Finite Lorentz Transformation via Poisson Bracket

In summary: It seems that there is a problem with the definition of the infinitesimal generator of the Lorentz boost.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I've been unable to generate a Lorentz Transformation via finite canonical transformation
Let me define ##L_{x;v}## as the operator that produce a Lorentz boost in the ##x##-direction with a speed of ##v##. This operator acts on the components of the 4-position as follows
$$L_{x;v}(x) =\gamma_{v}(x-vt),$$
$$L_{x;v}(y) =y,$$
$$L_{x;v}(z) =z,$$
$$L_{x;v}(t) =\gamma_{v}(t-vx),$$
where ##\gamma_{v}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2}}}##. Now, the infinitesimal generator of the Lorentz boost in the ##x##-direction is ##K_{x}=Hx-tP_{x}##, where ##H=\sqrt{p^{2}+m^{2}}##. A finite Lorentz transformation should be given via the exponential operator
$$L_{x;v}=\exp\left[\left\{ \circ,K_{x}\right\} \right]=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n!}\left\{ \circ,K_{x}\right\} ^{n}$$
But I can't see how this operator gives the correct Lorentz transformations.
For the ##x## coordinate we have that ##\left\{ x,K_{x}\right\} =x\frac{p_{x}}{H}-t##, hence, the term ##\left\{ \left\{ x,K_{x}\right\} ,K_{x}\right\}## will be independent of time. So the term ##\gamma_{v}vt## will not appear.
Worse yet, ##K_{x}## generates a change in the ##y## coordinate ##\left\{ y,K_{x}\right\} =x\frac{p_{y}}{H}\neq0##, in contradiction of what a Lorentz transformation should do.

My take is that the usual tools of Hamiltonian mechanics are unable to do the right answer since in this case we have a transformation that also change the time.
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  • #2
It's maybe difficult in the Hamiltonian formalism, because it involves the transformation of time. Within the Lagrangian formulation, the Noether theorem for the Poincare group leads to the conserved quantities ##p^0=E/c##, ##\vec{p}## (temporal and spatial translations) and the angular-momentum-tensor ##J^{\mu \nu}=x^{\mu} p^{\nu}-x^{\nu} p^{\mu}##. The space-space components are the usual angular-momentum and ##J^{\mu 0}=E x^{\nu}-p^{\nu} c t## is the said conserved quantity due to rotation-free boosts.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #3
It seems, indeed, that the usual treatment is doomed to fail, and what is needed is a generalization of canonical transformation that includes time.

The concept of canonical transformation can be extended to include transformation in time once the phase space is extended, and there a generating function can be given that results in a Lorentz transformation.

However, I've been unable to find a treatment in terms of exponentiation of the infinitesimal generator of the Lorentz boost. It would be weird that all others space-time transformation can be obtained with an exponential operator but not Lorentz boosts.
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Likes MisterX and vanhees71
  • #4
Ok, the endeavour was doomed to fail since it was badly formulated from the the beginning. The reason is that the in special relativity the velocity is not additive, so it is not a good parameter to use in the exponential operator. Indeed, the exponential with the velocity do not form a one-parameter group
$$L_{x;v_{1}}L_{x;v_{2}}\neq L_{x;v_{1}+v_{2}}.$$

The right way to do it is to use the rapidity ##s=\tanh v##, and make the definition
$$L_{x;s}=\exp\left[s\left\{ ,K_{x}\right\} \right]=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{s^{n}}{n!}\left\{ \circ,K_{x}\right\} ^{n}.$$

With the above definition, the quantities ##\left(H,\mathbf{p}\right)## seem to transform as the components of a 4-vector
$$L_{x;s}(H)=H\cosh s-p_{x}\sinh s,$$
$$L_{x;s}(p_{x})=p_{x}\cosh s-H\sinh s,$$
Moreover, the components of the velocity ##V_{i}=\frac{p_{i}}{H}## seems to transform as expected from Einstein addition formula.The position ##\mathbf{r}##, however, still is not transforming as expected from a Loretnz boost.

FAQ: Finite Lorentz Transformation via Poisson Bracket

1. What is a finite Lorentz transformation?

A finite Lorentz transformation is a mathematical tool used in physics to describe the transformation of coordinates and physical quantities between two reference frames that are moving relative to each other at constant velocities. It is a fundamental concept in the theory of special relativity.

2. How is the finite Lorentz transformation related to the Poisson bracket?

The finite Lorentz transformation can be derived using the Poisson bracket, which is a mathematical operation used to describe the evolution of physical systems in classical mechanics. The Poisson bracket is a key tool in Hamiltonian mechanics, which is the mathematical framework used to describe the dynamics of systems in classical mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the Poisson bracket in the finite Lorentz transformation?

The Poisson bracket is used in the finite Lorentz transformation to calculate the transformation of coordinates and physical quantities between two reference frames. It allows us to understand how these quantities change as we move from one reference frame to another, and is essential in describing the effects of special relativity.

4. Are there any limitations to using the finite Lorentz transformation via Poisson bracket?

While the finite Lorentz transformation via Poisson bracket is a powerful tool in special relativity, it does have its limitations. It is only applicable to systems that are moving at constant velocities, and cannot be used to describe the effects of acceleration or non-inertial reference frames.

5. How is the finite Lorentz transformation via Poisson bracket used in practical applications?

The finite Lorentz transformation via Poisson bracket is used in a variety of practical applications, including in particle accelerators, where it is used to calculate the trajectories of particles moving at high speeds. It is also used in the development of GPS technology, which relies on the principles of special relativity to accurately measure time and distance.

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