Finished A Levels - Waiting for Results and Aiming for the Best

In summary, the conversation revolved around a student's excitement and sadness about finishing A Levels and waiting for results. They are aiming for high grades in various subjects and plan to study physics at university. They also discuss practical work and their potential change in degree. They also briefly mention their interest in mathematics and the difficulty of certain theoretical topics.
  • #1
Finished A Levels!
now i have to wait over a month to get results , hmm.(im sure like many of u)

bit sad to leave skl tho :frown: i'll miss the place, friends, teachers, familiar faces.

anyway wish me luck, I'm aiming for...
A,A,A,A* and distinction(I wish(!) made a lot of silly mistakes which may have cost me. so frustrating), for chem, phys maths astronomy(GCSE) and phys AEA, then i'll be doing physics at uni although i only need ABC
o:) :blushing:
P.S. Good Luck! all you people out there waiting for results!
Physics news on
  • #2
hey what university r u going to ?
What type of physics ? general?
how many yrs 3 or 4 ?
are you doing physics alone..or phys with...?
what are you planning to do after university?
don't worry about those silly mistakes plus u only need abc ..
good luck with your results ...i don't know the date of ur message ...---time traveler---
  • #3
lol wasn't expecting replies, ...---time traveler--- eh?
im doing 4 years physics at Cardiff Uni, i might change the degree to phys with astronomy at end of first year depending on how it goes. (dates at the top of the message, above my username). I am scared of practical work, but cardiff doesn't do plain theoretical degree, so i'll have to manage.
what about you? your profile doesn't shed much light on you.
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  • #4
yeah i should add something to my profile..,in fact i will ,i would say that you shouldn't worry too much about practical work that shouldn't be a must really love maths (not a statement ..said in a sarcastic tone or something) to do theoretical...quantum field theory in your last year or unification or something like that those are killers...

Related to Finished A Levels - Waiting for Results and Aiming for the Best

What is the significance of waiting for A Level results?

Waiting for A Level results is an important and nerve-wracking time for students as it determines their next steps in education and career. The results will determine which universities they can apply to and what subjects they can study, as well as potentially impacting job opportunities.

How should I prepare for A Level results day?

The best way to prepare for A Level results day is to stay calm and have a plan in place. Make sure you have all the necessary information and documents ready, such as your UCAS ID and exam board login details. Also, have a backup plan in case you do not get the results you were hoping for.

What if I don't get the results I want?

It is important to remember that A Levels are not the only pathway to success. If you do not get the results you were aiming for, there are other options such as re-sitting exams, applying for clearing, or taking a gap year to gain more experience and improve your grades.

How can I stay motivated while waiting for A Level results?

It can be difficult to stay motivated during the waiting period, but it is important to remember that your results do not define you. Focus on your hobbies and interests, spend time with friends and family, and stay positive. Remind yourself that you have worked hard and whatever the outcome, you should be proud of yourself.

What can I do to improve my grades if I am not happy with them?

If you are not happy with your A Level grades, you can consider re-sitting exams or taking a gap year to focus on improving your grades. You can also seek help from teachers or tutors to identify areas of improvement and create a study plan. Remember to stay determined and dedicated to achieving your goals.

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