Finding two points on the vector joining two lines

In summary, the problem involves determining the coordinates of two points, P1 and P2, that lie on two given lines, L1 and L2, respectively. The vector between these two points, P1P2, is perpendicular to both lines and can be found using the cross product. By setting up equations using the dot product and the given direction vectors, the values of t and s can be solved for, providing the coordinates of P1 and P2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are given the two lines with the following parametric equations:

x = 4 + 2t
y = 4 + t
z = -3 - t

x = -2 + 3s
y = -7 + 2s
z = 2 - 3s

Both s, and t are elements of a real number.

Determine the coordinates of P1 that lies on L1, and P2 that lies on L2, if vector L1L2 is perpendicular to each of the two lines.

Homework Equations

Cross Product
Dot Product
Parametric,vector, symmetric equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Alright, so I converted the L1 and L2 into their vector equations:
L1{ r = <4,4,-3> + t<2,1,-1> }
L2{ r = <-2,-7,2> + t<3,2,-3> }

The direction vectors are:
m1 = <2,1,-1>
m2 = <3,2,-3>

I took the cross product of both vectors to find the P1P2 vector that is also perpendicular to both the direction vectors of the line; if the line segment is perpendicular to the line, then it is bound to be perpendicular to its direction vectors as well.

m1 X m2 = P1P2
P1P2 = <-1,3,1> after doing all the cross product work.

I know <x - x0, y - y0, z - z0> = P1P2

I assign A(4,4,-3) from L1
I assign B(-2,-7,2) from L2
I know that the two lines share the same normal vector, P1P2, which is <-1,3,1>.

I am stuck here because I don't know how to go on with finding P1 and P2...
I tried:

Making a line segment AP1 and another line segment BP2 to ultimately solve for the two points, by dot producting each line segment individually with P1P2.

(1) AP1 dot P1P2 = 0
(2) BP2 dot P1P2 = 0

Stopped at (1) because I realized all I accomplished was getting the Cartesian equation -_-
(1) <x - 4, y -4, z - (-3)> dot <-1,3,1> = 0

-1(x-4) + 3(y-4) + 1(z+3) = 0
-1x +4 + 3y -12 +1z + 3 = 0
-1x +3y + 1z -5 = 0
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  • #2
Using different letters for the two lines:

[tex]\vec R = \langle 4, 4, -3\rangle + t\langle 2,1,-1\rangle[/tex]

[tex]\vec S = \langle -2,-7,2\rangle + s\langle 3,2,-3\rangle[/tex]

and you have a normal direction

[tex]\vec N = \langle -1,3,1\rangle[/tex]

which is all good so far. What you are looking for is a point on R and a point on S such that the vector between those points is parallel to N:

[tex]\vec R(t) - \vec S(s) =\lambda \vec N[/tex]

Write that out and you should get three equations in the 3 unknowns t, s, λ. Once you know t and s you have your two points.

Related to Finding two points on the vector joining two lines

1. How do you find two points on the vector joining two lines?

To find two points on the vector joining two lines, you can use the intersection point method or the parametric equation method. The intersection point method involves finding the point where the two lines intersect, which will be a point on both lines. The parametric equation method involves using the equations of the two lines to find the coordinates of two points and then calculating the vector between them.

2. What is a vector?

A vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude and direction. It is often represented as an arrow, with the length of the arrow representing the magnitude and the direction of the arrow representing the direction. Vectors are commonly used in physics, engineering, and mathematics to represent quantities such as displacement, velocity, and force.

3. Why is it important to find two points on the vector joining two lines?

Finding two points on the vector joining two lines is important because it allows us to determine the direction and magnitude of the vector. This information is useful in many fields, such as physics and engineering, where vectors are used to represent quantities and make calculations. It also helps us understand the relationship between the two lines and how they intersect or are parallel.

4. What are some applications of finding two points on the vector joining two lines?

There are many applications of finding two points on the vector joining two lines. In physics, it can be used to calculate the velocity and acceleration of an object. In engineering, it can be used to determine the direction and magnitude of forces acting on a structure. It can also be used in navigation, computer graphics, and many other fields where vectors are used to represent quantities.

5. Can there be more than two points on the vector joining two lines?

Yes, there can be an infinite number of points on the vector joining two lines. This is because a vector has both magnitude and direction, so any point along the same line will have the same direction and magnitude. However, when finding two points on the vector joining two lines, we are typically interested in finding two distinct points that are not on the same line.

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