Finestructure constant not constant?

  • Thread starter Bossieman
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In summary, there is evidence from the analysis of quasar spectra that the finestructure constant, which is a fundamental constant in physics, may not be constant. The cause of this variation is unknown, but current theories suggest that it may be related to the speed of light or the elementary charge. Researchers such as Joao Maguiejo have proposed that the value of the constant may be linked to the average energy of photons in the universe. Further research and understanding of this phenomenon may lead to a better understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.
  • #1
Finestructure constant not constant?!?

I was at a lecture in "Hot topics in Astrophysics" and it seems from the analyzis of the spectrum from quasars that the the finestructure constant is not constant. Thé results can't be explained by "errors in the measurements".
There is no clues yet about what constant/constants that are variating. So far the theoretical people thinks it is either c or e but not h that is variating. I will post a link to the source ASAP.
BTW: Finestructure constant=e^2/(hc)=1/137
Physics news on
  • #2
This has always been

a "Hot Topic" for me. Like many others interested in the Scheme of Things I've spent quite a few hours of pocket calculator time and brainstorming trying to find a reason and value for α to no avail and finally decided it must be related to the logarithm of the age of the Universe expressed in Proton mass units.

And I've delved into the possibilities. Now neither h or h-bar can vary because h represents 2π radians of quantum mechanical phase and h-bar represents one radian of QM phase per radian of plane angle. So that leaves e^2 and c, so you can have fun cranking them into your measurement equations and find that all kinds of quantities change when you change them, like the size of the atoms your yardsticks are made of, the rates of various clocks, etc., and after you've sorted it out by comparing a number of measurements you may be able to find the guilty party.

Another problem is the mode of variation. I think most people will automatically suppose it will be continuous and infinitesimal, but in a Quantum Mechanical world I think not! First, every thing that changes does so through some kind of mechanism (the problem with most hoaky theories is that their authors have no sense of mechanism, especially the abstract kind that Nature displays) and we should look for that mechanism in Nature. I suspect the change will be episodic and dramatic, and there are many such events in Nature, such as those that occur in Solar Activity. Predicting and finding that mechanism might be an even better way of confirming the variation of α.
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  • #3
You might want to look into the work of Joao Maguiejo (sp?), who did most work regarding this. Basically, he theorises a varying value of c in relation to the average photon energy of the universe, justified theoretically by DSR.
  • #4

Originally posted by Bossieman
Finestructure constant=e^2/(hc)=1/137

Write this down as e2=hc/137, or better as e=(hc)1/2/11.7

Now it is just one step to assumption that e is variable (because 11.7 is quite odd number). So, most likely actual value of e is (hc)1/2 or (hc)1/2/2 or so, but what we see as e at far distance (compared to size of charge) is aberration due to some physical effect (like vacuum polarization, etc).

So, most likely c and h are fundamental but e and fine structure constant (FSC) are derivatives of c and h.

FAQ: Finestructure constant not constant?

What is the fine structure constant?

The fine structure constant, represented by the symbol α, is a dimensionless number that describes the strength of the electromagnetic force between charged particles. It is also known as the Sommerfeld constant.

Why is the fine structure constant considered to be constant?

The fine structure constant is considered to be constant because it has been observed to have the same value in all experiments and observations, even as the universe has expanded and evolved over time. This suggests that it is a fundamental constant of nature.

What evidence suggests that the fine structure constant may not be constant?

Some evidence suggests that the fine structure constant may not be constant, such as variations in the atomic spectra of distant galaxies and the possibility of a changing speed of light. However, these findings are still controversial and require further research to confirm.

What are the possible implications if the fine structure constant is not constant?

If the fine structure constant is not constant, it could challenge our current understanding of fundamental physics and the laws of nature. It could also have significant implications for theories such as the Big Bang and the formation of the universe.

What research is being done to investigate the constancy of the fine structure constant?

Scientists are conducting experiments and observations to further investigate the constancy of the fine structure constant. These include studies of distant galaxies and quasars, as well as laboratory experiments using high-precision instruments to measure the constant's value over time.

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