Finish Engineering Physics degree?

In summary, the author tells the story of how he went from being an engineer to deciding to go back to school and pursue a new career. He tells the story of how he ran into a business opportunity and how he decided to take it, despite his advisor's advice not to. He tells the story of how he worked very hard and how his wife drove him to school and to work. He tells the story of how he had to give up his business to go to school and how he plans to pursue his dream.
  • #1

I am married with 2 teenage children. In 1999, I decided I should go to college and do something with myself. I took the ACT exam and scored a 34 composite score (out of 36). I then applied to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and was accepted. I chose to pursue a degree in Engineering Physics. I have heard that some institutions refer to this as Applied Physics.

I did very well in school. I earned an A in every class, including Calc1, 2, 3, Diff. Eq., Vector Calc, Partial Diff. Eq., Physics 1, 2, Statics, Solid Mechanics, and other humanities, social sciences, and such. I currently have a 3.93CGPA.

During my studies, I ran into a business opportunity. Ignoring my advisor's advice (after all, supporting the family is not easy), I took a new job. I worked very hard. My wife drove me everywhere so I could study and do homework in the passenger seat. In the 3 years I was employed by the company, I rose quickly.

After partnership promises (that were already agreed upon during negotiations) fell through, I went out and opened up a similar business of my own (it's an IT business, basically). My wife and I currently are running the business. We started the business with only about $10,000 so it has a shoe-string budget. It basically brings in enough income to pay for my $60,000 salary...not much more (my wife doesn't even pull a salary out of it).

But I am bored now. Not that I'm not challenged, because I am...I have to create all the marketing pieces, do all the sales (and I HATE being a salesman), all the installations, troubleshooting, support, etc.

I miss the enjoyment I got from working physics problems. I miss the challenges. I miss the team brainstorming. And I feel like a quitter for not finishing. My excuses were that if I spent another $25,000 to finish the degree, it would be a waste because I probably couldn't get a job that would pay me enough to repay the loans and support my family...much less be able to afford to go to graduate school.

I am through making excuses. I have gone to the closet and pulled out all my books and began reviewing everything so that I can restart where I left off...maybe even stronger than before...classes begin in January again, so this leaves me plenty of time. I am exactly half-way through the 138 credit program if I decide to continue with it. However, if I do this, I will not be able to ethically or morally sell the promise of continued full-time support to my customers, which means I will have to learn to live off of a bit less income during well as letting the business fall by the wayside eventually.

Any thoughts on this? Am I being a fool? Should I accept what I have (a business of my own), even though I'm not completely thrilled doing what I do? When I have a wife and children to consider, am I being childish to want to go back to school and pursue a new career at 30 years of age? Are there even non-sales related career opportunities today in physics?

In my industry, it feels like everybody and their brother is doing what I do for a living...I also like the feeling of being among a much smaller group of peers...I like the feeling that very few are capable of doing good physics.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2
Well not to upstage you, but I have a similar story. Maybe it will be inspirational. To make it short and sweet, I've always done well scholastically, but a daughter side-tracked my plans. I got into IT myself and am doing well, but it's not what I want really. It's a job to me.

So I've decided at 28 years of age to pursue a longtime dream of mine to become a doctor. Of course this is long, and very difficult. I also am not sure how it will work for me since at some point I will have to give up working to go to school full time. No moonlighting allowed even if I wanted to. And I'll be almost 40 by the time I finish my residency in my specialty(thinking psychiatry). So lots of details. But I've decided it's what I want, and where there's a will, there's a way. I know I can do it if I'm determined enough, and so that's what I'll be doing shortly.

Don't give up on what you really want. Better to have walked the road to a dead-end then never to have followed the path to begin with.
  • #3
You and I and Zantra have much in common. Zantra and I already have had some discussions on this point.

I left an 8 year career to return to school. My wife carried the primary burden of income, but I worked as much as I could. I made some good money tutoring among other things. If you can still rely on the business, even if scaled back, then that would be a true blessing. Once I turned student, my income earning capacity dropped by 50% not due to time, but due to expectations. Many companies aren't interested in hiring experienced people who will leave in a few years; they know your interests lie elsewhere. Also, unless you can get a good paying job in physics as a student - called a violation of physical law - the options can be limiting and depressing.

For me, first returning to school for a physics degree, and then half way through moving to Oregon [hated LA] set into motion a chain of events that I could have never foreseen. The final outcome has been nothing that I expected, and more than I could have ever hoped for. It was also a very painful road as an older guy. It hurts not to sleep!

If you love physics; if you pass the test for a physics major in the Fun Forum , and if this is a matter of desire and not just interest, then if you're like me, no other options will suffice. Also, as it turns out, I may even be able to justify my degree based on lifetime income one day!

A physics degree most definitely can open doors. The salesman in you will help here also. I find that a physics degree can be “sold” when not recognized as significant.

What are your expectations?

Related to Finish Engineering Physics degree?

1. What is an Engineering Physics degree?

An Engineering Physics degree is an undergraduate program that focuses on the intersection of physics and engineering. It combines the scientific principles of physics with the practical application of engineering to solve real-world problems. Students in this program learn about mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and other core physics concepts, as well as how to use this knowledge to design and build technological systems.

2. What are the career options for someone with an Engineering Physics degree?

Graduates with an Engineering Physics degree have a wide range of career options. They can work in research and development, design and testing, or management and consulting in various industries such as aerospace, energy, electronics, or healthcare. They can also pursue further education in fields such as engineering, physics, or business.

3. What skills and knowledge will I gain from an Engineering Physics degree?

Students in an Engineering Physics program gain a strong foundation in both physics and engineering. They develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills through coursework, lab experiences, and research projects. They also learn technical skills such as data analysis, computer programming, and design, as well as soft skills such as communication and teamwork.

4. How long does it take to complete an Engineering Physics degree?

The duration of an Engineering Physics degree depends on the specific program and the student's course load. Typically, it takes four to five years to complete a bachelor's degree, and an additional two to three years for a master's degree. Some universities also offer accelerated programs that allow students to complete both degrees in five years.

5. What are the admission requirements for an Engineering Physics program?

The admission requirements for an Engineering Physics program may vary by institution, but generally, students are expected to have a strong background in math and science, including courses in calculus, physics, and chemistry. Some programs may also require students to have completed specific high school courses or have a minimum GPA. Admission may also be competitive, and applicants may need to submit test scores, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement.

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