Finding velocity with friction?

In summary, a block with a mass of 0.500 kg is initially given a velocity and slides along a rough table with a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.300 for 1 m before flying off horizontally. The surface of the table is 1.2 m high and the block lands 3.1 m away from the base of the table. The velocity at which the block leaves the table can be found by solving a projectile motion problem, while the acceleration of the block while sliding on the table can be found by considering the forces and distances involved. It may be helpful to approach this problem in two stages - first solving for the velocity of the block leaving the table, and then finding the initial velocity by considering the forces
  • #1

Homework Statement

A m = 0.500 kg block is started at velocity vo and slides along a rough table (μk = 0.300) for 1 m before flying horizontally off the end of the table.(Figure 1) The surface of the table is 1.2 m up in the air, and the block hits the ground 3.1 meters away from the base of the table.

What is the velocity with which the block leaves the table?

What is the acceleration of the block (assume the +x direction is positive) while it is sliding along the table?

What was the initial velocity v0 of the block?

I feel like I should also explain that the real problem is that I just don't get anything we've talked about in class. I've been out of school for over a decade, and I've never had any physics before. I'm completely overwhelmed and I'm getting frustrated because I know my problem is comprehending what information I have to work with. For example, I look at this problem and wonder how I'm supposed to use a kinematic equation when all the variables I have apply to mass?!

Homework Equations

I have no clue. I know I don't have initial or final velocity, or time. I do have the acceleration of gravity (9.81m/s^2), and a distance of 1m before the block leaves the table. So maybe, if I can consider initial velocity 0:
so V^2=19.6m/s

The Attempt at a Solution

The above equation would be:
so V^2=19.6m/s
Which I tried, and is wrong. I don't want this solved or anything I really just want to know how I'm looking at the variables wrong. This is probably a good question to ask that about since that's my problem with every question, and this one seems like I'm starting with no variables other than gravity. Any other tips on beginning to understand physics would be appreciated too.
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  • #2
You should list what you do know, not what you don't know.
i.e. you know the forces on the block and the distance that it moves while it is on the table.
you also know the forces and distances when the block is not on the table - and you have a bunch of notes about the motion of falling objects.
  • #3
The value for g is often ommited, but its crucial.
Id be working this problem backwards, starting with the time it takes the block to fall to the floor.
  • #4
Have you done any other projectile problems?

One thing beginners miss is that the TIME taken for the projectile to move horizontally must be the same as vertically.
  • #5
Hi dba80,

It sounds like you may be confusing yourself by trying to solve this problem all at once, when it would actually make sense to split this up into two separate stages:

(1) A projectile motion problem - forget about the sliding portion of the problem at first and just focus on this block flying off the side of the table.

Draw a diagram of this and label your variables. Then work towards figuring out the velocity in which the block leaves the table using some kinematics equations.

Here's an example that might be useful to study if you get stuck.

(2) A force + 1D kinematics problem - once you've completed part (1) and found the velocity at the edge, now work on solving for the initial velocity.

Again draw a diagram, this time of the block sliding across the table. Label your variables.

Then use a free-body-diagram to label your forces and use some force balance equations to find your (negative) acceleration due to friction.

Once you've done that, then you can use some 1D kinematics to find your initial velocity.

Try this and post back if you have questions or get stuck.

Good luck!
  • #6
As other people above have mentioned, maybe starting from the point the block falls off the table until it hits the ground.


d = falling distance
g = gravity (my school always used [itex]9.81 \frac{m}{s^2}[/itex])
t = falling time

Once you have the time from the point where the block leaves the table and hits the ground, you should be able to find the velocity with which the block left the table.

FAQ: Finding velocity with friction?

1. How does friction affect velocity?

Friction is a force that opposes motion and acts in the opposite direction of an object's velocity. This means that friction can slow down the velocity of an object and make it harder to maintain a constant speed.

2. What is the formula for calculating velocity with friction?

The formula for calculating velocity with friction is v = u + at - μgd, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, t is the time, μ is the coefficient of friction, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and d is the distance traveled.

3. How does the coefficient of friction affect velocity?

The coefficient of friction is a measure of the amount of friction between two surfaces. A higher coefficient of friction means that there is more resistance to motion, which can decrease the velocity of an object.

4. Can velocity be negative when taking friction into account?

Yes, velocity can be negative when taking friction into account. This would occur if the force of friction is greater than the force propelling the object forward, resulting in a decrease in velocity or a change in direction.

5. How can friction be reduced to increase velocity?

Friction can be reduced by using smoother surfaces or lubrication between surfaces. Additionally, reducing the force pushing against the object or increasing the force propelling the object forward can also decrease friction and increase velocity.
