Finding volumes by multiple integrals

In summary, the conversation discusses finding volumes in R3 using triple integrals. The first question involves finding the volume of a region bounded by a cylinder and two plane surfaces, while the second question involves finding the volume of a region bounded by two cylindrical surfaces. The conversation also provides resources and examples for understanding and solving triple integrals.
  • #1
How do I solve this? How do I determine the range? Ill they be triple integrals?Please explain to me.

Find the volumes in R3.

1. Find the volume U that is bounded by the cylinder surface x^2+y^2=1 and the plane
surfaces z=2, x+z=1.

2. Find the volume W that is bounded by the cylindrical surfaces
x^2 + y^2 = 1 and x^2 + z^2 = 1.

I know these are 2 questions and they're both about finding volumes but the second one seems to have 2 cylinders ??I don't get it.
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  • #2
you can either use triple integrals or double integrals for the first part, but for this question triple integrals is much easier to me.

by definition,

\(\displaystyle V= \int\int\int_U dV\)

\(\displaystyle dv=dxdydz\)

first let's take x as the independent variable, thus limits of z can be decided by x. So the z changes between z=2 plane and z=1-x plane which makes the boundary of the z axis.

Lets take the boundary of the xy plane is S

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S \int_{1-x}^2 dxdydz\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S \left[z\right]_{1-x}^2 dxdy\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 2-1+x dxdy\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 1+x dxdy\)

now it is double integrals so, you can use polar coordinate system to calculate the integral (since the boundary S is a circle with the equation \(\displaystyle x^2+y^2=1\)).

If you use double integrals, it will also come to the above equation.

For that you have to find the double integrals of two equations (since double integral finds the volume between a surface and z=0 plane), i.e.

\(\displaystyle V_1= \int\int_S 2 dxdy\)
\(\displaystyle V_2=\int\int_S 1-x dxdy\)

since in the S region (bounded by \(\displaystyle x^2 +y^2=1\)) z=2 is above respect to z=1-x to find the volume \(\displaystyle V\)

\(\displaystyle V=V_1-V_2\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 2 dxdy - \int\int_S 1-xdxdy\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 2-(1-x) dxdy\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 1+xdxdy\)

I guess you can continue from here :)
  • #3
Hi BAdhi, :)

Just want to point out some small mistakes/suggestions you may have overlooked. :)

BAdhi said:
... Let's take the boundary of the xy plane is S ...

In fact you have taken \(S\) to be the projection of the volume \(U\), on the xy-plane, which is a disk of radius 1.

BAdhi said:
... \(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S \int_{1-x}^2 dxdydz\) ...

I think this should be, \(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S \int_{1-x}^2 dz\,dx\,dy\).

BAdhi said:

If you use double integrals, it will also come to the above equation.

For that you have to find the double integrals of two equations (since double integral finds the volume between a surface and z=0 plane), i.e.

\(\displaystyle V_1= \int\int_S 2 dxdy\)
\(\displaystyle V_2=\int\int_S 1-x dxdy\)

since in the S region (bounded by \(\displaystyle x^2 +y^2=1\)) z=2 is above respect to z=1-x to find the volume \(\displaystyle V\)

\(\displaystyle V=V_1-V_2\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 2 dxdy - \int\int_S 1-xdxdy\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 2-(1-x) dxdy\)

\(\displaystyle V=\int\int_S 1+xdxdy\)


This is correct, however by taking a vertical strip of the volume \(U\) we can get the double integral directly. The length of such a strip would be, \(2-(1-x)=1+x\). Therefore the volume of the region could be written as,


Kind Regards,
aruwin said:
How do I solve this? How do I determine the range? Ill they be triple integrals?Please explain to me.

Find the volumes in R3.

1. Find the volume U that is bounded by the cylinder surface x^2+y^2=1 and the plane
surfaces z=2, x+z=1.

2. Find the volume W that is bounded by the cylindrical surfaces
x^2 + y^2 = 1 and x^2 + z^2 = 1.

I know these are 2 questions and they're both about finding volumes but the second one seems to have 2 cylinders ??I don't get it.

Hi aruwin, :)

You will have to set up triple integrals to calculate the volumes of these regions. As you may know, for the calculation of volumes, the function of integration is the constant function 1 (See this). The method of solving triple integrals is informally known as the "shadow method", and I suggest you to watch this to get an idea about this method. Also this would be helpful.

As an example, I shall explain how to calculate the volume of the second region, as you have said it is the part that you don't understand amongst the two questions.

Our region is bounded by the curves,

\[x^2+y^2=1\mbox{ and }x^2+z^2=1\]

Always draw figures of the given surfaces, and visualize the region that you have to find the volume. Then you will be able to find the boundaries of integration easily.

It could be seen that, \(z\) varies between \(-1\mbox{ and }1\). That is,

\[-1\leq z\leq 1\]

The projection(a shadow casted by a light source coming form the positive z direction) of the region on the xy-plane would then be a circle with radius 1. Therefore the triple integral that gives the volume of the region could be written as,


Evaluation of the integral will yield,


Kind Regards,

Related to Finding volumes by multiple integrals

What is the concept of multiple integrals?

Multiple integrals are a mathematical concept that extends the idea of a single integral to higher dimensions. It involves finding the volume of a three-dimensional object by dividing it into smaller, infinitesimal pieces and summing up their volumes using multiple integrals.

How is the volume of a region calculated using multiple integrals?

The volume of a region can be calculated using multiple integrals by dividing the region into smaller, infinitesimal pieces and integrating the function that describes the height of the region over each piece. The sum of these integrals gives the total volume of the region.

What are the types of multiple integrals?

There are two types of multiple integrals: double integrals and triple integrals. Double integrals are used to find the volume of a two-dimensional region, while triple integrals are used to find the volume of a three-dimensional region.

What are the applications of multiple integrals in real life?

Multiple integrals have various applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They are used to calculate the volume of complex three-dimensional objects, such as buildings, bridges, and other structures. They also have applications in calculating mass, center of mass, and moments of inertia of objects.

What are some tips for solving problems involving multiple integrals?

Some tips for solving problems involving multiple integrals include understanding the geometry of the region, choosing the appropriate order of integration, and using symmetry to simplify the calculations. It is also important to carefully set up the integral and pay attention to the limits of integration.

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