if I can't get rid of Vout on the right hand side of the equation how do I interpret the transfer function?

i.e. plotting a bode plot
  • #4
Ok, I think I have it then. So the overall transfer function of the circuit is the addition of the DC and the AC portions of the circuit correct?

(Wording might be a little off)
  • #5
Ah ok. In small signal analysis, the DC Vdd source is only setting up bias points. Because Vdd = constant, in this equation:

Vout = A*Vin + B*Vdd

The B*Vdd term settles to a constant value some short time after the circuit is switched on. We then only consider the remaining portion:

Vout = A*Vin

which you can write a transfer function for. The total result is understood to be the sum of the steady (dc) value supplied by Vdd and the variable part due to Vin.

By superposition, we find Vout=A*Vin by setting the dc sources to zero (ie set Vdd=0).

===So for ac analysis:


Find the DC portion of the response. This is called the bias point. We only consider steady inputs like your Vdd=5 volts in this part. If Vin had a dc component we would consider that dc part *only* as well. Superposition is going to allow us to find the total response by separating this DC part that doesn't change while the circuit is on from the more interesting part in 2 below.

In your circuit, Vin is applied to a series capacitor. This is often done in audio circuits to block the dc component of Vin. In other words, if Vin has a dc component (and it will), it is blocked by that capacitor and will not affect the steady value of Vout determined by Vdd. This is a means to allow the dc bias point of the circuit generating Vin to be set without considering the following circuit.


Find the part of the response that varies. By superpostion, we can set Vdd (and all other steady sources, including the dc portion of Vin) to zero in this part. This means in your circuit you would ground Vdd. Now you can find your transfer function Vout/Vin.It is understood that the total response will be a steady output voltage plus a varying part (Vout/Vin) added to it. In your bode plot, you are only interested in Vout/Vin. The steady part is what keeps the following transistors properly biased in their active regions.
I explained it differently than is normally done in books so I hope I gave a different angle if you didn't pick up on it the other way :)
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  • #6
that's what I was thinking when you mentioned it in your earlier post! (except you had better words. . . and descriptions. . .) that cleared the entire problem up for me!

Thank you very much! :)

FAQ: Finding Transfer Function from Circuit

1. How do I find the transfer function from a circuit?

To find the transfer function, you can use the Laplace transform to convert the circuit into its equivalent s-domain representation. Then, use the circuit analysis techniques such as Kirchhoff's laws and Ohm's law to simplify the circuit and express the output in terms of the input. Lastly, take the ratio of the output to the input to obtain the transfer function.

2. What is the importance of finding the transfer function from a circuit?

The transfer function provides a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output of a circuit. It allows for easier analysis and understanding of the circuit's behavior, such as its frequency response and stability. It is also essential for designing and optimizing circuits for specific functions.

3. Can I use any circuit analysis technique to find the transfer function?

Yes, any circuit analysis technique that is applicable to the type of circuit can be used to find its transfer function. These techniques include nodal analysis, mesh analysis, and Thevenin's or Norton's theorem. The choice of technique may vary depending on the complexity and type of circuit.

4. Is the transfer function unique for a circuit?

Yes, the transfer function is unique for a circuit as it represents the specific relationship between the input and output of that circuit. However, different equivalent circuits may have the same transfer function, but the physical components and connections will be different.

5. How can I use the transfer function to analyze the behavior of a circuit?

The transfer function can be used to analyze the frequency response of a circuit, its stability, and its response to different input signals. It can also be used to design and optimize circuits for specific functions, such as filters, amplifiers, and controllers.

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